उत्तर प्रदेश जनसुनवाई ऑनलाइन आवेदन / शिकायत स्तिथि: Uttar Pradesh Govt has launched a new UP Jansunwai Samadhan Portal at jansunwai.up.nic.in. UP Jansunwai Portal Registration of complaints, track grievance status, send reminder, give feedback facility is now available at the official website. People can even access Anti Corruption Portal / Anti Bhu-Mafia Portal. The facility of online corruption grievance registration, track complaint status, give feedback is available at UP Anti Corruption Portal / Anti Bhu-Mafia Portal also. In this article, we will tell you about the complete process of registering grievance by the general public.
UP Jansunwai Portal at jansunwai.up.nic.in
UP Jansunwai – Samadhan is an integrated system for grievance redressal in Uttar Pradesh to achieve the goal of good governance using latest technology involving all stakeholders. A citizen can freely and conveniently file a grievance, track the grievance lodged on all important platform and receive response to his satisfaction both in terms of quality and time.
Along with lodging of complaints, citizen can also interact with Government/Departments/Offices in an easy and transparent manner. Complaints from all sources will be available on a single platform to all departments which will improve access, redressal & monitoring.
UP Jansunwai Portal Online Grievance Registration 2025
Below is the complete process to register your grievance at UP Jansunwai Portal:-
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official UP Jansunwai Samadhan Portal at https://jansunwai.up.nic.in/

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Register Grievance” section to open the disclaimer for online citizens which includes exclusion categories for grievances.

STEP 3: Read disclaimer, agree to it and then click at “Submit” button to open the UP Jansunwai Online Complaint Registration Portal:-

STEP 4: Enter the mobile number or email ID, captcha and then Send OTP button, verify it to open the UP Jansunwai Portal grievance registration form as shown below:-

STEP 5: Enter all the asked details accurately to complete the UP Jansunwai Portal grievance registration form fillup process.
List of Subjects / Topics which cannot be Treated as Grievances
Here is the complete list of Subjects / Topics which cannot be treated as grievances for filing complaint at UP Jansunwai Portal:-
- RTI Matter
- Sub-judice matters
- Suggestions
- Demand of financial assistance or Job.
- Grievances of Government employees concerning their service matters including transfers unless they have used all available redressal options in their department.
You must ensure that your grievance does not fall in any of the above listed categories. In this manner, you can contact the concerned department and officers directly.
Track Complaint Status at UP Jansunwai Portal
Below is the complete process to track your grievance status at UP Jansunwai Portal:-
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official UP Jansunwai Samadhan Portal at https://jansunwai.up.nic.in/

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Track Grievance” section to open the page to track you complaint status at UP Jansunwai Portal:-

STEP 3: Here applicants can enter the complaint number, mobile number or e-mail ID and click at Submit button to track grievance at UP Jansunwai Portal.
In this manner, you can track status of grievance through Mobile no / Email ID at UP Jansunwai Samadhan Portal.
Send Reminders for Grievances at UP Jansunwai Portal
Below is the complete process to send reminders for grievances at UP Jansunwai Portal:-
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official UP Jansunwai Samadhan Portal at https://jansunwai.up.nic.in/

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Send Reminder” section to open the page to send reminder for complaint at UP Jansunwai Portal:-

STEP 3: Here candidates can enter complaint number and click at “खोजें” button to send reminder at UP Jansunwai Portal.
In this manner, you can send reminders for grievances crossing SLA timelines at UP Jansunwai Samadhan Portal.
Give Feedback at UP Jansunwai Portal
Below is the complete process to give feedback on grievances at UP Jansunwai Portal:-
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official UP Jansunwai Samadhan Portal at https://jansunwai.up.nic.in/

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Give Feedback” section to open the page to give feedback for complaint at UP Jansunwai Portal:-

STEP 3: Here candidates can enter registered grievance ID, registered mobile number or e-mail ID, feedback and click at “Send OTP” button, verify OTP to submit your feedback at UP Jansunwai Portal.
In this manner, you can send feedback/ suggestions regarding disposal of grievances at UP Jansunwai Samadhan Portal.
UP Anti Corruption Portal at jansunwai.up.nic.in/AntiCorruption
Yogi Adityanath has launched an Anti Corruption Portal (Anti Graft Web Portal) – Jansunwai on the completion of its 1st year term. You can become a partner of Uttar Pradesh government in the fight against corruption. Any citizen of the state can register a complaint against any department or officer through this UP Anti Corruption Portal. After which such corrupt departments or officers will be investigated. And if he is found guilty, strict action will be taken against him. People can lodge their complaints /grievances at Anti Graft portal jansunwai.up.nic.in, here is the complete process.
UP Anti Corruption Portal Registration for Complaints Online
Here is how you can make online complaint registration at UP Anti Corruption Portal:-
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official UP Jansunwai Samadhan Portal at https://jansunwai.up.nic.in/

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Anti Corruption” link or directly click https://jansunwai.up.nic.in/AntiCorruption to open the Uttar Pradesh Anti Corruption Portal homepage:-

STEP 3: Here click at the “Register Grievance” link to open the UP Anti Corruption Online Grievance Registration page:-

STEP 4: Enter the mobile number, captcha and then Send OTP button, verify it to open the UP Anti Corruption Portal complaint registration form as shown below:-

STEP 5: Enter all the asked details accurately to complete the UP Anti Corruption Portal grievance registration form fillup process.
Yogi assures people that any person committing corruption or encouraging it at any level will not be spared. Govt. will take strict and effective action against the officers if a video or any other evidence is uploaded on Anti Graft Portal. This portal will act as a lethal blow on corrupt officers. UP Govt. will keep the identity of the person making complaint secret.
UP Anti Corruption Portal Complaint Status
Here is how you can track complaint status at UP Anti Corruption Portal:-
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official UP Jansunwai Samadhan Portal at https://jansunwai.up.nic.in/

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Anti Corruption” link or directly click https://jansunwai.up.nic.in/AntiCorruption to open the Uttar Pradesh Anti Corruption Portal homepage:-

STEP 3: Here click at the “Track Grievance” link to open the UP Anti Corruption Portal Track Grievance page:-

STEP 4: Here applicants can enter reference number, mobile number, captcha and click at “Submit” button to track online corruption related complaint status.
Then you would be able to track status of your grievance through Mobile no./ Email ID.
Give Feedback at UP Anti Corruption Portal
Here is how you can give feedback at UP Anti Corruption Portal:-
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official UP Jansunwai Samadhan Portal at https://jansunwai.up.nic.in/

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Anti Corruption” link or directly click https://jansunwai.up.nic.in/AntiCorruption to open the Uttar Pradesh Anti Corruption Portal homepage:-

STEP 3: Here click at the “Give Feedback” link to open the UP Anti Corruption Portal Feedback page:-

STEP 4: Here applicants can enter grievance ID, mobile number, feedback and click at “Send OTP” button, verify it to submit feedback on corruption related complaint addressal.
The primary objective is to resolve all complaints in a given time period and to provide “Good Governance”. Moreover, people can also make complaints on the UP Anti Corruption Helpline Number 1076.
UP Anti Bhu-Mafia Portal at jansunwai.up.nic.in/ABMP
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official UP Jansunwai Samadhan Portal at https://jansunwai.up.nic.in/

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Anti Bhu-Mafia Portal” link to open the Uttar Pradesh Anti Bhu-Mafia Portal homepage:-

STEP 3: At this portal also, you can follow the similar steps as mentioned above for UP Jansunwai Portal to register your grievance, track complaint status, send reminder, give feedback.
Complaints of illegal possession of government and private property by the Bhu-Mafia are received at the government and administration levels. Effective action should be taken against them so that the sense of security in public is generated. In cases of illegal possession of public and private land by the bhu mafia , the citizens can make continuous inspection of their grievances smoothly, obtaining information on complaints, giving their feedback and suggestions, and view the proceedings on these complaints by senior officers.
Not good decision
This is a good decision taking by the government,it depend upon the concern investigation officer does his job honestly, to erase corruption from the society,
Lakhimpur khire uttar pradesh
महोदय, हमारे मकान जो की तिलक नगर रेलवे लाइन के उत्तर व राधारमन इंटर
कालेज के पश्चिम पुरा दलेल मुहल्ले इलाहाबाद मे है जिसका ताला तोर कर
स्थानीय दबंग लोग कब्जा करके हम लोगो को वहा न आने की चेतावनी तथा जान
से मरने की धमकी देते है जिसके लिए एंटी भू-माफिया पोर्टल पर हम आवेदन
किया था जिसका संदर्भ नंबर 41017518000440 है !
जाच करने पर हमारे मकान मे आपराधिक प्रब्रित के स्थानीय दबंगों के कब्जे
की बात सत्य पाई गई किन्तु कोई कार्यवाहि नहीं किया गया ! तथा लिखा गया
है की मामला बिवादित है जबकि हमारा कोई विवाद उन लोगो से कही नहीं चलरहा
है एवम लिखा गया है की आवेदक को बता दिया गया है की वाद दायर करके अनुतोष
प्राप्त करे जबकी हमसे कोई बात नहीं बताई गई है !
जबकी हमने आवेदन मकान खाली कराने एवं उनके भय मुक्त होने के लिये किया था
जिससे हमारे जन माल की सुरछा हो सके ! किन्तु ऐसा न करने से दबंगो का
सुरछा व उत्तसाह बरधन होरहा है
अतएव सादर निवेदन न्यायोंचित करने की कृपा करे !
अशोक कुमार शुक्ल पुत्र कमला शंकर शुक्ल
ग्राम शुकुलपुर, पोस्ट गिर्दकोट, तहसील-हँडिया
मो0न0 8808948082
एंटी करप्शन पोर्टल पर शिकायत का निस्तारण नहीं चेक हो प् रहा है 99180000000020
एंटी करप्शन पोर्टल पर शिकायत का निस्तारण नहीं चेक हो प् रहा है 99180000000020
श्री योगीआदित्यनाथजी जय श्री राम .मुखयमंत्रीजी मैं आपकी मदद चाहता हूँ क्यूकी मेने 88 बार जनसुनवाई पोटर्ल पर पोवाया तहसील के तहसीलदार और लेखपाल के खिलाफ शिकायत लिखकर जिला अधिकारी शाहजहांपुर को बेजी थी.
मगर जिला अधिकारी शाहजहांपुर जाँच करवाने में असफल रहा
उत्तर प्रदेश जिला शाहजहांपुर तहसील पोवाया ब्लॉक खुटार ग्राम हंसपुर में मेरे दादा जी उत्तम सिंह पुत्र खजान सिंह ने वर्ष 1951 में 50 एकड़ भूमि हंसपुर ग्राम में रहने वाले मईया दास से खरीदी थी.
पूरी उम्र मेरे दादा जी अपनी जमीन पर ही रहते थे और उत्तर प्रदेश में लकड़ की ठेकेदारी करते थे.
सी एम् जी पोवाया तहसील के किसी बी लेखपाल और तहसीलदार ने पूरी उम्र मेरे दादा जी को जमीन का रिकॉर्ड इस लिए नहीं दिया था क्यूकी हंसपुर ग्राम के अभिलेखों के जीन सीन हो गई थी और 2016 तक हंसपुर ग्राम की ना चकबंदी हुई थी और ना ही हंसपुर ग्राम की जमीनों का रिकॉर्ड बी दर्ज़ नहीं हो
पाया था.
सी एम् जी अब हमे तहसीलदार पोवाया कहता है आपकी जमीन ढूँढ़ने पर बी नहीं मिल रही.
सी एम् जी आप ही कुज करे तो ही हमे जमीन मिलेगी.
Make written complaint at jansunwai.up.nic.in , Our officers will take strict action on your complaint..
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how to check status of a complaint lodged on anticorruption portal of up my igrs no is 99180000001449. when i am entering this igrs no in jansunwai app it is saying that please enter right complaint no
Sar mujee
Assma guwhit ma
Vill dasiya post dasiya amorhwa basti hanumanganj uttar Pradesh
Laptop Ke liye aavedan kaise karen
प्रिय महोदय, मुझे ऑनलाइन धोखाधड़ी मिली 1247262 रुपये पहले से ही साइबर सेल कार्यालय जेनराल गंज को रिपोर्ट किए गए थे, उन्होंने खातों को आकार दिया है लेकिन पहले से ही मैं जेसीपी कानपुर के माध्यम से एमी आवेदन प्रस्तुत कर चुका हूं लेकिन अब तक मेरी एफआईआर रावतपुर थाना श्री अमन सिंह ने अभी तक पंजीकृत नहीं किया है, कृपया आवश्यक कार्रवाई करें।
मैं थाना सेवारल समय गया था लेकिन वे मेरे अनुरोध पर विचार नहीं कर रहे हैं।
Sir ,I got fraud online 1247262 Rupees already reported to cyber cell office Genral Ganj they sized accounts but already i have been amy application through JCP Kanpur submitted but so far my FIR Rawatpur Thana Mr.Aman Singh not yet registerd ,kindly do the needful.
i went thana sevaral times but they are not consider my request .
Dear Sir Cheap Minister of Uttar Pradesh ,
Please be informed that last two month i am strangling for FIR ,because i got on line fraud & I lost 12Lakh & 47 thousand &247 Rupees ,then i coplainied Cyber cell Genral Ganj kanpur they sized accounts but for returning money they need FIR thats why my self i given to Commissioner of police Kanpur Nagar that time i was in India he said with in 5 days my FIR will be rigistered but not yet Dear Sir ,at present i am working in Abu Dhabi /Dubai kindly help us .
My name is Pradeep Katiyar
plot #116/06
Adarash Nagar Rawatpur
Kanpur Nagar
प्रिय सर उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री,
कृपया सूचित करें कि पिछले दो महीने में मैं एफआईआर के लिए गला घोंट रहा हूं, क्योंकि मुझे ऑनलाइन धोखाधड़ी मिली और मैंने 12 लाख और 47 हजार और 247 रुपये खो दिए, फिर मैंने साइबर सेल जेनरल गंज कानपुर के खातों को सह-भुगतान किया, लेकिन पैसे लौटाने के लिए उन्हें एफआईआर की आवश्यकता है, यही कारण है कि मेरा खुद पुलिस आयुक्त कानपुर नगर को दिया गया था जब मैं भारत में था, उन्होंने कहा कि 5 दिनों में मेरी एफआईआर में धांधली की जाएगी लेकिन अभी तक नहीं
कानपुर नगर के पुलिस कमिश्नर उस समय भारत में थे, उन्होंने कहा कि 5 दिनों में मेरी एफआईआर में धांधली हो जाएगी, लेकिन अभी तक डियर सर नहीं, फिलहाल मैं अबू धाबी/दुबई में काम कर रहा हूं, कृपया हमारी मदद करें।
मेरा नाम प्रदीप कटियार है।
प्लॉट # 116/06
अदराश नगर रावतपुर
कानपुर नगर