Apply Online for Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme 2025 at

Apply online for solar rooftop subsidy scheme 2025 at, check DISCOM portal links, solar rooftop calculator to calculate price, सोलर रूफटॉप योजना के अंतर्गत अपने घर / ग्रुप हाउसिंग / अपने कार्यालय / कारखाने में सोलर पैनल लगाएं, पर्यावरण और पैसे बचाएं
Updated: By: 83 Comments - Leave a Comment

Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme is a Government of India initiative to promote use of solar rooftops in the country. Central government through Solar Rooftop Yojana encourages use of renewable energy in the country, provides subsidy on solar rooftop installations to the consumers. In this article, we will tell you how to apply online for Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme, helpline number. You can check State Wise DISCOM Portal Links to Apply for Solar Rooftop Yojana, calculate price using Solar Rooftop Calculator. सोलर रूफटॉप योजना के अंतर्गत अपने घर / ग्रुप हाउसिंग / अपने कार्यालय / कारखाने में सोलर पैनल लगाएं, पर्यावरण और पैसे बचाएं।

Central Government has announced Rooftop Solar Programme is extended upto 31 March 2026. The subsidy under the programme will be available until the target under Solar Rooftop Yojana is achieved now. Union government of India has issued an advisory that all residential consumers are not required to pay any additional charges to any vendor on account of fee for application on the National Portal or any additional charges for net-metering/testing which are not prescribed by the respective distribution company.

Apply Online for Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme 2025

The central government is inviting online applications for the solar rooftop subsidy scheme (Grid Connected) through the official website. Here is the complete process to apply online for Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme:-

STEP 1: To apply online, the applicants need to visit National Portal for Rooftop Solar at

STEP 2: At the homepage, you will see registration sub-section under “Apply for Rooftop Solar” section as shown below:-

National Portal Rooftop Solar Apply Online
National Portal Rooftop Solar Apply Online

STEP 3: Here you can enter the name of state, distribution company / utility, consumer account number and click “Next” button.

STEP 4: Then you can download SANDES App to make registration for Rooftop Solar Scheme using QR codes given here.

Download Sandes App Solar Rooftop Registration
Download Sandes App Solar Rooftop Registration

STEP 5: Then you can enter mobile number and click to send OTP in Sandes App. Next you will have to enter Mobile Sandes App OTP and Email ID to complete Solar Rooftop Yojana application form fillup process.

STEP 6: Finally you can enter Registered consumer account number, registered mobile number and click “Login” button to apply online at National Solar Rooftop Portal.

State Wise DISCOM Portal Links

Direct Link to access DISCOM portal links on a state wise basis is –

Upon clicking the link, the page containing the DISCOM Portal Links to enable people to apply for Rooftop Solar Scheme will appear as shown below:-

Apply Rooftop Solar Scheme Discom Portal Links
Apply Rooftop Solar Scheme Discom Portal Links

This list of DISCOM Portal links is available in the state wise manner. All the applicants can click at the respective links of their state to open the state electricity dept or power corporation website where Solar Rooftop online application / registration form is available.

DISCOM Portal Links to Apply for Solar Rooftop Yojana

Andhra Pradesh (Eastern Power Distribution Company of AP Ltd)
AssamAssam Power Distribution Company Limited
BiharNorth Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited, South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited
Chandigarh (Electricity Department of Chandigarh)
Chhattisgarh (CSPDCL)
Gujarat (For Subsidy) [Ahmedabad Electricity Co. Ltd. (Torrent Power Ltd.), Dakshin Gujarat Vij Co.Ltd (DGVCL), Madhya Gujarat VIJ Company Ltd., Paschim Gujarat Vij Co. Limited, Surat Electricity Co. Ltd. (Torrent Power Ltd.), Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited], (Non-Subsidy) [For All Discoms]
Haryana (DHBVN), (UHBVN)
Himachal Pradesh (HPSEB Limited)
Jammu and Kashmir (Power Development Dept. of J & K)
Jharkhand (Jharkhand State Electricity Board)
Karnataka (Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Ltd. (BESCOM))
Kerala (Kerala State Electricity Board)
Lakshadweep (Electricity Dept. of Lakshadweep)
Madhya Pradesh (M.P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Co), (M.P.Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Co.)
Maharashtra (Adani Electricity Mumbai Limited), (Brihanmumbai Electric Supply & Transport (BEST)), (Tata Power Co. Ltd)
Manipur (Manipur State Power Distribution Company Limited (MSPDCL))
Meghalaya (Meghalaya Power Distribution Corporation Ltd.)
Delhi (BSES Rajdhani Power Limited, BSES Yamuna Power Limited), (Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited)
Odisha (TPNODL – TP Northern Odisha Distribution Limited, TPSODL – TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited, TPWODL – TP Western Odisha Distribution Limited)
Puducherry (Electricity Deptt. of Puducherry)
Punjab (Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.)
Rajasthan (Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd., Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd., Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.)
Sikkim (Energy & Power Department, Government of Sikkim)
Tamil Nadu (Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Company Limited)
Telangana (Northern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited), (Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited)
Uttar Pradesh (Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd., Kanpur Electric Supply Company Ltd., Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd, Noida Power Company Limited, Pashchimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd., Poorvanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd., Torrent Power Limited)
Uttarakhand (Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd)
Solar Rooftop Yojana Apply Online Links

Solar Rooftop Scheme Latest Update

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has directed to simplify the solar rooftop scheme. Under new directions, households can now select a vendor of their choice. Earlier, only the installations by listed vendors were eligible. Households will be required to inform the DISCOM about the installation along with a photograph while the DISCOM has to ensure netmetering within 15 days of application. Also, the subsidy has to be credited by DISCOM within 30 days of the installation.

The government of India provides subsidy of 40 percent for capacity up to 3 KW, beyond which and till 10 KW the subsidy is 20 percent. On an average, 1 kWp solar power plant can be developed over rooftop area of about 10 sqm, while 1 kWp solar power plant can generate 4 to 5.5 units in a day. With the installation, DC power generated from solar panel is converted to AC power using power conditioning unit/Inverter and is fed to the grid. Power generated from SPV panels during the day time can be utilized for powering captive loads and for feeding excess power to the grid.

Solar Rooftop Calculator

STEP 1: To apply online, the applicants need to visit

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Solar Rooftop Calculator” link.

STEP 3: Direct Link –

STEP 4: Afterwards, the Solar Rooftop Calculator page will appear as shown below:-

Solar Rooftop Calculator
Solar Rooftop Calculator

STEP 5: Here applicants can select either Total Roof Top Area or Solar Panel Capacity You Want to Install or Your Budget. Then select state and consumer category and what is your average electricity cost and then click at “Calculate” button to calculate price of solar rooftop installation.

अपने घर में सोलर पैनल लगाएं, पर्यावरण और पैसे बचाएं

  • अपने घर की छत पर सोलर पैनल लगाएं और बिजली पर होने वाले खर्च को 30 से 50 प्रतिशत तक कम करें।
  • सोलर पैनल से बिजली 25 साल तक मिलेगी और इसको लगाने के खर्च का भुगतान 5-6 वर्षों में हो जाएगा। इसके बाद अगले 19-20 वर्षों तक सोलर से बिजली का लाभ मुफ्त मिलेगा।
  • 1kw सौर ऊर्जा के लिए 10 वर्ग मीटर जगह की जरूरत होती है।
  • 3 kW तक के सोलर प्लांट पर 40 प्रतिशत की सब्सिडी और 3kw के बाद 10 kW तक 20 प्रतिशत की सब्सिडी केंद्र सरकार द्वारा मिलेगी।

इसके लिए आप विद्युत वितरण कंपनी के निकटतम कार्यालय से संपर्क करें। अधिक जानकारी के लिए विजिट करें।

ग्रुप हाउसिंग के लिए सोलर रूफटॉप योजना

अपने ग्रुप हाउसिंग में सौर ऊर्जा को अपनाना है। प्रदूषण को कम करने के साथ पैसा बचाना है। ग्रुप हाउसिंग के लिए सोलर रूफटॉप योजना की मुख्य विशेषताएं इस प्रकार हैं:-

  • अपने ग्रुप हाउसिंग में सोलर पैनल लगाएं और बिजली पर होने वाले खर्च को 30 से 50 प्रतिशत तक कम करें।
  • सोलर पैनल से बिजली 25 साल तक मिलेगी और इसको लगाने के खर्च का भुगतान 5-6 वर्षों में हो जाएगा। इसके बाद अगले 19-20 वर्षों तक सोलर से बिजली का लाभ मुफ्त मिलेगा।
  • 500 kW तक के सोलर प्लांट को लगवाने पर 20 प्रतिशत की सब्सिडी केंद्र सरकार द्वारा मिलेगी।
  • सोलर प्लांट स्वयं लगाएं या RESCO मॉडल (जिसमें निवेश आपकी जगह Developer करेगा) पर लगवाएं।
  • 1kw सौर ऊर्जा के लिए 10 वर्ग मीटर जगह की जरूरत होती है।

इसके लिए आप विद्युत वितरण कंपनी के निकटतम कार्यालय से संपर्क करें। अधिक जानकारी के लिए विजिट करें।

अपने कार्यालय / कारखाने की छत पर सोलर पैनल लगाएं

  • अपने कार्यालय / कारखाने की छत पर सोलर पैनल लगाएं और बिजली पर होने वाले खर्च को 30 से 50 प्रतिशत तक कम करें।
  • सोलर पैनल से बिजली 25 साल तक मिलेगी और इसको लगाने के खर्च का भुगतान 5-6 वर्षों में हो जाएगा। इसके बाद अगले 19-20 वर्षों तक सोलर से बिजली का लाभ मुफ्त मिलेगा।
  • 1kw सौर ऊर्जा के लिए 10 वर्ग मीटर जगह की जरूरत होती है।
  • सोलर प्लांट स्वयं लगाएं या RESCO मॉडल (जिसमें निवेश आपकी जगह Developer करेगा) पर लगवाएं।

इसके लिए आप विद्युत वितरण कंपनी के निकटतम कार्यालय से संपर्क करें। अधिक जानकारी के लिए विजिट करें।

Rooftop Solar Scheme Helpline Number

Rooftop Solar Scheme Toll Free Number – 1800-180-3333.

The state wise list of empanelled / certified agencies for solar rooftop installation can be viewed at this link.

Rooftop Solar Scheme is being run and monitored by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy under the Government of India. Complete details about the solar rooftop – grid connected scheme can be found on the official website of ministry at

83 thoughts on “Apply Online for Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme 2025 at”

  1. sir main gariev paribar ka boye ho ek mujh ko bhi soolar kiyo kiy hamare vallege main light kam athi he aor samko ham ko panne main preshni ho thi he agar aap sorlar urjha delbade toh aap ki mahan kirpa ho gi

  2. Ser mai ye nh kahunha ki bht garib hu bhagwan ne itna de rakha hai ki mai roshni me rahu hu to garib hu mere yaha light ki bht jyada jarurat hai kyoki hamare yaha iar par sbko bahu dikkat hoti hai mai apne pariwar ke halat ko dekhkar mai apni padhayi stop kardi kyoki sayad mere mammi papa log aur jyada nh padha sakte unki jitni aukat thi mujhe padhaya hai ap agar kewal ek solar mujhe bhi vitarad karenge to apki ati mahan daya hogi

  3. Sar mare gaoo Mukatpu ma beejlee nahee aah rahee ha ess liya ma apna gaoo ma teen solar rooftop Lana chata hu apkee ati keerpa hogee

  4. sir mere yahan par light ki samasiya h sir plz 1 solar light ki jarurat h padhai main bhi dikkat
    vill sisouta post barahi teh &dist sambhal up 244301
    mob 7830185006

  5. sar ji abhi tak hmare gaw me ek bhi ujjwal gays nahi mila hay may ne pta kiya to hmare gaw ka namare gaw ke harjan basti ke sabhi logo ka bpl list me nam hi nahi hay 11/12/2016 chal rha hay aas pas ke gaw me saicel mila may ne pta kiya to list me nam hi nai hay

  6. Gram -post. -tenua,thana – guthni ,zila – siwan ka ,Bihar ka rahaney wala hu him ko.bhi ak solar chahey bahut jarurat ho RHA hai.

  7. Dear sir
    Please give the solar roof. My home on very problem.
    Please Address -vill. Dandupur ahibaran post. Dharauli dust. Pratapgarh state up
    Pin. 230503

  8. Please you suggess me, Beause I want SOLAR PANNEL, Please you give me all information i means you give me total details. OR send the total detail,s in my EMAIL ID. Thank,s.

  9. Hamari secc me name nehi he Please Please modi ji hamara name dene ka bandobas kordena ham khub gorib admi hu …
    Tapas kr Das ,birbhum

  10. Sir.mai bihar siwan se hu our mujhe 1 kilowatt solar home me lag ana hai goverment ka keya scheme hai our mujhe keya karna no.9504994686

  11. hello sir mai anil Akabarpur ambedakar nagar se sir mai solar rooftop lagwan chaita hoo
    up to sir mai kya karoo
    my 9264909663

    • Now, please provide the following details-
      1. Google Maps location of the site or complete address.
      2. Pictures of shade-free roof with details of material it is made of.
      3. A copy of the electricity bill of the site.
      4. Current use of Diesel Generators in hours per day and total capacity of generators installed..
      5. Average daily electricity cut in hours.
      6. Proposed capacity of Solar Power Plant.

      Upon receiving these details we shall provide you with a technical bid for the power plant.

  12. sirji mujhe yeh yojna bahut accha laga aur mein bhi ish rooftop scheme ko apne gaon mein istemal karna chahta hun.kya karna parega?

  13. Benefits-
    1. AD upto 40% of cost of system.
    2. Cheaper electricity than Grid and Diesel Generators.
    3. No power outages.

    We are donating a percentage of our profits to provide sustainable solutions to deprived villages, after all we are environment activists.

    Now, please provide the following details-
    1. Google Maps location of the site or complete address.
    2. Pictures of shade-free roof with details of material it is made of.
    3. A copy of the electricity bill of the site.
    4. Current use of Diesel Generators in hours per day and total capacity of generators installed..
    5. Average daily electricity cut in hours.
    6. Proposed capacity of Solar Power Plant.

    Upon receiving these details we shall provide you with a technical bid for the power plant.

    Please feel free to discuss further, in case you like to convey us further suggestion or proposal.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Mr. Pranab Biswas
    Director Marketing
    ATES India Pvt. Ltd.
    Corporate Office:
    Moni Bhandar,7th Floor, Module-A
    Block-EP & GP, Salt Lake Sector V
    Kolkata: 700091. West Bengal, India
    Email :
    M: + 91-9831122600
    Phone: – 033-40658055

  14. please give me information regarding Roof top solar panel for residence . we are interested to install the penal

  15. Hello sir ,I come to know regardng solar pannel system in village i need this facility in house in village mahadav,sardhana meerut utterpredesh,if u have facility for that area kindy contact on my whatsapp i am in abroad

  16. Hello sir ,I come to know regardng solar pannel system in village i need this facility in house in village mahadav,sardhana meerut utterpredesh,if u have facility for that area kindy contact on my whatsapp i am in abroad contact my no 00233544321750

  17. SIR JI

  18. Sir ghar me solar panle lgwana chata hu kha pr sample kru kuch smj nni aa rha h plz help me mere what’s no 94664 04805


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