Central government invites Kusum Yojana online registration / application form 2025. Union govt. will provide 3 crore solar pumps to farmers under Kisan Urja Suraksha Utthan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM) Scheme till FY 2022-23. These solar agricultural pump sets at subsidy would replace agriculture pumps currently running from electricity and diesel. The official website for Solar Agriculture Pumps Subsidy Yojana previously was kusum.online but now it is closed.
What is PM Kusum Yojana 2025
Under PM Kusum Yojana, govt. will provide solar agricultural pump sets at subsidy to farmers. The primary aim of Kusum Scheme 2025 is to provide advanced technology to farmers to generate power. These solar pumps has double benefits as it will assist farmers in irrigation and will also allow farmers to generate safe energy. As these pump sets comprises of energy power grid, farmers can sell the extra power directly to the government which would also increase their income.
Farmers can even use barren land for solar energy generation, setup solar power plants on barren land, generate electricity, sell extra generated electricity and have a livelihood out of it. KUSUM Yojana as announced by the central govt. would promote solar power production and solar farming to benefit farmers.
ये भी पढ़ें: प्रधानमंत्री सूर्योदय योजना
PM-KUSUM scheme is one of the largest initiatives in the world to provide clean energy to more than 3.5 million farmers by solarising their agriculture pumps. PM-KUSUM scheme aims to support installation of additional solar capacity of 30.80 GW.
प्रधानमंत्री-कुसुम योजना के नाम पर धोखाधड़ी करने वाली वैबसाइटों से सावधान
सतर्क रहें धोखाधड़ी से बचें – मंत्रालय के संज्ञान में आया है कि कई फर्जी वेबसाइट और मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन आवेदकों से प्रधानमंत्री किसान ऊर्जा सुरक्षा एवं उत्थान महाभियान (प्रधानमंत्री-कुसुम योजना) के नाम पर किसानों से सोलर पम्प लगाने हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र भरने के साथ पंजीकरण शुल्क तथा पंप की कीमत का ऑनलाइन भुगतान करने को कह रहे हैं। इनमें से कुछ फर्जी वेबसाइट डोमेन नाम * .org, * .in, * .com में पंजीकृत हैं जैसे http://onlinekusumyojana.com/, www.kusumyojanaonline.in.net, www.pmkisankusumyojana.co.in, www.onlinekusamyojana.org.in, www.pmkisankusumyojana.com, https://kusum-yojana.co.in/ and https://www.onlinekusumyojana.co.in/ और इसी तरह की कई अन्य वेबसाइटें हैं।
इसलिए प्रधानमंत्री-कुसुम योजना के लिए आवेदन करने वाले सभी किसानों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे धोखाधड़ी करने वाली वेबसाइटों पर न जाएं तथा कोई भी भुगतान न करें। प्रधानमंत्री-कुसुम योजना को राज्य सरकार के विभागों द्वारा कार्यान्वित किया जा रहा है। योजना की अधिक जानकारी के लिए नवीन और नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा मंत्रालय (MNRE) की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट www.mnre.gov.in पर विजिट करें अथवा टोल फ्री नंबर 1800-180-3333 डायल करें !
PM Kusum Yojana Guidelines PDF (Updated)
The new guidelines for PM Kusum Yojana has been updated on 17 January 2024 and now the implementation of the scheme will be as per the new guidelines.
Download the latest PM Kusum Yojana Guidelines PDF.
- In order to check updated guidelines, you can download PM Kusum Yojana Guidelines PDF (Simplified) through the link – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1639476544155.pdf.
- PM Kusum Reforms (English) on 20 September 2021 – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1632204688401.pdf
- Guidelines for Implementation of Feeder Level Solarisation under Component C of PM Kusum Scheme on 4 December 2020 – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1607073371212.pdf
- Amendments / Clarifications in the implementation guidelines of Pradhan Mantri Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyaan (PM-Kusum) Scheme on 13 November 2020 – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1605264867409.pdf
- Scale Up and expansion of PM Kusum Scheme on 9 November 2020 – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1604916951612.pdf
- Comments / Suggestions on implementation of Component B of PM-Kusum Scheme for installation of standalone solar pumps – reg on 23 September 2020 – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1600846098613.pdf
- Clarification for Implementation of PM Kusum Scheme on 7 Sep 2020 – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1599461713215.pdf
- Amendments in Guidelines for Implementation of Component C of PM Kusum Scheme – reg on 27 July 2020 – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1595842109086.pdf
- MNRE issues fresh advisory against fraudulent websites inviting registration on PMKusum Scheme on 10 July 2020 – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1594391607242.pdf
- MNRE issues advisory against fraudulent websites for registration under PM-Kusum Scheme on 3 June 2020 – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1591182361524.pdf
- Invitation for EOI for conducting evaluation of Component A and Component C of PM-Kusm Scheme on 17 April 2020 – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1587100776248.pdf
- Clarification for Implementation of PM Kusum Scheme on 31 Dec 2019 – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/file_f-1580894805576.PDF
- Guidelines for implementation of Component-C of PM-KUSUM Scheme on Solarization of Grid connected Agriculture Pumps(388KB pdf) on 8 November 2019 – https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/c01a8c19c786436ab33ed3e1136b935c.pdf
PM Kusum Scheme 2025 Parts
The various parts of Kusum Scheme 2025 are as follows:-
- Solar Pumps Distribution – In Kusum Yojana, the power department in association with departments of the central govt. are going to work towards the successful distribution of solar powered pumps.
- Construction of Solar Power Factory – This includes the construction of solar power plants which would have a capacity to produce significant amount of power.
- Setting up tubewells – Kusum scheme includes setting up of tubewells which are also going to generate certain amount of power.
- Modernization of present Pumps – Only the production of power is not one of the aim of this Kusum Scheme 2025. The final component of Kusum scheme deals with the modernization of pumps which are currently in use and to replace old pumps by solar pumps.
In addition, banks would also provide 30% extra of total expenses as bank loans to farmers. Now the farmers would only have to spend the upfront cost and is around 10% of total cost to set up these solar projects.
Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan – Kusum Scheme Components
The proposed Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (Kusum scheme) will consist of three components:-
Component A – 10,000 MW of Decentralized Ground Mounted Grid Connected Renewable Power Plants. This component will be implemented on pilot mode for 1000 MW capacity. Under component A, renewable power plants of 500 KW to 2 MW capacity would be setup by individual farmers / cooperatives / panchayats /farmer producer organisations (FPO) on their barren or cultivable lands. The remaining power generated is going to be purchased by the DISCOMs at feed in tariffs determined by respective SERC. Kusum Scheme is going to provide a stable and continuous source of income to the rural land owners. Moreover, DISCOMs will get Performance Based Incentives @ Rs. 0.40 per unit for 5 years.
Component B – Installation of 17.50 lakh standalone solar powered agriculture pumps. Under this component, individual farmers are going to be supported to install standalone solar pumps of capacity up to 7.5 Horse Power. People are also allowed to open Solar PV having capacity in kW which is equal to the pump capacity in HP.
Component C – Solarization of around 10 lakh grid-connected solar powered agricultural pumps. This component will be implemented on pilot mode for 1 lakh grid connected agriculture pumps. Under this component, all the individual farmers will be given support to solarise pumps of upto 7.5 HP capacity. Solar PV capacity upto 2 times of pump capacity in kW is allowed under Kusum Scheme. Farmers can then use generated energy to meet irrigation needs while the rest of the available energy would be sold to DISCOM. This scheme is going to create an avenue to provide extra income to farmers and for the states to meet their RPO targets.
Both the pilot projects for component A & B will be scale up on success of pilot run while component B would be implemented in full-fledged manner.
Kusum Yojana Implementation
In order to successfully implement component B & C of Kusum Yojana, govt. will provide central financial assistance (CFA) of 30% of benchmark cost or tender cost (whichever is lower). The state govt. will also provide 30% subsidy and the remaining 40% amount is to be borne by the farmer. For 30% investment amount by the farmer, bank finance facility will also remain available while the remaining 10% amount will have to be given by farmer from their pockets. The central govt. will provide 50% CFA for North Eastern States, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Lakshadweep and A&N Islands.
Kusum Scheme is going to have a substantial impact on the environment as CO2 emissions would get reduced. All the 3 components in combined form would result in saving of around 27 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. Furthermore, the component B (standalone solar pumps) of Kusum Scheme will save 1.2 billion litres of diesel per annum along with associated savings in foreign exchange due to reduction of import of crude oil.
PM Kusum Yojana Online Registration Form 2025 [Apply]
The PM Kusum Yojana official website kusum.online is now not working. So, any person who wants assistance on PM Kusum Yojana can now contact at 011-2436-0707, 011-2436-0404 (Toll Free: 1800-180-3333) or visit the official website at mnre.gov.in.
To get a free solar pump in this PM Kusum Yojana of the central government, farmers will have to apply online on the official website of the scheme (mnre.gov.in). Farmers can easily apply for Kusum Yojana from this website.
Below is the previous procedure (now not functional) to apply online for Kusum Yojana online application and registration form:-
- Visit the official website at kusum.online
- At the homepage, click at the “आवेदन करें” link. Afterwards, the Kusum Yojana online registration form 2025 will appear as shown below:-

- Here candidates can enter the complete details including farmers name, mobile number, e-mail ID and other details and click at the “Submit” button to complete the Kusum Scheme 2025 registration process.

- Next candidates can click at Kusum Yojana homepage for login for Solar Agricultural Pumpset Subsidy Scheme 2025 as shown below:-

- After making Kusum Yojana 2025 Login at the homepage, candidates can fill the Kusum Yojana online application form to avail subsidy on solar agricultural pumps.
Central govt. has started KUSUM Scheme back in the financial year 2018 to assist farmers in replacing all the existing diesel and electric pumps with solar agricultural pumps. On these solar agricultural pumps, govt. would provide 60% of total cost as subsidy to all eligible farmers across the country.
Govt. Expands Kusum Scheme (Phase 2)
With PM Kusum scheme, the country will not only get rid of diesel-powered irrigation pumps, but it will also provide an opportunity to farmers to earn extra money. Under the Kusum Yojana scheme, farmers running solar pumps with solar energy will be able to sell their power back to the power distribution units of the states and earn extra profit from it. Although this scheme was implemented earlier, the Renewal Ministry under the Central Government has set a target to expand it from 2021-22 to 2022-23.
The central government believes that the Kusum Yojna scheme can play an important role in doubling the income of farmers. This will reduce the irrigation cost of farmers and on the other hand, it will also open the way for additional income for farmers. The solar-powered pump will be connected to the local grid. Farmers will be able to sell more power to the grid.
Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (Kusum) Scheme Approved by CCEA
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved the launch of Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan. Kusum Scheme 2025 will provide financial and water security to the farmers. Kusum Solar Pump Yojana online application form available at kusum.online. Kusum Yojana has 3 components namely A, B & C which are going to be implemented to provide solar powered agriculture pumps.
All 3 components combined, Kusum scheme aims to add a solar capacity of 25,750 MW by FY 2022. Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan is also going to generate employment opportunities directly and will also increase the self employment opportunities.
PM Kusum Yojana Helpline Number
Contact No: 011-2436-0707, 011-2436-0404
PM KUSUM Toll Free Number: 1800-180-3333
Official website: www.mnre.gov.in
Akash Sharma
respected sir you provide solar pump to reduce diesel consumption and making easy the erigation system for agriculture.but in which area no pond/river found in that place making bore/tubewell can you provide finance
I am pavan Kumar any one of the I am
Student for machanical Engineering from
Kanpur nagar
jai Yogiraj, yojana bahut achchhi hai agar implementation thik se ho paye, bijali vibhag me itana jyada bhrashtachar hai ki kisan ko connection hi bina rishvat diye mile ga.
I had developed my 40 scare land in Kutchh Abdasa Taluka. Where there is no supply of agriculture connections hence I had developed my land on SELF financial and loan from my relatives. I wish to encourage my natives to develop there agriculture land.I wish help from govt.to provide me financial and subsidies support. Please guide me to contact the NGOs or govt body.
Please provide me detail of govt.body or NOG to encourage the thousands barren land to be developed as I had developed my land on SELF financial and loan from my relatives but more support is required.
I have two questions :-
1) What will be the cost of both variant energy efficient pump provided?
2) When it will be launched for Shamli and Muzaffarnagar district?
Thanks in advance !!!
Give us detailed .
As soon as the official details are out, we will notify Kusum Scheme operational procedure here
hom lon
That’s good
send detail fourm
dear sir,This yojana is great for farmers, when this scheme is going to launch in mirzapur. please inform as soon as available .THANKS & REGARDS
plz sir i wantv the solar yojana but contack no
How do I apply for the same and what is the procedure? Is there an official website available?
Independent solarpumps, solar panels, should be alloted with subsidy to do it individually and not in groups
I want avail this yojana. Please provide detail & intimate timly
How do I apply for the same and what is the procedure? Is there an official website available?
Iwant avail this yojana Pl. intimate,
How do I apply for the same and what is the procedure? Is there an official website available?
Mob. no. 07355707462, This is also whats app no.
Hi ,
Good to know govt has decided to go further for farmers through different schemes, But i have checked the link for kusum yojana is not available.
So please share the link for applying.
Chandan Pawar
Mb; 9765553760
I want avail this yojana. Please provide detail & intimate timly
How do I apply for the same and what is the procedure? Is there an official website available?
Hi ,
Good to know govt has decided to go further for farmers through different schemes, But i have checked the link for kusum yojana is not available.
So please share the link for applying.
Vikash Godara
Tehsil bhadra Rajasthan
Mb; 9765553760
Hi ,
Good to know govt has decided to go further for farmers through different schemes, But i have checked the link for kusum yojana is not available.
So please share the link for applying.
Vikash Godara
Tehsil bhadra Rajasthan
Mb; 9950078430
I want soler pump for agriculture with kusum yojna
How to apply online in karnataka, Kusum Scheme in Budget 2018-19 for Farmers – Solar Agricultural Pumps for Farming??
When will it began
sir i want the soler system pls sand the linke
Kusum yojana solar pump
How can I used kusum jojoba in w.b
Iwant avail this yojana Pl. intimate,
How do I apply for the same and what is the procedure? Is there an official website available?
Mob. no. 09928365790 This is also whats app no.
I want kusum pump
Sir main eh sceeme laina chahunda ha plz daso kive apply kita jave mob. 7986447783
I want to avail the scheme..
I want solar pump ..
give me contact number
I want solar pump plz send the link
i live in uttar pradesh,i want to establise one solar pump at my agricultural farm [2 acres] by govt. subsidy in KUSUM YOJNA.please help me
Accha hai
Sar ma shahjhanpur hu mari 16 bhiga jimen ha 3 hp solar pump ki jrurat ha
contact us for solar pumps – 8650614558
मुझेसोलर पंप लगवाना है
I want solar pump. How do I apply it.
Get details on how to apply online for Solar Pump under Kusum Yojana through the link:-
Kusum Yojana Online Registration / Application Form @ kusum.online
Please register me
Sir मुझे सोलर पंप लगवाना है मेरे छ बीघा जमीन है बस उसके लियो कितने रुपए के जरूरत पड़ेगी मुझे लगवाना है मेरे पास बहुत दूर तक लाइट नहीं है
Manoj Ji, as the model code of conduct for Lok Sabha elections 2019 in India is still in force, no person is allowed to take the benefits of any central govt. schemes. As soon as the election results are declared, the scheme would be resumed
Vill khala dhurki distric garhwa jharkhand
Kindly let me know total cost of 7.5 hp water lift depth of 220 feet. This motor should be operate properly with reliability life
how can apply for this scheme
Yojna nagpur district madhe Mala pahije
Mala cnekti0n pahije aahe
Hamein bhi chahiye
Maine on line apply Kar Diya hai kab cal ayega, mai ek garib fameli me rahata Hun kripya jaldi dene ki kripa karenge ,
Solar pump
Want 1 solar pump
sir ji iam having agriculture land 4.25 acer need to apply for solar pump 5hp..please help me..
सर मुझे दस बीघा ज़मीन ह और मुझे सोलर पम्प लगवाना ह हमारे गाँव में किसानों को खेती के समय में बहुत दीक्कत होती हैं क्या करना पड़ेगा सर आप मुझे बताए ईमेल पर प्लीज सर
बहुत परेशानी होती हैं खेती करने में में किसान का बेटा हूँ
Sir ji,I am agriculturist from Kenya Village,Kadaba,Taluk,Dk,dist,Karnataka( My Village is under Aadarsh Graam Yojana. of MP.(Balpa village) from Mangaluru).The village is facing low voltage problem since about 10 to 15 years.Borewell is the source of irrigation.The agriculturist are unable to lift water due low voltage.Hence I would like to install SOLAR PUMP for irrigation.Please guide in this matter.
Dear sir please give your contact details
pls contact 080-22202100
how to apply online for the same or do u provide the guidance as KUSUM.ONLINE is not working and can plz call on 9448426144 !! my place mnudigere -577132 !!
Sir, ia have 8 acars land in Telangana , I am interested to install solar plant under former policy
Please help
My email id naveen61988@gmail.com
i want to install solar pump in kannauj dist.
Sir i want solar pump for my field so plz hlp me
सर मुझे 30 बीघा ज़मीन ह और मुझे सोलर पम्प लगवाना ह हमारे गाँव में किसानों को खेती के समय में बहुत दीक्कत होती हैं क्या करना पड़ेगा सर आप मुझे बताए ईमेल पर प्लीज सर
बहुत परेशानी होती हैं खेती करने में में किसान का बेटा हूँ
Sir website link kyn nhi Diya h form kaise fill kre
Sir .mujhe 10 acar Jamin hai to he solar pump milane wala hai ya solar plate .I confused
देवनारायण मंदिर के पास भौजीयावास मदनगंज किशनगढ़ जिला अजमेर राजस्थान पोस्ट तिलोनिया
House no 172 village Shyam kalan post dandma dist charkhi dadri Haryana pin code 127030
Sir mere ko solar system pump lagwana h my phone no
Dear sir I need a solar pump my mob 9026904547.pls give reply.
5 hp ka lgana he
5hp ka rajasthan jodhpur me
शैलेन्द्र कुमार गांव बीबीपुर पोस्ट सकराबा जिला कन्नौज तैहसील छिबरामऊ उत्तर प्रदेश पिन कोड नंबर 20 9747 मोबाइल नंबर 9151718621। सर मुझे सोलर लाइट लगबाना है
5hp ka rajsthan 8619622632
Village tanhar post bhakhara distance rewa m.p
कुसुम पम्प के लिए सर क्या कागजत चाहिये सर मे पास 1हेक्टयर जमीन है इस पम्प के लिए पात्र हू तो सर हम को सूचना दिजिऐ गा आप से अनुरोध है कि आप से कृपा है इस वस्तु के लिए पात्र समझे
Please ham jharkhand se hazaribagh district se hai mere ghar ke pass ko line suvidha nahi hai…… So Please register kar de.???
Soler pamp lgana h 15 hp motee ka kul laget Kitani hogi
Sar mere ko 5 HP ka solar pump lagwana hai Kisan hun
Need for solar palant
Kusum component-c yojna form PDF
I am interested in kusum yojana . My own land In my village
Pamp hai
Pamp hai 5hp ka lena hai
aavedan kese kre or isme pumpo kitne hp ka diya jata maximum
Site nehi khol rahahe kiun odisha me lagu he ki nehin bataiye
সোলার পেনেল আমার জমিতে লাগাতে চাই
श्रीमान मेरी 3 बीघा जमीन है। मुझे बागवानी लगाना है। जिसमें सिंचाई के लिए 2 h.p सोलर पैनल पंप की जरूरत है। क्रपया मार्गदर्शन करने की क्रपा करें।
सर मेरे पास 10 बीघा जमीन है मुझे सोलर पंप लगाना सर इसको लगवाने के लिए ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन कहां से करना पड़ेगा और कैसे करना पड़ेगा जिलाअमेठी उत्तर प्रदेश
Vilage vijaypur bilari moradabad up
5hp Soler water pumping system
सोलर पंप चाहिए
i had applied under kusum yojana but not got any information about solar pump nor installed any pump by any one don’t know where it has gone
Kusum web site is can’t open how to apply please let me
I want to install 7.5HP solar pump system under KUSUM in my farm. Whether this Scheme is available in in Karnataka.If not When the same is likely to be in operation?.Please communicate urgently because seaon for irrigation likely to start shortly.
Bidar karnataka 585436
Makurdhui .h. jalalpur can u let malda 732123
Gav Kurawan thsil. Saamgadh jila mandsor
MP pin kot 458888
Soler pump cahiye
5 HP ke liye kitna kharcha aaye ga
80 bigha jamin hai
Esme lagana chahte hai kya prkriya hai
मेरे पास 3 बाघा जमिन है हमारे पास डिजलपम्प है हमे 2hp सोलर पम्प लगवाने है क्या करना पडेगा
Soler pump cahiye
Soler pump cahiye
official website pe to kuch dikha nhi rha hai,how can fill the form of kusum yojana?please tell me
7HP motar solar pump ke liye hame kitni subsidy milegi sir? aur oh sabhi instruments hamen kaha ooplabdhh hoga?
solar pump
Solar pump chiea
solar pump solar plant tubewell ke liye form apply karne ke liye kahan per registration karvana hai yah form online apply raha hai
Aur kaun si site per Karen online form bhara bhara nahin ja raha hai agar Amita se yah bhara jaega to batao
sk9721655@gmail. coप गॉव सलेमपुर भुकंडी जिला सहारनपुर पोन कोड 247001
श्रीमान जी हमारी 5 बीघा जमीन है जिसकी सिंचाई के लिए कितने एचपी की मोटर की जरूरत पड़ेगी
We have 2.1 Acer land for agriculture purpose but water not sufficient for agriculture. so we can’t farming or continue loss due to water.
We are urgent need 7 HP solar pump so that i can farming.
Your faithfully
Mukhram Singh
Mobile no 9719059064
Sir mira 7yikar jami hai our vahapur nato bijle ki subidha nato nahar ki mujci 3hp solar painal ki jarurt hai mai 6 inch kao bor katvaya hu
Narendra Bairwa
Narendra Bairwa
Iwant avail this yojana Pl. intimate,
How do I apply for the same and what is the procedure? Is there an official website available?
Mob. no. 09423560060, This is also whats app no.
Sir solar power ke Gareth hi
Sir solar power ke Garuth keeps karaoke muje solar pampered lagbnahi
5 HP ki mere ko mota chalani hai mere pass nahin to light hi mein kuchh hai tell bahut pitai hai Malik Tere engine bahut jyada hai aur mere ko solar panel lagana hai kuchh Meri madad karo sar request
Mere ko Mela subsidy pic chahie 7 MPS ki motor chalani h iske liye diesel bahut banta hai diesel itna mahanga hai ki kheti badi nahin kar sakte hain isliye ham main lagwana chahta Hoon pehle channel system sar main head bhejiye sar help ma
Sar main sab koshish kar liye main Mila vah kusum awas yojana vah bhi chalegi usmein bara lekin mera number nahin aaya sarkari Rajasthan sarkar mahine online online from bhi Bada
Karho supaul pin code 852131(bihar)
Is it possible to get the kusum yojana for Karnataka farmers, I am Karnataka farmer
Kusum sceem Start apply date to end date in odisha
Gram.aroliya javar aroliya sehore
I need 10hp
8 Acra land in karnataka please i am interested this a crane provide this
Kusuma sceame super hump chayiye
5 ho soler pump
Sholar pamp 5 hp dejiye
How to submit registration form
Sir mala 3 hp solar water pump pahije
WHERE ARE APPLY BECAUSE ( homepage, click at the “आवेदन करें” link or directly ) NOT OPEN HOME PAGE LINK SO PLEASE OPEN & HELP AGRICULTURE FARMERS.
Plz suggest how to apply for this scheme in Rahuri Ahmednagar Maharashtra
मुझेसोलर पंप लगवाना है
I am from Maharashtra want to registration but no any link working. Can you send me registration link please reply.
Vill. Keshoupur, post. karor, thesil. Bisalpur, Dict. Pilibhit 262001
A/p jopul tal dindori dist nashik
Solar Pump Urgent Required
I live in Karnataka,I want to establish solar pump at my agricultural farm (4 acres) by govt. subsidy in KUSUM YOJANA YOJANA. Please help me.
solar panp
dhakephal jalna maharashtra
Dear sir I need a solar pump my
Mobile no.9956010957
Add. Jorawarpur Kanwar kaushambi uttar Pradesh
I want to establish a solar grid station on my farm. So I want to understand how to setup solar power plant
I am interest to Solar Pumps Distribution
Kusum yojna ka labh kese le skte h
Sir I want solar pump and I am having 4.5 acers land pls help me my resident is Karnataka sager taluq shimoga districkt
9164148815 karnataka
Mla solar pump lavaycha aahe
मुझे सोलर पंप लगवाना है
kusum.online site not working
how can I apply
The site is not giving us the form to apply for PM kusum solar pump yojana scheme for Maharashtra
Soler pump lagvana hai
How to apply for a solar pump. Cannot find the online application form
Solar, pump, chahe
Showkat ahmad para from ganderbal Kashmir wants to register in kusum solar pump yojna but unable to register because of high speed internet ban in kashmir please send me link on cell no 9149627870
muche chahiye
sir muje solar bitana he khet main lekin web site par regi.nahi ho raha he bahut dinse tri.kar rahe location :-Maharastra dist:-dhule
Please let me know how to register for Kusum Yojana for my irrigation project to draw water from river requires 10 hp l
Cal me on 9164148815
I am not getting online application form for the Pradhan Mantri Kusum Solar Pump Yojana.Can you please send me the link on my email address as shown below.
sajid Babu Sekroda vilej post Sekroda pin kod 247661 thana behgwanpur hredwar uk solar plant main ek kisan hun mujhe solar plant lagana hai mobail 8449403656
Sajid sunof Babu 574 sakroda village post sakroda 247661 Thana tahsil bhagwanpur jila haridwar uttrakhand mujhe solar plant ki avashyakta hai phone number 8449403655
Dear sir I need a solar pump my mob 9011039495.pls give reply
Vill-mobarak our,po-serpur mokdampur,ps-horishchadra our,dis-malda,stet-WB,pin-732123
Salrmama jila Ajmer tasil msuda
I WANT TO REQUIRED SOLAR PUMP FOR 5 ACER LAND I am not getting online application form for the Pradhan Mantri Kusum Solar Pump Yojana.Can you please send me the link on my email address as shown below.
I want to apply online for a kisan solar pump under PM kusum yojana. But I am not getting link to apply online. Please send me the link on my e-mail address as shown below.
Plz i need from solar pumps
Plz i need from solar pumps
i like intrested
I need solar pump urgently please help
Bahut garib
Mujhe nukari
Jald se jald do jay
मला सोलर पंप बसवायचा आहे
how to apply for a solar pump cannot find the online application form
I will submit form on website kusum online solar pump yojana .they contact to me on phone from number9874944828 within 20hours and says 5000rs rtgs or neft or cash only ,not by dd.also they give me some formates of documents by whatsapp no.very fastely. So I have daubt abaut theres this system. I hope you have clear me, I will pay or not pay?
सर मुझे सोलर लाइट लगबाना है
All apadedtas
Application form not avaelable
Good evening sir
IAM PANDIAN,native of Tamil Nadu,Ariyalur district
,IAM not getting the link of PM kusum scheme website link for registration, kindly send the link to me,my mail id is
8840619850 mere pas beesh bhigha jamin hai
Aur mare pass 60 acer h
I am kisan
I m not getting why kusum scheme website is not available ,then how do we get benefits of this like we people
No proper sites
Sir Registration form open hot nahi please link send Karo my email
sir namaste 01 acer me integrated farming karna chahata hu isliye Solar pump chahie .
respected sir
please send kusum yojana online link
अभी कुसुम योजना का ऑनलाइन आवेदन का लिंक बंद हो गया है जैसे ही ये लिंक दोबारा से शुरू होता है हम यहाँ पर अपडेट करेंगे
सर जब कुसुम योजना आवेदन का लिंक खुल जायेगा तब आप हमारी ई मेल ईडी पर लिंक भेज देना udeekghoga@gmail.com
जी बिल्कुल, बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद आपका कमेंट करने के लिए
Please send me the contact or information.
You can contact at Toll-Free Number – 1800-180-3333
I need solar pump urgently please help
Hello sir hamari kheti por AK water pump sahiye place help me
Sir kab shuru honga online from. Sir jab shuru hojayegi web to notification humari email.par zarur karna sir plz
सर जब कुसुम योजना आवेदन का लिंक खुल जायेगा तब आप हमारी ई मेल ईडी पर लिंक भेज देना mukesh.bindu@gmail.com and whatsapp no.8285306730 please sir.
जी बिल्कुल, हम आपकी मदद करने की पूरी कोशिश करेंगे
sir jab online form siru ho jaye to please information gmail par
Yes, we will try
Very good solar panels working
Uttar pradesh India mirzapur Lalganj haliya baburakalla baburaraghunathshingh 231211
Send me information when link for kusum opens with online applicationforms
Send me information when link for kusum opens with online application forms for karnataka
i want to get solar pup system through PM KUSUM SCHEME 2020 IN STATE OF ANDHRAPRADESH please provide related officers mobile numbers
i want to get solar pup system through PM KUSUM SCHEME 2020 IN STATE OF ANDHRAPRADESH please provide related officers mobile numbers
I want to setup a dolor pump for agriculture purpose in up at Bareilly district. Plz help me.
Isit applicable for open well or only for tube well
Sir is it applicable for open well or only for tube well.I want to purchase a solar pump for open well
सोलर पम्प लगवाना चाहते हैं
Resistation suru hona par inform me in my gmail
Free solar pump.
when PM Kusum Yojana Online Registration / Application Form stared then only simple sms official webside send through my gmail please
We’ll update the article page once the registrations starts
मुझे सोलोर पंप लगबनी हैं सर बहुत कृपया होगी। फोन नंबर 8126435951 फोन नंबर है मेरा
Kusum solar pam
सर मैं महाराष्ट्र से हूं मुझे मेरे खेत में सोलर पैनल लगाने है प्रधानमंत्री कूसुम योजना में प्लीज कांटेक्ट
मे लक्षमण लाल maida ग्राम पंचायत कोटडा पंचायत समिती छोटी सरवन जिला बासवाडा राजस्थान मुझे पंपसेट की अब से पता है,,,,8824336275,,6375155652
Sir mujhe chahiye
I need solar plate sir with less demand
I need a 2hp solar submersible
District:-south tripura
very bad and fraudulent scheme
which website is correct and which not is dont know
dont apply
Yes I had also lost my 5600.. They called me and said due to covid situation did work on whatsapp.. Froud happen with me. At last stage I am wake to check all details and it is so much fraud websites available on search.
Sir form is not open
Always a message is their
Sorry for inconvinionce
Emitra sa rgistation karo 50 rs me nahi hota ha to call me 9351020055
Call me
Sir Rajasthan ka farm kab nikal raha ha please talking me
where is the website link available to apply for the the scheme(PM Kusum Yojana Online Registration Form)?
Do not find the link anywhere to apply.
5hp AC tubel Ka solar chahia sir
Hi Sir,
I have registered under PM Kusum Yojana through kusumyojana-online.in site and got a call from 9477056187 and they asked for documents (Photo, PanCard, Aadhar Number , Bank PassBook and Plot number) for verification and i had provided those details without any investigation.
After verifying documents they send approval documents which means your documents are valid and asking for registration amount 5,600 Rs. Without investigation I have paid the registration amount to him on shared account details.
After an hour they were asking for an agreement amount of 33,500 Rs. Then I realised that I was a victim of fraud and then asked him for cancellation of application and return my registration amount. He is saying it will take 15-20 days .
Actually I did not fall in doubt because they share documents with your logo.
Please suggest and do the needful,
Thanks & Regards,
Harilal Yadav
kusumyojana-online.in is a fake website, so do not send any registration amount or any other amount, also do not share your personal and basic details with the fake website as your privacy may be compromised.
Respected sir i want need 7.5hp pm kusuma yojana scheem
I am interested in 5 hp solar power where is on line application sites.
मुझे भी सोलर सिस्टम चाहिए
Solar pump
Sir ,
I have need 5horse power solar panel.
Kindly arrange me this facility.
Thank you sir.
Muze Distributer Shift Chahiye
Solar pump 3HP chahia
Bahut barhia progam hai mujhe vi ek 3 hp pump sahia may vi ek kissan hoo please give me a solar penel subsidy pump.may
I have already applied for the same but no action seem to have been taken by the authorities concerned. Applied during the year 2020.
Mujhe solar pamp 5 hp chahiye v solar system connection cahiye mo.namber 8003028705 par call kar
Solar pump
10hp ka solar water pump chahiye plz contact MO no 9927145134
I want to set up 2MW solar power plant in my agricultural land under PM kusum yojana, pl.send n me the complete process how can I get approved
It is very sad to note that a farmer will never be able to avail PM-KUSUM scheme as there is nothing that takes him to that page on the MNRE website so that he/she can apply to avail benefits from the scheme.
There are lots of document on the scheme at MNRE site, but not one that enables him/her to apply for getting a solar pump installed in the farm. Solar water pump is one of the important mechanism to encourage green energy, as we understand. But, to our dismay it is too difficult for a farmer to utilise the scheme as there is no way to even find an application to apply for the scheme. What is the use of announcing such a scheme when one cant even apply.
Very disappointed.
Dear Sir/Ma’am
I want to start Solar Power Plant at my Agriculture Land, Because at my location Barmer, Rajasthan here is no chance of ground water or any other source. I wanna start this Plant to erase the electricity problem for my near by areas. And I need for 1 MW Plant in my 8 Bigha (1.5 Hectare) Land.
Kindly process my request. And contact me.
Thanks & Regards,
For froot farming required
Unable to find login or Apply Page.
Please guide how to apply.
Suresh siravi
Suresh siravi
District Gurdaspur
application submission problem fees paid
where is the website link available to apply for the the scheme(PM Kusum Yojana Online Registration Form)?
Do not find the link anywhere to apply.
GAJANAN SHIVAJI MAHALE, Here is the link – https://pmkusum.mnre.gov.in/
Main kisan hoo.kheti karne keliye Pany bohoot duk hai .mp Narendra Modi madaad karna solar chahiye .