Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched PM’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment or Poshan Abhiyaan 2025 aiming to make India malnutrition free by 2022. Central govt flagship PM Modi Poshan Abhiyaan 2025 will cover all states, districts and towns. People can now check PM Poshan Abhiyan List of Activities and Themes online at The tagline of this PM Poshan Campaign is Sahi Poshan Desh Roshan. This programme aims to provide adequate nutrition to infants, pregnant lady and lactating mothers.
Poshan Maah is launched to identify SAM children across all districts and provide them care and nutrition in targeted manner. Poshan Abhiyaan is India’s flagship programme to improve nutritional outcomes for children, adolescents, pregnant women and lactating mothers. This is done by leveraging technology, a targeted approach and convergence. The central govt. wants to associate a large number of people with Poshan Abhiyaan to turn it into a mass campaign (Jan Andolan).
POSHAN Abhiyaan scheme was launched on 8th March 2018 with an overall budget of Rs 9046 crore for 3 years to benefit over 10 crore people. The Poshan scheme has now been extended upto 31st March, 2023.
PM Modi Poshan Abhiyaan 2025 Activities List Online
The official website for PM Modi Poshan Abhiyaan is Poshan Abhiyan aspires to reduce stunting, under-nutrition, low birth weight, and anemia. Here is the complete list of activities to be performed in Poshan Abhiyaan:-
- Anemia Camp
- Area Level Federation (ALF) Meetings
- CBE – Community Based Events (ICDS)
- Community Radio Activities
- Cooperative / Federation
- Cycle Rally
- Defaeat Diarrhoea Campaign (D2)
- Farmer Club Meeting
- Haat Bazaar Activities
- Harvest Festival
- Home Visits
- Local Leader Meeting
- Nukkad Natak / Folk Shows
- Panchayat Meeting
- Poshan Mela
- Poshan Rally
- Poshan Walk
- Poshan Workshop / Seminar
- Prabhat Faree
- Providing Water to the Toilets
- Safe Drinking Water in Anganwadi Centers
- Safe Drinking Water in Schools
- School Based Activities
- Self Helping Groups (SHG) Meetings
- Youth Group Meeting
Poshan Abhiyaan 2025 Themes
Here is the complete list of themes for Poshan Abhiyaan 2025:-
- Adolescent Ed, Diet, Age of Marriage
- Anemia
- Antenatal Checkup
- Breastfeeding
- Compl. Feeding
- Diarrhoea
- Food Fortification and Micronutrients
- Growth Monitoring
- Hygiene, Water, Sanitation
- Immunisation
- Poshan (Overall Nutrition)
Poshan Maah / Poshan Month
पोषण माह का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य पोषण के महत्व के बारे में जागरूकता फैलाना और परिवारों द्वारा आसानी से अपने बच्चों और गर्भवती या स्तनपान कराने वाली माताओं के लिए पोषण के पूरक के लिए सरकारी सेवाओं तक पहुँचने में सहायता करना है। देश से कुपोषण को मिटाने के लिए राष्ट्रीय पोषण माह का आयोजन किया जा रहा है, आइये हम सब मिलकर इस अभियान को आगे बढ़ाते हुए इसे सफल बनाएं। Poshan Maah starts on 7th September every year. PM urges people to undertake efforts to reach out to people across the length and breadth of India and spread awareness on eradicating malnutrition. This will help our Nari Shakti and Yuva Shakti.
Let’s celebrate #PoshanMaah by promoting our regional foods. Together, as a nation, let us go #Local4Poshan & pledge to initiate every measure to improve the nutritional status of our children & mothers. Share your recipes on the MyGov link: Poshan Abhiyan strives to highlight the role of quality nutrition in building a prosperous nation.
Bhartiya Poshan Krish Kosh
Your contribution to Bharatiya Poshan Krish Kosh will not only help GOI populate database with some well-known/lots of lesser known Indian dishes. This will also give variety of nutritious food options which are local in nature. There is a strong relation between Nation and Nutrition. Proper nutrition is vital to build a prosperous nation. PM Modi said that “September is being celebrated as Nutrition Month. Come, let’s all make nutrition a movement.”
Important Links on Poshan Abhiyaan
Niti Aayog Poshan Abhiyaan link –
ICDS WCD Poshan Abhiyaan portal –
Complete info on Poshan Abhiyan can be checked using link –
PM National Nutrition Mission (NNM) for Children & Pregnant Women – Details
Central government has launched National Nutrition Mission. Subsequently, NNM will tackle the problems of under-nutrition, anaemia, low birth weight and stunting. Accordingly, children (between 6 months to 3 years), pregnant women and lactating mothers (till six months after birth) can take ration at their home. NNM Scheme is going to benefit around 10 crore people across country. PM Narendra Modi had launched Rashtriya Poshan Mission / Kuposhan Mukt Bharat Scheme from Rajasthan on 8 March 2018.
National Nutrition Mission Objectives will ensure better monitoring, supervision, target fixing, issuance of alerts for timely actions and guidance of nutrition related interventions across ministries. Accordingly, this PM Yojana targets to reduce the rate of under-nutrition and low birth weight by 2% every year. Moreover, all children in the age group of 3 to 6 years will get hot-cooked meals. PM Modi has also launched Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme Pan India Exapnsion. Aadhaar Card is a mandatory document to avail benefits of this Suposhan scheme.
National Nutrition Mission Objectives
The important Kuposhan Mukt Bharat Scheme objectives and the essential features of NNM includes the following points:-
- Central govt. has launched this Kuposhan Mukt Bharat mission to provide necessary and adequate nutrition to women, adolescent girls and young babies (0-6 years of age). Moreover, NNM mission will map all other related schemes which contributes to address malnutrition.
- Govt. will create a strong convergence mechanism to tackle under-nutrition, low birth weight, anaemia and stunting.
- Accordingly, govt. will perform social audits to ensure that this scheme is properly implemented.
- In addition to this, govt. will also give Rs. 500 to all the Anganwadi workers (AWWs) to ensure enrollment through Aadhar.
- Moreover, govt. will set up an ICT based real time monitoring system. This will reduce the work load of AWWs and put an end to existing process of maintaining registers.
- To encourage workers on use of latest technologies through IT based tools like Smartphones.
Furthermore, Central govt. will also open various Nutrition Resource Centers (NRCs). For this purpose, govt. will also focus on involvement of masses through Jan Andolan.

National Nutrition Mission – Major Impact Areas
Rashtriya Poshan Mission will focus on reducing the level of stunting, under nutrition, anaemia and low birth weight babies. The major impact areas are as follows:-
- NNM’s primary focus is to reduce rate of under-nutrition and low birth weight by 2% per year.
- National Nutrition Mission is going to witness a substantial reduction in stunting from 38.4 percent (National Family Health Survey 4 Report) to 25 percent till FY 2023.
- Subsequently, Rashtriya Poshan Mission will reduce the anaemia rate among young children, women and adolescent girls by at-least 3% every year.
National Nutrition Mission – Benefits, Budget & Coverage
— National Nutrition Health Mission targets to benefit around 10 crore people. Accordingly, Central govt. will also provide incentives to State and Union Territories (UTs) to meet targets.
— Rashtriya Poshan Mission scheme will include various states in Phases.

NNM Real Time Monitoring – Rashtriya Poshan Mission
Central govt. is going to adopt a 6 tier real time reporting system for Kuposhan Mukt Bharat Mission / Rashtriya Poshan Mission which is as follows:-
Anganwadi workers | Anganwadi supervisor |
Child development project officer | District officials |
Official appointed by the chief secretary at the state level | Central Govt. officials |
National Nutrition Mission Target
Central govt. is going to monitor and also perform convergence action plan upto grass root level. For this reason, NNM will focus on the use of IT technology for monitoring purpose.
Disease | Target Reduction |
Stunting | 2% |
Under-Nutrition | 2% |
Low Birth Weight | 2% |
Anaemia | 3% |
Furthermore, NNM mission will also track distribution of supplementary nutrition through Anganwadi Workers, Asha Workers and Auxiliary Nurse Midwife level under Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS).

NNM Guidelines
— Guidelines for Implementation of Incremental Learning Approach – Click Here
— Guidelines for organizing Community Based Events – Click Here
— For any further information, please visit the official website
But money holders house holders ka saport the government but not pure people’s not saport the. Government
Some govt job please.
My name is anamika I m 9 months pregnant. Mujhe koi facilities nai mili. Na koi diet na koi paisa. Aanganbaadi jao to khte hai ki govt ki trf se koi rashan nai as RHA. Sab sarkaari chor khaane KO baithe aap mujhe mere 9 machine ka hisaab doge?
In our areas we are not getting any facilities like no ratio cards forms issue…if any scheme arrive we r not aware it seems we r not belong to our colony like that.we r poor difficult to arrange money sometime for children education
Sarkari yojna
I want to participate in the regional recipe contest but unable to find its link
It should happen