Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath has rolled out UP Sadhu Pension Yojana 2025 for saints. Now all the seers would get monthly pension under UP Sadhu Pension Scheme for which state cabinet has earlier given approval. Yogi Adityanath at a recent high level meeting has decided to organize special camps to enroll saints under a first of its kind government pension scheme for seers.
UP Sadhu Pension Scheme 2025 is going to include all the saints whether homeless or nomadic sadhus. UP CM Yogi has also decided to create a special category to include elderly sadhus. CM Yogi Adityanath is a Hindutva icon and wants to prove this in lieu of the upcoming assembly elections by providing pension to the saints.
Yogi Adityanath Starts UP Sadhu Pension Scheme for Saints
CM Yogi Adityanath has decided to launch UP Sadhu Pension Scheme 2025 for seers. Under this pension scheme for saints in UP, the stipend would be raised from Rs. 400 to Rs. 500 per month. The decision for implementation of UP Saint Pension Yojana 2025 was taken at Prayagraj Kumbh in a meeting which was presided over by CM Yogi Adityanath.
All the sadhus / saints of the Uttar Pradesh state above the age of 60 years would be covered under UP Saint Pension Scheme 2025. CM Yogi had even hiked the financial aid of the already existing UP Pension Scheme for Old Age, Disability & Windows of the state.
The primary objective of announcing the UP Seers Pension Scheme 2025 is to provides better livelihood to the old age, Disable, Widow & Sadhu of the state. UP Government has started enrollment of Sadhus of the state under UP Sadhu Pension Yojana from 20 January.
Reactions on UP Pension Yojana for Seers
Former UP CM Akhilesh Yadav has reacted sharply to the government dole for seers and demanded that the state govt. must give monthly pension of Rs. 20,000 to seers. Moreover, he demanded the state govt. must reintroduce the Samajwadi pension scheme and honorarium of Rs. 50,000 must be given to those who were awarded Yash Bharti under the previous government.
Another demand of former CM was that the state govt. must announce pension for those who recite Ramayan in villages and artists who portray the roles of Lord Rama, Sita, Bharat and Ravana.
Source / Reference Link: https://navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/metro/lucknow/politics/yogi-adityanath-government-declares-pension-for-all-destitute-people-of-up/articleshow/67622273.cms