बिहार स्टूडेंट क्रेडिट कार्ड योजना 2025 Apply Online, Application Status, List of Approved Colleges

Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme (SCC) application / registration form 2025 at 7nishchay-yuvaupmission.bihar.gov.in, apply online or offline by downloading apply online form PDF for student credit card scheme in Bihar to avail education loan of 4 Lakh, check process flow, user manual, courses list, documents required, list of approved colleges for BSCC scheme & complete details बिहार स्टूडेंट क्रेडिट कार्ड स्कीम 2025 के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन / रजिस्ट्रेशन कैसे करें
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बिहार स्टूडेंट क्रेडिट कार्ड योजना ऑनलाइन आवेदन, एप्लीकेशन स्टेटस: Bihar Government had launched the Student Credit Card Scheme in the state on 2 October 2016. In Bihar SCC Scheme, the state government provides education loans of upto Rs. 4 Lakh to 12th pass students. Students can now apply by filling Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme online application / registration form 2025 at the official website. Also check the complete process flow, user manual, documents required and list of approved colleges for BSCC Scheme 2025. In the Budget 2022-23, the state govt. has allocated Rs. 700 crore for Bihar Student Credit Card Yojana.

Bihar govt. had also decided to setup an Education Finance Corporation for loan disbursement to students under BSCC Scheme. Despite being given proper guarantee of loan amount of students, banks were delaying the loan distribution. So, this new edu fin corp is disbursing the loans upto Rs. 4 lakh to students instead of banks. Students can now apply online as well as Download Application Form PDF of Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme to avail scheme benefits.

बिहार स्टूडेंट क्रेडिट कार्ड योजना 2025 ऑनलाइन आवेदन

The applications for the Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme are being invited online through the website at www.7nishchay-yuvaupmission.bihar.gov.in and mobile app. The state government has launched the online portal (Mobile App soon) for the student credit card scheme online applications. Here candidates can click at “How to Apply” link and then click at the “Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme blank form”.

Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme Application Form PDF Download

The sample application form of student credit card scheme is now available to download on the official website of Bihar Government.

Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme Application Form PDF
Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme Application Form PDF

Details to be Entered in Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme Registration Form PDF

In the downloaded Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme registration form in PDF format, applicants will have to enter the complete details which are given below:-

  1. Personal information of the applicant
  2. Financial/income information of the co-applicant
  3. Employment details of the co-applicant
  4. Details of the security offered (Not necessary for loans up to 4 Lakh)
  5. Details of the course/study
  6. Loan request section
  7. Details of the financial worth of the co-applicant
  8. Additional details of the bank account of the co-applicant
  9. Details of existing loans (from any bank)
  10. Proposed/preferred repayment and payment of the interest
  11. General details
  12. List of documents required

Students can check the complete application process flow and how to apply online for Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme in the next section.

Steps of How to Apply Online for Student Credit Card Scheme 2025

The 12th pass students who are eligible for the scheme can apply either going to the Online portal or the mobile app. Below are the steps to apply online for the scheme

  1. Students will have to fill the basic details on the mobile app or online portal.
  2. Students will receive an One Time Password on their mobile number and e-mail ID.
  3. After entering the received OTP in the mobile app or the portal, a new form will open where the students will have to submit their personal details. After submitting this, three options will open.
  4. Select Student Credit Card from the three options and a new application form will open.
  5. Fill the required details in the application form and submit it using the submit button.
  6. After submitting the application form, the students will be given a unique identification number. This unique ID number will be sent on their mobile number and e-mail ID.
  7. Students will also receive the PDF copy of the submitted application form and the details of documents required on their e-mail ID. The application form and the documents will be required at the counter.
  8. To check the complete Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme Process Flow, click at the link https://www.7nishchay-yuvaupmission.bihar.gov.in/resources/Process_Flow_for_BSCC.pdf

The students will be informed on their mobile phones and e-mail ID about the date of visit to the counter. The portal for online application of student credit card scheme is https://www.7nishchay-yuvaupmission.bihar.gov.in/.

Eligibility of Students for Bihar SCC Scheme

The students in the state pursuing/willing to pursue higher studies in professional courses, computer certificate courses from reputed institutions will be eligible for loan. Courses like CA, CFA, ICWA & so on and courses from IIM, IISC and IIT’s will come under the scheme.

List of Documents Required for Student Credit Card Scheme

Following are the basic documents required to apply for the student credit card scheme:-

  1. Mark sheet & Certificate of Class X, XII & last qualifying examination of the student
  2. Copies of letter conferring scholarship, free ship, etc.(if applicable)
  3. Documents evidencing duration of course of commencement thereof, viz Prospectus or Certificate from
    the competent authority of the Institution(if the University is from Bihar, then its not needed)
  4. Proof of admission to the course
  5. Schedule of expenses for the course
  6. Copy of the PAN Card of Student & Guardian (both) before disbursement of Education Loan.
  7. Two copies of Passport size photograph of the student/ parent /guardian/guarantor
  8. Salary certificate & form 16 of previous year (In case of employed)
  9. I.T. Returns for the last 2 years (if I.T. Assessed) duly accepted by the ITO
  10. Statement of bank account for the last six months of the guardian/parent.
  11. Proof of residence (Identity card/Passport/voter Identification card/Driving license)
  12. Tax paid receipts etc. (Advance IT/Property Tax/Municipal Tax. etc.)

After collecting all the documents, students will have to visit the counters on the appointed date. Check complete details in the Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme User Manual which can be accessed using the link – https://www.7nishchay-yuvaupmission.bihar.gov.in/resources/User_Manual_for_BSCCpdf1.pdf

There will be a single application form format for student credit card scheme which will be applicable at all banks.

Bihar Student Credit Card (SCC) Scheme Courses List 2025

All the students can now check the Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme Courses List 2025 through the link – https://www.7nishchay-yuvaupmission.bihar.gov.in/resources/Course%20List_dept.pdf

The trade wise list of courses is now available for the students for checking to avail benefits of Bihar SCC Scheme 2025.

Bihar Student Credit Card Loan Approval Process

The government officials will examine and verify all the details and documents submitted by the students including the admission related details from the respective educational institutions. This will be done within 15 days after receiving the documents from the students.

After verification, details/documents will be shared with the banks which will then approve or disapprove the loan within 15 days. The loan approval/disapproval with reason information will be shared by the banks to the applicants by SMS.

In case of approval, the applicants will be required to visit the bank branch to complete the documentation formalities. After which the banks will issue credit cards to the students which can be used to pay the fee and expenses of higher education.

Approved List of College for BSCC Scheme

Also check the approved list of colleges for BSCC Scheme through the link given here – https://www.7nishchay-yuvaupmission.bihar.gov.in/listofcollegedetail

The list of approved colleges for Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme (BSCC) 2025 will appear as shown below:-

Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme BSCC College List
Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme BSCC College List

Here candidates can select the “Institute State” and “Institute District” and then click at the “Search” button to check college name in the list of approved colleges in BSCC Scheme.

Check Application Status of Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme

Bihar Student Credit Card scheme is an ambitious scheme of state Government launched recently. Under the scheme, state government is providing education loan of up to Rs. 4 Lakh to 12th Pass students at 0% interest rate. Launched on 2nd October, the student credit card scheme ensures financial assistance to the students willing to pursue higher education. The state government has launched an online portal for the students to apply for the scheme. The interested students who have secured admission in recognized institutions can apply for the scheme.

Student Credit card Scheme Application Status

The online application status of student credit card scheme can also be checked after the application is complete. To view the application status, the applicants need to visit the following link and enter their registration number or Aadhar number and date of birth as given in the following screen.

Link to Check Status of Bihar Student Credit card Scheme is given here – https://www.7nishchay-yuvaupmission.bihar.gov.in/addapplicationStatus

The page to check the Bihar SSC Scheme Application status will appear as shown below:-

Student Credit Card Application Status
Student Credit Card Application Status

If you are eligible and have not applied for the scheme yet, read the complete online application procedure of student credit card scheme. The interested candidates can also download the format of application form of Bihar SSC.

Edu Fin Corp to Provide Loans to Students in SCC Scheme

Bihar govt. had set up an Education Finance Corporation to provide loans under Bihar Student Credit Card (SCC) Scheme. Subsequently, Edu Fin Corp had started providing loans upto Rs. 4 lakh from the fiscal year 2019. Accordingly, govt. had provided this loan amount to students to pursue higher studies in educational institutions. The state govt. had launched this student credit card scheme in Bihar in order to provide high quality education to a large number of youths. Subsequently, setting up of Education Finance Corporation will help in successful implementation of this scheme without the involvement of banks.

Bihar SCC Scheme is a major step under 7 nischay yuva mission which focuses on increasing the gross enrollment ratio. Interested candidates can apply online for student credit card bihar at 7nishchay-yuvaupmission.bihar.gov.in

Need For Setting up Education Finance Corporation in Bihar SCC Scheme

Existing Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) for higher studies is 13.9% in Bihar. The state govt. wishes to raise GER to at-least 30%. Under SCC Scheme, bihar govt. provides a guarantee of Rs. 160 for every Rs. 100 borrowed by a student. Still the banks were delaying disbursement of funds to the eligible beneficiaries and their response also was not along the expected lines.

So, the state govt. had decided to set up an Education Finance Corporation to tackle and resolve this issue. Accordingly, the state govt. had been implementing this SCC Scheme on their own without the involvement of banks.

Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme (SCCS) Gets Cabinet Approval

The much anticipated and ambitious Student Credit Card Scheme (SCCS) of Bihar Government had finally got the cabinet approval on 14th September. The state government under the scheme will facilitate education loans to the students for higher studies. To be run by the education department, Student Credit Card Scheme (SCCS) will facilitate the education loan to the 12th passout students willing to pursue higher education. The state government will facilitate education loans of upto Rs. 4 lakh from the nationalized banks by acting as guarantor.

Irrespective of the financial background, 12th Pass students who secures admission in any of the recognized institutes for higher education will be eligible to avail the loan. Under the scheme, the state government has set a target of disbursing education loans to 5 Crore students within 2016-17.

Under the scheme, the students need not to directly approach the banks for loans, instead, the district registration centers will be accepting the applications from students. Once the physical verification of the documents is done by the district centers, the applications will be sent to the banks. The banks will have 15 days to approve the loan applications.

After the loan application is approved, the banks will specify another date within next 15 days to sign the loan agreement document and complete other formalities. The applicant students will be informed via e-mail and text messages about the important dates and status of the loan.

Education Loan Waiver For Students in Student Credit Card (SCC) Scheme

Bihar govt. had started Education Loan Waiver for Students who have taken education loans from banks under Student Credit Card (SCC) Scheme. Under this Loan Waiver for Students, govt. had waived off student loans in case the students fails to get a job after completing their professional courses. Moreover, if the students get employment, then he / she has to repay the loan amount in 82 easy installments. Under Bihar SCC scheme, class 12th pass out students can avail loans to pursue further technical or general education and to build their careers. Previously on 7 March 2018, the state govt. has formed Bihar State Education Finance Corporation (BSEFC) for interest free loan disbursement of upto Rs. 4 lakh to students.

The state govt. is consistently laying emphasis on the importance of education and to increase awareness on it. The national Gross Enrollment Ratio (GRE) is 24% whereas enrollment ratio in Bihar is 13% which is quite low. But the state govt. wants to take it to 30% and will later increase it to 35% and 40%. CM mentioned that the govt. must take concrete steps towards women empowerment through education to girls.

Under Bihar SCC scheme, all the class 12th pass students can get loans for further education whether it is technical or general. Moreover, all the Matric (10th) pass students can also avail of the facility for financing their polytechnic studies. The education loan of upto Rs. 4 Lakh under the scheme will be provided without any interest. The loan can be utilized by the eligible students to pay the institutional fee, buy books, purchase computers, equipment and other things. In addition to this, it is important to note that the interest rate is just 1% for differently-abled, transgender and female students.

In the previous 10 years, the total number of girls who have been enrolled in high schools has crossed 9 lakh from previous 1 lakh. In March 2018, Bihar State Education Finance Corporation (BSEFC) came into existence to easily provide loans of up to Rs. 4 lakh under SCC scheme. This would help students who want to continue their education beyond Intermediate (12th standard). This announcement had hit the public domain.

Quick Details about Bihar Student Credit Card (SCC) Scheme

Name of SchemeStudent Credit Card Scheme
ObjectiveTo provide interest free education loan to students willing to pursue higher studies in technical or professional streams.
Eligible Students12th Pass students getting admission in any professional, technical education course or any recognized course through enterance or other admission process in any of the reputed organization across the country.
Eligible CoursesAny course in higher studies, professional or technical course from reputed institution. Engineering, CA, CFA, Management, Medical, Education, & other courses.
Interest Rate on LoanNill for a loan of up to Rs. 4 Lakh. 10% for the loan above Rs. 4 lakh, upto maximum 7.5 Lakh.
Nature of LoanLoan can be availed to pay course fee, buy books, computers, educational equipment and so forth.
Security for LoanCo-commitment by the student and guardian(s) including third party guarantee and colateral security. State government would provide security for 25% of the loan amount, rest by the student/guardian.
Upfront charges0.5% of the loan amount
Re-paymentThe students will need start the repayment of the loan amount after a period of 4 years.
TargetThe state government targets to provide Student Credit Cards to 5 Lakh students in Bihar in the first phase of the scheme.
Launch Date2nd October 2016
Bihar SCC Scheme Quick Details

For more details, all the applicants can directly visit the official website at https://www.7nishchay-yuvaupmission.bihar.gov.in/

781 thoughts on “बिहार स्टूडेंट क्रेडिट कार्ड योजना 2025 Apply Online, Application Status, List of Approved Colleges”

  1. I qualified intermediate in 2014 with 63% aggregate marks. Now i am pursuing BBA.LLB Hons. from CHANAKYA NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, PATNA. My session is 2015-20, i,e,Here I am the student of 2nd year. Am i eligible for student credit card. please inform me.
    thank you

  2. I qualified INTERMEDIATE OF ARTS in 2015 now this time i pursing BA in Maulana Azad national urdu university hyderabd MY session 2015-18 and i am student of 2nd year Am i eligable for student Credit card loan plz reply THANK YOU

  3. I am student of SUMCH darbhanga and I am qualified intermediate in 2015 .session 2015-20. Am I get this scheme . Plz info me fast

  4. I am a student of B.A part 1 and I want to get higher education and want to do something better for my country…But I belong from a middle class family…so plz provide or notify me about this scheme for making my future much brighter….

  5. I am doing honours after completing my 12th and I want to do preparation for CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS ….But my parents are unable to pay the fee For this course.. So plz inform or notify me about this scheme of BIHAR GOVERNMENT…

  6. I am student of b.sc-computer science in IIMT Meerut.i want to change condition of my country to get higher education and to make the best in the world but should be support of all you

  7. I am also pursuing B tech in Jaipur from SKIT college.I am student of 3rd year. 14-18 batch. I need loan for further study.Am I eligible for this loan? please give me details of this scheme.How to apply forms for student credit card…

  8. I qualified mu bed entrance exam . Can I get loan from this scheme? If I applicable to get loan please give me details, how to get ?

  9. I have +2 this year(2016) from bihar board, I am not able for higher studies,,I need money for B.tech..How to get this scheme and what is the requirements,,, keep me posted sir because I need this… thank you

  10. I have +2 this year(2016) from bihar board, I am not able for higher studies,,I need money for B.tech..How to get this scheme and what is the requirements,,, keep me posted sir because I need this money… thank you

  11. Sir I have 12th passed (2015) from bihar .but I would like to study in B.Tech so, how to apply this credit card loan… Plese help me

  12. I am a student of ba part 1 and I want to get higher education and want to do something better for my country,but I belong from a poor family..so please provide or notify me about this schame for making my future much brighter..

  13. How to apply for this Scheme…..i am a student student of mba from ims,gaziabad nd I want this sheme very badly…..pls help me how I can apply

  14. Hi i am Giyanchand ram .i have completed 12th in 2015 from BSEB patna.now i have been studying at AISECT UNIVERSITY (BHOPAL) from B.E.civil engineering and course session 2015-2019.
    I would like to say that i need student credit card for education loan.
    Kindly reply me.

  15. I am Rakesh Kumar . I have passed 12th in session 2015 from BSEB . I am pursusing B. E. Civil 2nd year of Aisect University Bhopal ( M P ) Now here , to get higher education my parent is unable to pay the fee for this course , so , plz provide or notify me about for this scheme of Bihar government …. .. Thanking for you

  16. I am Rakesh Kumar . I have passed 12th in session 2015 from BSEB . I am pursuing B. E. Civil 2nd year of Aisect University Bhopal ( M P ) Now here , to get higher education my parent is unable to pay the fee for this course , so, plz provide or notify me about for this scheme of Bihar Government ……. Thanking for you

  17. I am Ravi Kumar . I have passed 12th in session 2015 from BSEB . I am pursuing B. E. Ex SAMCET Bhopal included by RGPV University Bhopal ( M P ) Now here , to get higher education my parents is unable to pay the fee for this course , so , please provide or notify me about for this scheme of Bihar Government ……… Thanking for you

  18. I am currently a b tech student t central university of uttarakhand.I can help you getting government colleges.next time.search me on Facebook

  19. Hello I am LALAN Kumar .I have completed my 12th exam.in 2015 from BSEB Patna. Now I am studying at AISECT university Bhopal to the B
    E.civil engineering.
    But unfortunately I am not able for pay my college fee during the session.
    Kindly provide to me student credit card for the education loan.
    Thank you……..

  20. I am student of BA part 1 and i want to prepration of (CIVIL SERVICES ) examination for but i family have belong for mifddile class . I want to goverment my higher study education loab applied . Its scheme process details in offline given in my email a/c.

  21. sir mai 2016 me 12 pas kiya hu.diploma iti bhi ker rakha hu .mujhe railway ke taiyari ke liye lown chahiye.kya sir mil payega..aur kaise..plz sir puri information chahiye

  22. Please Sir, I want to know, how to apply student credit card. Now I am doing to Management from the Cimage college. Student credit card is very important to me. Thus, please help me

  23. Please Sir, I want to know, how to apply student credit card. Now I am doing to Management from the Cimage college. Student credit card is very important to me. Thus, please help me

  24. I am student of BA finl and i want to prepration of bad examination for but i family have belong for mifddile class . I want to goverment my higher study education loab applied . Its scheme process details in offline given in my email a/c.

  25. I have a query –
    Whether this yojna is for students starting their graduating degree ,or its for those also who have already started their degree last year.

  26. Dear sir,
    I have 12th pass in bihar (2015)
    I am student civil engineering
    In 1st semester.how to apply student credit card.
    Plese tell me

  27. sir, pan-card mera nahi bna hai, ese banbane mai 30din lagta hai….ab mai kiya kru……Please last date registration of student credit card……..

  28. To
    the government of bihar
    I am komal kumari. I am study in b.sc.1st year.I want study to p.o. But my parent is not sucess to teach me. So plz provid me student creadit card loan new latest sceam 2 october 2016

  29. maine 2013 me inter kr liya uske bad maine padhi chod diya ….. AARTHIK STHITI shi nhi hone ke karan ….kya mujhe bhi loan mil sakti h B.SC KE LIYE

  30. Dear Sir,
    Please suggest me, whose PAN Card is needed: student’s or parent’s.

    Please replay what it mean – Family income certificate of last year and Form-16.

  31. Mai cbse board ka student hu mai siwan bihar se belong karta hu 2017 me mera 12th complete hoga kya mujhe student card mil sakta hai ….ans please

    • App aur website abi launch nhi huyee h shayad, education loan ko education complete hone k baad chukana padta hai waise to but is case m confirm nhi h

  32. what is the way of apply of biuhar sarkar student credit card yojna ? please notify me by email.at least send name of app or portal

  33. qualified . intermediam.2015 .58.4%
    Aur aav B.A kar raha hu hame loan ki jarurat ha
    College s.g.k maheshkhunt khagaria.
    unvarsitc Bagalpur

  34. What about the students who belongs to Bihar but did their intermediate from other states. Does they have no rights to get this card ? The Bihar Government have to think about them as they also belongs to them……!!!

  35. Sir mai college se aakar 10days se ghar me hu aur student’s credit cards loan ka wait kar raha hu but abtak koi system nahi hai online ka

    Please jald se jald start kare
    Hamlogo ka study loss ho raha
    Because we are staying at home. Thanks

  36. I have passed isc in 2014 with 69 % . i am in 3rd part with faculty Bsc hons.i am unable to continue my study for my bright future .am I eligible for student credit card scheme.

  37. Sir form to milgyaa lekin kahaa jamaa karana he varke bola gaya thaa online varyega kese hogaa plzz sir kisi ko pataa ho to batye plzz sir

  38. Mai ave Patna me rahkr general compilation ka tiyari krta hu sir inter science se hone ke baad BA 1st year ka student hu sir mujko loen mil sakta hi??? Plz tell me?

  39. Hello sir, I am Md Faiyaz from gopalganj.mai intermediate 2016 me pas kar Liya hu.av kisi college me admission nahi karaya hu .bina admission karaye huye mujhe student credit card mil jayega.taki mai admission kara lu .
    Please mujhe 7273823686.is number par call karke bata dijiye

  40. Sir mujhe IT course karna hai iske liye maine bahut din barbaad kiye hai ab 4 lc ka lone mil raha hai mujhe bahut khusi hui hai lekin sir mujhe is process ka sahi pata nahi chal paya hai…… so plz plz plz kuch information digiye….

  41. sir, I am student of final year of bachelor of engineering want to say this card is very important for me so please website send me.

  42. sir main b tech ke 3rd dear main hu kya me student credit card ke liye oneline kar sakta hu sir mere pass paisa nahi hai main apna course pura kar saku sir 4lak lone me se mujhe thora hi paisa de dijiye ki main apna course pura kar saku plz plz

  43. Sir my name Dheeraj kumar. I am b.tech second year student branch Eee kuk university sir vi+post Bishunganj. Dist jehanabad. Pin code 804405 contact number 8813881461 9934542800 .Please me form apply how do sir

  44. I said that Eee second year of student kuk university. My problem that second year student. Thanks for your help me bihar chief minister credit card loan Rs400000every student provided.
    This is request you to kindly payment cheque arregenly me sir
    Thanking you
    Dheeraj Kumar constant 8813881461

  45. I am student, read in class btech 7th sem .now I have no rupees for next fees . so I should be credit card for loan.

  46. sir kai se form fill up krenge site ka ptanahi hai plis sir kis site per form fill up hoga sir official site send kr digie sir

  47. I am under 18 can i eligible for this scheme sir please suggest me
    i want higher education so this scheme is helpful for me

  48. I said that Eee second year of student kuk university. My problem that second year student. Thanks for your help me bihar chief minister credit card loan Rs400000every student provided.
    This is request you to kindly payment cheque arregenly me sir
    Thanking you
    Dheeraj Kumar constant 8813881461

  49. Sir kya aap bata sakte hi ki ye Admission related certificate kya hota hi aur website ya mobile app kb se start hoga

  50. Sir myne 10th 2011 me or 12th 2015 me kiya kisi problem tha mere sath isliye ….mujhe apni padhaye chorni pari …ab avi my b.tech me admisition liya hun 2016 me ky mere liye ye sceem hai…q k form online feelup krte tym mera 10 unviled ni bta rha tha….plz help …me

  51. Sir i past b.com in 2012 and i am belong to very poor family and i want to be a good parson so plese help me

    My mobile no. Is 8809654494
    AT – chakarnama ( Shahmiya rohua ) po- sahtha, ps- Bhagwanpur dist- vaishali, pine 844123

  52. Plese tell me websit for onlion student cradet card .
    There always site is wrong right now.these are not open,only introduce for for card. Plese inform me offical site for onlion.

  53. Sir myne 10th 2011 me or 12th 2015 me kiya kisi problem tha mere sath isliye ….mujhe apni padhaye chorni pari …ab avi my d.ed me admisition liya hun 2016 me ky mere liye ye sceem hai…q k form online feelup krte tym mera 10 unviled ni bta rha tha….plz help …me

  54. sir kya mujhe student credit lone mil sakta..
    Hum 2013 me hi inter ka exam de chuka hu…
    Is bar 2016 me hum goverment polytechnic me addmision liye hai…

    Plz sir iske bat me hum jarur bataiyega…

  55. सर,मै अभी admission नही करायी है.पहले admission कराना जरूरी है क्येकि मुझे admission कराने के पैसा नही है.क्या हमे इस योजना का लाभ
    मिल सकता है.

  56. Sir,,,,2 Oct se 8 Oct ho gya,,,pls,,,link send kijia,,,,hm form ko fill krna chahte h aur is yojna ka labh lena chahte h,,,,pls sir send link……….

  57. Mai cm sahab se bilkul na khush hu kyu ki is yojna se kuch hi student ko labh milega mai cm sahab se anurod kruga ki is yojna ko bistar se chalaya jaye taki jo student jo banna chahata h wo bahi bane plz cm sahab yojna ko thora change kijiye plzzzz

  58. Sir Can u give me answer,, I filled 3 step but in 4th college pincode is valid ,,,it only valid Bihar pin,,,but I am studying in Hyderabad….

  59. Sir I am the student of B tech 2nd year but this time I am not studying because I have money problem so you want to help me and I studying done my B tech so i am very obliged to you please you help me

  60. Sir my name is Dheeraj Kumar.my problem hai ki Mai toll free pe call nahi received nahi karate hai student credit Numer 18003456444

  61. sir ham 10pass karke sandip foundation me admission liye h.sir mujhe grabi ke Karen mujhe lone chahiye kya mujhe milaga sir please sir dhyan dijye.
    hum aapka sada abhari rahungi.
    my name jyoti mishra
    branch civil3rdsem
    mill ramkhetari

  62. sir him 10 pass kar ke sandifoundation me admission liye name jyoti mishra branch civil sir mujhe lone chahiya kya mujhe millaga

  63. sir hum 10pass krka sandip foundation me admission liye hua h name jyoti mishra branch civi3rd sem me mujhe lone chahiye sir kya mujhe millaga sir

  64. Sir l am studying in B.tech but i have money problem because i belong from middle class now my parents not success for me please help me sir i am highly obliged to you sir

  65. Aeureneticals engineering me hm admission le kiya hai manglor me students caredit card Lon se he hme sage ka pdhai krna tha or avi tk online form fill Nahi ho parha hai form fill krne ka last dete KB tk hai or offline se form KO Motihari me kahan pe submit krna hai agr koi bhai KO malum hoga to 9801601534 pe call kr ke information dijiye ga

  66. sir,i am diploma student ,and my admission in diploma on 10th passout and i need to the studend credit card .can i aply for the student credit card ?
    please help me..

  67. sir i need this card very urgently plz. help meand contact me 7533031636 sir my mothers pan card are not built and my bhaiyas pan card are ready

  68. sir i am the student of BSC math (H) i prepare for intrance in the fild of BBA kaya mugha loan provid kaya jaya ga &last date kab tak online karna ka h thanks for so ……..

  69. Sir
    I am roushan raj
    B.tech.branch-civil 3 sem student
    Delhi.haryana bmctm college
    I am belong from poor faimley
    I request you sir pleass send the link
    Plzz sir send the link

  70. Show chandankumar27121998 @gmail. Com , vill gulab Singh ke English . Post office Fakharpur .dist Arwal. PS karpi pincord 804401

  71. I am from NIOS board, so can I apply for it, i am from Bihar. while applying … there was a persional info tab in which i have to fill my roll number and roll code …. but my NIOs roll number is too long to be filled in the column and i dont have roll code bcoz nios dont provide roll code…. what should i do ? plz help….

  72. Sir mai 12th up board se padha hu aur 10 bihar board bihar ka niwasi hu mujhe btech karna hai kya mujhe loan mil sakta hai sir please reply sir

  73. Namaste sir mai bhi uttar pradesh ka niwasi hu mai bhi unn garib pariwar se hu jinko apke madad ki jarurat hai sir aj tak hame bhi kio yojana ka labh nahi mila hai agar ap chahenge to hame bhi apke dwara di jane wali yojnao ka labh mil sakta hai mai bhi garib pariwar se hu mujhe bhi aawas ki jarurat hai sir ap se nivedan hai ki aawas vikas yojana ka labh apke dwara hame bhi mile to apki bahot meharbani hog sir dhanyawad …….

  74. Sir I m b tech student in Dr AKTU (Up) in 2nd year.May I want to know the money will be transfer student account or college account

  75. Sir I have 12th passed (2015) from bihar .but I would like to study in B.Tech so, how to apply this credit card loan… Plese help me

  76. Sir I have 12th passed (2015) from bihar .but I would like to study in m.tech so, how to apply this credit card loan… Plese help me

  77. Sir i wnt to get student credit card coz i wnt to do hotel management silo thays wy i wnt to get so plz sir give me detail how to apply …

  78. Sir i have 12th passed 2016from bihar board.but i would like to study in locopilot so,how to applay this credit card lone ……..plese help me sir …..

  79. This is good but kisi ko milega bhi ki student apni study chor ke card banwane me hi laga denge ek saal… after bank or government say sorry

  80. I am pursuing b-tech from BPUT UNIVERSITY(ODISHA) My session is 2014-18 i,e,Here I am the student of 3nd year. Am i eligible for student credit card. please inform me.
    thank you

  81. I am doing honours after completing my 12th 2014 and I study in engineering ….But my parents are unable to pay the fee For this course.. So plz inform or notify me about this scheme of BIHAR GOVERNMENT…plz quick reply

  82. बिहार स्टूडेंट क्रेडिट कार्ड योजना के लिए किस बैंक में स्टूडेंट का अकाउंट चाहिए इस योजना का लाभ किन किन बैंकों से लिया जा सकता है इस योजना के लिए अनुसूचित बैंकों का नाम बताने की कृपा करें

  83. Sir Maine 3november ko registration karayi hai or aubtkk muje documents verification ki date nahi mili hai..kbtak verification ki date milegi

  84. Its nice scheme of Bihar government .it will be help Bihar students who want to get higher education .so tell me about process of this scheme because I need it to pay my university fee

    I m pursuing B tech from Himachal Pradesh

  85. Sir;

    students credit card is also available for that students which already took admission for higher education in previous year or not ?
    Please help me.

  86. Dear sir/mam
    i reqyest u to know how may i submit my personal information which had been fill after log in..please help me i am in more and amuch trouble

  87. Dear sir

    I have subbmited all information which i required to bihar student credit card and my registration id is CM7RBSCC112016000322188.but i had not found pdf form and appointment date yet .sir please help me .i have greastest needed of loan .sir please help me

  88. Sir Mai Sanjeev Kumar Jha Mera Ghar Bihar me madhubani distic ka hu Bathaney gaw ka mujhe Rahane ke liye Ghar nahi hai please Mera inquiry karwaye

  89. Sir I request you sir I am so poor sir please give me stcc hurry up I am reading BE from I e s college of technology in bhopal

  90. Sir in this time I read in ies college of technology in bhopal (mp) my name is rajkishor singh , I am belong to so poor family so have to require student credit card

  91. Hello sir i am trying to login manytimes but all the its showing incorrect login id or password but few days ago i logged in with same id & password then it oppened.I just gave details i want to fill up the form .so please let me know as soon as so that i will get benifit

  92. Sir documents verification huae 20 din ho gye aubtkk koi msg nhi mili hai…or kitne time lagenge aviii…sir plzzz jldi se credit card issue kara do CLG ki fees submit karni hai…2nd sem ki reg k liae warna future barbad ho jaiyegi meri .plzz help me

  93. Hi sir, I am pursuing BE from RGPV (Bhopal).My session is 2013-2017.I am student of 4th year. I all ready get education lone 2 lac by PNB(Bihar) then, Am I eligible for student credit card. Please…..inform me

  94. Its nice scheme of Bihar government .it will be help Bihar students who want to get higher education .so tell me about process of this scheme because I need it to pay my university fee

    I m pursuing B tech from Himachal Pradesh

  95. Sir.i am student of B tech 3rd year from JNTU Hyderabad . please tell me about this scheme because I need it ……………..

    Thank-you sir

  96. Hello sir me bihar ke niwashe Hu sir aap ke yojna ka Labh humko nahe mila me ek garib pariwar ke Hu mere papa majdur h sir mera pariwar bada h sir Pllz sir Mujhe bhe aap yojna ka Labh chahey

  97. Please kisi sir or bhai ko student credit card ke bare me pata ho. to kripakar inki sari jankai 7368888421 per dijiye

  98. How I can get the loan Is it for those who are going to appear or for those who already started the study
    From when the loan is available for student

  99. Sir I already veryfiy my all documents by D R C Center before 20 days but I haven’t received any message . Pls grant me hurry up…

  100. Main Md Mosahid raza. Mere father Md Abul khair .vill Madilman post Karwa PS jale dist Darbhanga .
    Main av BBA final year me hun .
    Mujhe MBA ke lye credit card milsakta hai ya nahi
    Or Main BPL family se hun.

  101. I have been already veryfied my original documents before 17 days but still I have not received any message for loan confirmation (Bihar student credit card yojna).

  102. Sir documents verification k 1 month bad muje rejection msg mili,or dubara fir se online v nhi ho pa raha hai kyoki aadhar card match kar raha hai…to aubb mai kya karu…agar kuchh prob thi to uski msg muje phle milni chahiae thi 1 month bad rejection ki msg milti h or dubara se Mera form v online nhi ho pa raha h ….yahi hai yaha ka rule n regulation koi v kaam time pe to hota nhii h…

  103. I had been B.Sc physics hons pass
    then i takes admission in BEd my session 2016-18
    am i eligible student credit card
    If not
    then plz give suggest
    any bank provide education loan for BEd course

  104. After anouncing student credit card facility, the welfare (Kalyan) Scholarship has stoped. So many student facing problem to taking higher education because it is for twelve level students’. So say to me that stuent what will do who who are in the eleventh or studying in Dipoma engineering. It is not good.

  105. sir mera maseg nahi aaya hay hamne student credit card baale from vare the varefecation kab hoga hane 23 desambar ko faram vare the plz sar batyea gaa

  106. Sir me 10 paas kar chuka hu or me polytechnic last year me hu kya
    Me student credit card apply kar sakte hu… sir plz informetion 9102292007

  107. I needs a student credit cards, how gets this card, my area’s bank manager told me, I can’t provide students credit card.now,I am doing b.tech.please you reply me this problems solution, thanking you…..

  108. sir mujhe bhi loan chhiye sir mai 12th pass kar ke kuchh bijnis karna chahte hai lekin sir garibi ke karn kuchh nahi kar pate hai sir loan mil jata to Aapka jindgi bhar abhari rahunga

  109. sir mujhe bhi chahiye loan mai bhi 12th pass kar ke koi job nahi laga hai mai be rojgar hu sir loan mil jayega to mai Apna bijnes karna chahta hu sir loan mil jayega to mai Apka sda Abhari rhuga

  110. Sir it is nice thinker process of chief minister of bihar but this process is slow so doing process for fast thankig for C.M of bihar

  111. Dear sir/madam,
    My BSCC scheme has been Approved by District program officer. so, could you please tell me what would be the next steps from my side?

  112. Sir my appointment was 2 jan. my all documents was verified and all are right then I’m waiting for response but no any response about my application .sir plzzz talk me ..when inform me about my application..

  113. Sir hope so… aplog ne isi sal loan dne k liye commitee bnayi thi… 4mahina ho gya ….
    Km se km apne verdict me ye to keh dte ki.. kahi aur v loan k lye apply kr dna … iska koi thikana nhi h.. ?

    # bihar scc…

  114. Sir mane bihar student credit card k liye apply kiya h. Mujhe ye bataye ki loan ko pay kaise karna h like
    1. Interest kya hoga
    2.kab tak pay karna hai
    3.4lacs tak lene me koi security

  115. Sir/madam
    Mai b.sc 1st year ka student hu mai chahta hu k mai I.AS ka taiyari karu lekin mere parents ke money problem hai isliye mai chahta hu ki loan lu par mujhe samjh me nahi aa rha hai loan kaise le mujhe kripya karke bataya jay

  116. Sir
    I have take education loan (3.49 lakh) for B tech session -2012 to 2016 . but my final exam become in march – 2017. Now in this time what we should and what is the total payable rup in the bank.

  117. Sir mera appointment 2nd jan 2017 ko hua that ..magar abhi take koi information nhi h …sir plzzzz inform me my application status ..
    Application n. CM7RBSCC122016000045243
    Sir …plzzz

  118. Mera nam Tatyarao jalba more Post Gutti tahsil jalkot district latur many kamgar hun mera kuhd ka ghar nahi hae app Mujhe gahr dilaye

  119. Mera nam maroti setiba togare Post wyganv tahsil Ahmad pur district latur mera kuhd ka ghar nahi haye app mujhe gahr dilaiy

  120. Sar koi girl ki sadi ho chuki hai aur uska (reading) chal raha hai to creadit kar ka labh kise uthae pan card father ka chahiye ya husband garented father bane ga ya husband plz bataye

  121. Sir I am Dheeraj Kumar .I am reading b.tech Eee2year student kukshetra university. So I apply student credit card form summited 1 months ago .my Application numer CM7RBCC022017000547492.so contact number 9934542800.so that problem sir collage fees summited. Sir Please provided that immediately Student credit card provided sir.
    Please sir student verification documents provided that student credit card.
    Thank you sir

  122. Hello!….when the last date for verification of our student credit card and last date for applying students credit card.

  123. sir actually i am in 2nd year and pursuing b-tech in mechanical engg. plese suggest me after online application ,how much days later i will get student credit card .
    and what is the process to get that .
    please any guy support me .i will be thankful to them

  124. sir please suggest me ,how much days later i will receive student credit card ,after filing the online form.
    and what are the process to get this loan .
    please any guy suggest me .since i am pursuing b-tech from jalandhar

  125. hello sir !
    i am a B.tech student from computer science branch and i have required about 200000 /- for college fees,so please give information about the “Bihar student credit card” in details.
    i espect to you that you would be so kind for give me about details.

  126. Being mbbs 2nd year in abroad student,i would like to say that i’m poor student by finicial ,but i want continue my higher education so plz. help me kindly.

  127. Sir m bot garib hu or mara 3 bacha h jo ke gavarmant school m pata h ormara pate majdur h jenke salana enkam 18 hagar h gar k karch chlana b bot mussel h muja 15 sal ho gay h Delhi m rata hua or mara sar par chat nahi h kerpya app mare sayata karna ke amaa prdan kara thanks?????

  128. sir, I wants to cheak own student credit card Application status.
    so how can I cheak application status pls reply me.

  129. Student credit card immediately provide student. So because in college fees summits in
    Two months age student no sent message

  130. Please sir
    Tell me Information sir students credit card. Bank information in atm please. This scheme is very good. but successful of you.

  131. Sr. I want to check status of own student credit card application.
    So how can i check application status ..pls hlp me..

  132. Please don’t go through bihar student credit card scheme this is a kind of fucking jocks. They are just trying to make chutiya to Who really want’s this scheme. They are doing anything just paying game with the student, Guys this is a really fucking Scheme ever I had seen.

  133. Please reply after to read them

    We got the bscc after sension by the bank but the bank manager have not to ready to give the loan because my father to be hit (means has their loan kcc to that bank )
    Can give me the loan ?

    सर हमें बैंंक से sension हो कर bscc mil Gaya hai lekin manager loan nahi Dr rahe hai kyu ki mere papa ji usi bank se kcc loan Lia hai Islia bole ki nahi milega

    Hamare papa ke name se loan hai to hame loan milega sir
    KYa hame island labh mil sakta hai

    Jabab jarur digiaga sir

  134. Sir l am pass 12th and I want to join Akash institute. For well preparation of medical exam ..bt my family income is not like that they can give me such coaching …my question is that can l get help of students. Credit. Card yojna …plz sir reply me l am in great help….

  135. hello sir i am raja babu from banka bihar
    sir mujhe ftii college pune mai admission lena hai student cradite card se paise milnge sir please btaiye
    my contact number 9835916209
    thanku sir

  136. sir , i verified on drcc centre on 16 march

    than how much time will take comlete my application .

    and how can i got student loan pls kindly reply me


  137. Our chief minister is going, on to be development, our state so ,we have to try to get students credit card, than take higher education , than after this skim will be successful, than after another skim he will take so, we have to coprate our chirp minister

  138. Sir mai berojgar hun ur graduation kar chuka hun is BCSS se kaise jud sakta hun kripya meri madad kare mera content no.. 8757977942.mai Gaya Bihar se hun…

  139. sir me Bihar ka garib family se hu mere Papa majduri karte h sir .me scollar pr b.tech kr raha hu panjab me par scollar pas nhi hua h sir mujhe lon chahiye tha sir pzzzzzzz help me sir….mujhe kuch bana h sir hoske hu mujhe madad kariye sir……pzzzz

  140. mai bandhu kumar bihar samasti pur se hu sir aap se request krta hu ki mai online liya hu bhar student creadit card muje avi tak labh nhi mila hai sir

  141. mai bandhu kumar bihar samasti pur se hu sir aap se request krta hu ki mai online liya hu bhar student creadit card muje avi tak labh nhi mila hai sir

  142. Respected sir,
    I had applied BSCC scheme. But till now no any massege came . I depend upon my education loan . please pass the my bank loan .
    Since , I kindly request to you . please take care of my life .
    Thanking to you

  143. Hello sir I wanna get these money to have my next study.I am so poor student that cant continue to have my college study in the lake of money.

  144. Sir, mai SHA ke liye apply kiya tha par main graduate hun aur ab B. Ed. karna chahta hun.
    Ab mujhe SHA ka cancell karwa kar Bihar Student Credit Card ke liye kaise awedan karun ke mujhe B. Ed. ke liye loan mil jaye.
    Sir mai bahut garib hun par padhne ka bada sauk hai.
    Meharbani karke meri madad kijiye.

  145. Namsre sir .I am poor boy but I have a taitent .my havy is film direction .I know .you shall laugh but what is have tailent.
    Pease bihar govt .
    My film direction name …. CRAF… Film School Delhi
    I want to Directe r
    Please sir please help me
    My phone number .7546812260

  146. mere koo abhiii tk nhiii mila hiii me 1 month se bhut phle online keya tha DRCC office me lekin abhiii tk koi cell ya sms nhiii aaya hiii ….

  147. Sir mujhe 12th bad iit ka taiyari krna h to loan kaise le us uske liye 12th pass certificate Manga ja rha h sir please reply kre

  148. Sir if i got the loan of 4lk .
    Then what will be the intrest rate for that amount and what will be the procedure to of filling form

  149. Are loan dene bala tumhe kuchh dikhata nhi h re are Dena h to do nhi Dena h to fir sab ki kya bajhaye hua ho are tum log ko Sharm nhi lagta h re or soon Jo tumhare CM Jo h jisne ye nikala h usko bol de ki Dena h to do student ki nhi to ye sab dukan band kar de USE BOL JO TUMHAR MALIK H HA O HI NITESH KUMAR KO BOL

  150. Sir mera application kiya hua 40 days ho gya sir jaldi call karo please.collage me sem.fee dena hi sir .kitna din me call karoga docoment ka liya batao na sir.please…

  151. Sir maine 08/10/2016 ko apply Kiya tha or 28/10/2016 ko aapke drcc me documents verification karwaya tha lekin abhi tak credit card pass nhi hua..
    Kya CM Nitish Kumar ji thak hamari smasya pahuch sakti hai ki adi loan dena nhi tha to hamare bhavisya ke sath is tarah ka majak kyu kiya.
    Ab to koi bank bhi loan nhi de rha hai wo bhi Bihar student credit card scheme ke tahat aane ko kah rhe hai.
    Ab aap hi bataye hum kya kare 7 mahina ho gya or result “dhak ke tin pat”koi sunane wala nhi hai.
    CM Sir sayad yahi susasan hai or hamara Bihar badal rha hai.

  152. Bikramganj thana check shahid baba Holt ward 22
    Post office bikramganj destek rohatas bihar
    Students cardit card

    B a MBA IIT computer diploma

  153. Bikramganj thana check shahid baba Holt ward 22
    Police station bikramganj jela rohatas bihar
    ITI diploma course mac ba MBA
    Student credit card

  154. Omg….i m a student from cbse board n m willing to do btech frm computers…not bcz of financial problem but bcz of mah own attitude i want to do something of my own…

    so will u plzzz tell me da way to go through the process…

    Admission is started…by now…
    n classes will begin from 15 of august…

    kindly tell us the process…

  155. That is very obvious dat we are not going to get anything easily…there are certain process…

    m soo mch eager to knw all dese process.
    kindly inform us the process
    …so dat we can come up with our need of money after 12th class..

    Collage fees submitted


  158. Respected Sir,
    I am pankaj kumar. I live in nawada distract from bihar. I am applied online form of bscc & verify my original document at nawada . But not any response till.
    Therefore I request to you please pass my loan so
    I am thankful to you.

  159. Sir I have passed matric and twelth from jac Ranchi, that can i apply the Bihar students credit card? If note,that why?
    And I am residence of Bihar state. And I have passed graduation and B.ed from M.U, I want to do complete the M.ed.

  160. Sir,I am out of town and it is not possible for me to go to home town.Than is it mandatory for my presentation at the bank branch of my home town for the loan approval or can I do it from my nearest branch where I am now.

  161. Sir,I am out of town and it is not possible for me to go to home town.Than is it mandatory for my presentation at the bank branch of my home town for the loan approval or can I do it from my nearest branch where I am now.please reply me fast.

  162. Sr. I want to check status of own student credit card application.
    So how can i check application status ..pls hlp me..

  163. I brijesh kumar i live bettiah district my documents verification before 3 menth sir plz response for me students credit cards

  164. this is totally fake ..the official time is 15 days but at DRCC centre they said it will will take min 30 days for clearing the first step after that they start other step and will take much more time .there is no fix time. this is a just a scheme whose purpose is to bothering the student as well as parent.

  165. I am indrajeet kumar live at buxar district my documents verification before 4 month sir plz response for me students credit cards

  166. Sir I check students credit card status and show approved by DPO .Sir please give information about this status.

  167. sir I am 12th passed students can I fill this loan form , if yes then what is the interest of 4 lakh of the year

  168. Sir how much and when the simple interest will be charhed on the loan taken for the respective courses?

  169. Sir please tell me I am finishing my diploma 2017 I want credit card to studying​ b tech so i want to know i get or not credit cards i am from Bihar if i get mean please tell me full detail about this.

  170. Sir my applicatin has been approved and recieved message on mobile what will be the next step sir plzzzzz reply me

  171. Dear sir,
    mai 2013 me 12th pas kay hu science subject se
    or me engineering karna chahata hu.mere papa farmer hai
    isliye mre loan lena chahata hu.kay mujhe loan mil sakta

  172. my name is Niraj kumar my documents verification last before 1month and status showing that TPVA BY AM means so kindly request that that look after and please take care i am from gaya district

  173. Sir; Student credit Card 1 month verify kiye ho gya
    Please is no-7352914225 par call ya messages Kare kitna din wait Karna hoga

  174. Respected Sir,I am from siwan, bihar,,,,I took admission in MBA, but I am not able to pay my fee,sir, I visited one of the financial institution for education loan, but they didn’t grant,so,can you please tell me, how can I get bihar student credit card,,,,is there any office in siwan,,,,sir, please tell me as soon as possible, I am in trouble.

  175. My name is Abhishek Kumar ,I have passed 12th examination with 71% marks (Bihar board). I want to prepare for UPSC (IAS).so,I have to get admission in “visionIAS” Delhi.so I will have to take loan from student credit card.AM I Able to take load or Not?if yes.then please tell me that what the documents need for it from this coaching/institute.

  176. [8/14, 5:18 PM] Md Nazim: Sir I am Md Nazim Ansari from mehsi eastchampran I hve to applyed my bscc n after one month I checked my status and there is showing tpva pending
    [8/14, 5:18 PM] Md Nazim: I kindly request to u
    [8/14, 5:18 PM] Md Nazim: Pls tell me what do mean by tpva
    [8/14, 5:19 PM] Mrs fajaruddin 7050958010: Gand marao katue

  177. Dear sir i finished 12 class so i wanna credit card becouse i wanna take addimisdion in MIT PURNEA COLLAGE but i don’t have enough blance so i requested to you please give me credit card and i can take addimission in MIT PURNEA COLLAGE please reply me dear sir
    Your Responsible student
    Name :- Md ashraf khan
    S/o :- Md aslam khan
    At. :- Dilawarpur po, bairia ps, amdabad dist, katihar bihar pin 854112

  178. I am Vikash Kumar my documents verification last before 4 month and showing that my status tvpa by Am means so kindly request that look after and take care please forward my application
