PM Kisan Beneficiary List 2025 & 19th Installment Status at

PM Kisan beneficiary list 2025: Check your name in official beneficiary list of PM Kisan Yojana at in simple steps, track your status of installment or new application / registration प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना 2025 की लाभार्थी सूची में अपना नाम चेक करें
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PM Kisan Beneficiaries List March, 2025 – Complete procedure on how to check Name in PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana beneficiary list at official

PM Kisan beneficiary list 2025 and beneficiary status is available on the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme portal ( Now the farmers can check their name in the PM Kisan Beneficiary List 2025 at the official website.

What is PM Kisan Yojana

Under PM Kisan Scheme 2025, the govt. is providing an income support of Rs. 6000 per year in 3 equal installments to all small and marginal farmer families irrespective of land holding. All the farmers who had previously filled PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme online application form can check their name in PM Kisan Yojana list of beneficiaries and can even track their beneficiary status.

All the farmers irrespective of their land holding / ownership can avail assistance under PM Kisan Yojana 2025. PM-KISAN is a centrally sponsored scheme with almost 100% funding from Government of India and it had become operational from 1 December 2018. PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Registration can also be done at more than 6,000 CSCs located across the country.

All the beneficiaries of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana would be covered under Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme. This announcement was made by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in Budget 2020-2021 speech in the Lok Sabha. Check Revised Operational Guidelines using the link – PM Kisan Yojana Guidelines PDF. The PM kisan yojana beneficiary list 2025 is available to download / print in PDF format or checking name online at the official website.

PM Kisan Beneficiary List 2025 at

Here is the complete procedure to check your name in the PM Kisan Yojana beneficiary list 2025 at the official portal

STEP 1: Firstly visit the official website of PM-KISAN Scheme at

STEP 2: At the homepage, scroll over the “Farmers Corner” link present in the header and then click at the “Beneficiary List” option.

PM Kisan Beneficiaries List Link
PM Kisan Beneficiaries List Link

STEP 3: Direct Link for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana beneficiary list –

STEP 4: The PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Beneficiary List (District Wise) 2025 will appear as shown below:

PM Kisan Yojana Beneficiary List Search Form
PM Kisan Yojana Beneficiary List Search Form

STEP 5: Here candidates can select State, District, Sub-District, Block and Village name and click at the “Get Report” button to view beneficiary list name wise as shown below:

PM Kisan Yojana Beneficiaries List
PM Kisan Yojana Beneficiaries List

All the farmer families can avail assistance in 3 equal installments of Rs. 2000 each under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.

As per the guidelines, definition of family for the PM-Kisan Scheme is husband, wife and minor children. State govt. and UT administration will identify the farmer families which are eligible for support as per scheme guidelines.

Track PM Kisan Yojana Beneficiary Status (Installment Status)

The assistance amount under PM Kisan Yojana is transferred directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. People can now track the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana beneficiary status (Kisht Status) through the link given here –

The page to track PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana beneficiary status of installment will appear as shown below:

PM Kisan Status
PM Kisan Status

Here applicants can track their PM Kisan status through their registration number.

Self registered or farmers who have registered themselves through CSC center can check their status at below link.

Know PM Kisan Registration Number

If you do not remember your registration number, you can visit the link below and enter your mobile or aadhar number to check your PM Kisan Yojana registration number.

PM Kisan Yojana New Farmer Registration

Farmers across the country who have not yet registered for the PM Kisan Yojana, can do online registration at the official website by visiting this link and filling the application form.

PM Kisan Yojana registration form page looks like below.

PM Kisan Registration Form
PM Kisan Registration Form

3 More Benefits to PM Kisan Beneficiaries

Apart from the financial benefits through installments, the farmers of also receives 3 more benefits under the scheme. Now the farmers can also take the advantage of PM Kisan Maandhan Yojana. To offer financial help to farmers, the central government has started the pension scheme.

Along with this, the farmers can take the advantage of loans from Kisan credit cards.

PM Kisan Credit Card

Now, PM Kisan Credit Card has been linked with the PM Kisan Scheme of farmers. Under this scheme, farmers not only get financial help, but the government is also providing loans at affordable rates. Notably, PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana & Kisan Credit Card Scheme are linked under the Self-reliant India Scheme.

Currently, about 8 core farmers have KCC, while the government wants to include 1 crore more people in the scheme.

PM Kisan Maandhan Yojana

In, PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, the center has the facility to provide a pension to farmers which are known as PM Kisan Maandhan Yojana. If farmers are already a beneficiary of the PM Kisan Scheme, then, they don’t need to submit new documents for the pension scheme. They are automatically registered in the PM Kisan Maandhan Yojana. In this scheme, farmers can get a pension after they turn 60 years of age. Any farmer in the gar group of 18 to 40 years can invest. The farmers get a minimum monthly pension of Rs 3000.

PM Kisan ID Card

The central government is planning to create PM Kisan ID Cards for farmers on the basis of data received from the PM Kisan Scheme.

The special identity card can be created by linking this to the land record of the PM Kisan Scheme. Once the ID card is created, the schemes related to farming will reach farmers easily.

Farmer Helpline Number for PM Kisan Yojana

If you are enrolled in scheme and your name is in PM Kisan beneficiary list and still not getting your money, then you need not worry. Those farmers who want to know about their registration details they need to give a call only.

You need is to give a call at PM Kisan helpline number 155261 or 011-24300606 or PM Kisan landline number 011-23381092 or Toll Free number 11800-180-1551 and get details in regard to your PM Kisan Samman Nidhi registration.

Around 2 crore farmers are still not getting money even after getting enrolled into the PM Kisan Samman Scheme. This is because of the anomaly in Aadhaar Card number, bank account number or wrong phone number registered with the given bank account. Those farmers who are yet to get their money after being enrolled under the farmer welfare scheme, they need to call at toll free or helpline numbers for PM Kisan Scheme benefits.

The Government of India (GoI) gives up to Rs 1.6 lakh KCC loan without any collateral or guarantee to the small farmers who hold KCC. As per the tax and investment experts, farmers can take loans up to Rs 5 lakh KCC loan in 3 years. The KCC loan interest rate is also very low at 4 per cent per annum. But, to avail the Kisan Credit Card facility, a farmer must open one’s account under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana 2025 – Overview

Name of SchemePM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana
Target BeneficiariesAll farmers
Benefits Under the SchemeRs. 6000 to be given in 3 installments of 2000 each
Official Portal
Sponsored byCentral Government
Run & Implemented byMinistry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India
PM Kisan Helpline No.155261 / 011-24300606
PM Kisan Helpline
PM-Kisan AppDownload PM Kisan Yojana App
An Overview of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Beneficiary List

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Contact Info

PM-Kisan Helpline No.: 155261 / 011-24300606
Phone: 0120-6025109
Email: pmkisan-ict[at]gov[dot]in

In case of any query on PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme, candidates can contact the helpline number or can visit the official website for more information at

Important Note:- Attention Farmers & Traders Now you can contact vehicle providers for transporting agricultural produce, using KISAN RATH mobile app launched by Govt of India. Please, search for KISAN RATH on Google Play Store to download and install the app.

82 thoughts on “PM Kisan Beneficiary List 2025 & 19th Installment Status at”

  1. have been advocating new Farming and Agriculture Sector of India (FASI) which helps Various specialised department of Contracts Farming. Need to constitute One Point Agriculture Service (OPAS) so that all needed formalities must be completed in fixed time frame not beyond 10days delay.

    Yogi Ji We always wished for the welfare of Farmers resolving All Farmers problems created from time to time be it sugarcane payment, produce sale or storage giving prompt return and Future forecast.
    If you allow I can work out a detailed Farmers Fixed Income Plan on Agricultural Land Holding (FIPALH).
    Good step but Farmers exploitation is highly suspected.

  2. sir my i request you ple guide line for farmering in new sceem isme kya karna hi aur kis tarah se hum apply ker sakte hi aur iske benifit kya hi thanku plese give me contact no and help me plese thanku

  3. यह योजना केवल कागज पर होती है पर हम किसानों को कभी मिलती नहीं है बैंक में जाते हैं तो इतने नियम बता देते हैं कि उसको फॉलो करने नामुमकिन होता है जितनी भी योजना आती है हम गरीब किसान उसका लाभ नहीं उठा पाते वह वह लाभ केवल अमीर लोगों को ही मिलता है इस कमेंट के माध्यम से हम आपको बताना चाहते हैं की बैंक में मुद्रा योजना के लिए लोन के लिए अप्लाई किए पर हमारी फाइल मंजूर नहीं होगी और यह कह दिया गया कि ऊपर से रोक लग गया है और वही दूसरे लोग जो अपने फाइल लगाएं उनका पास हो गया और हम 2 साल से केवल बैंक के आसपास दौड़ रहे हैं आज करेंगे कल कर देंगे यही संभावना देकर टाल देते हैं

  4. Nice scheme But soo many people are cultivating the former’s (land owners) land. Soo many people they don’t have a piece of land so please see this people also. Really this people in struggle bucause they have to give money to former at the year end if he gain or loss he have to give there is no earning for him so please do something to this people (who are cultivating the former’s land). Please don’t forgot this is true. Every time state government and central government help former but please see the other former’s also there they really need help

  5. इस योजना की देखरेख पंचायत स्तर पर ग्राम रोजगार सेवक के माध्यम से होनी चाहिये क्योंकि सभी प्रकार की डाटा एन्ट्री ग्राम स्तर और ब्लाक स्तर और जिला स्तर पर करते हें !

  6. Phele 10 percent commission doo phir kissano ki file pass hogi warna kissan ko ayyogya Kr diya jayega isliye phele corruption khatam karo…..

    • First check if your name is already there in the eligible list of beneficiaries by entering your mobile number and verifying it with received OTP at

      If you are not in the list, you might not be eligible, if you think your name is not in the list but it should be there, contact your nearest health and wellness center or civil hospital or meet Aarogya mitra in any of the em-paneled hospital.

    • Mere pitaji kisan hai per humne a document diye hue the per aaj din tak ok bank account mein payment Nahin I koi iski sunvaee nahin karta hai teen char bar humne dobara se form diye Hain per aaj din tak ko iska jawab Nahin Aaya please help my father MI

  7. i am not received pm kison amount still date my state tamilnadu nilgiri distick kotagiri taluck naduhatty 2 village my bank a/c pallavan bank kotagiri a.c no 51159415 please send pm kison amount

    • कृपया अपनी निजी जानकारी जैसे की आधार नंबर अथवा बैंक खाते की जानकारी कमेंट में ना डालें।

    • aap PM Kisan ke helpline pe sampark karein, yahan par apni details share na karein, ye official website nahin hai

    • Raju Subhash Siroor, your PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana beneficiary status is “Either details are not registered in the portal or rejected due to wrong details.

  8. कृष्ण पाल सन ऑफ श्री दीनानाथ ग्राम पन्ना पुर पोस्ट खमरिया तहसील मिलक जिला रामपुर अभी तक एक भी किस नहीं आई के लिए सर मैं क्या करूं कई बार ऑनलाइन करा दिया अभी तक अपडेट नहीं हो पा रहा है कई बार किसान निधि वालों को बोल दिया काफी लोगों को भूल चुका हूं अभी तक कुछ नहीं हो पाया सर मैं क्या करूं ना ही मेरा राशन कार्ड है गांव में राशन मुझे देते नहीं कहते हैं राशन कार्ड लाओ राशन कार्ड उत्तराखंड का है वह भी कहीं खो गया है 1 साल हो गया लगभग राशन नहीं मिल रहा है बताओ सर मैं क्या करूं आपसे बड़ी महान आपकी कृपा होगी मेरी मदद करें धन्यवाद

  9. राज्य बिहार जिला अररीया ब्लॉक जोकीहाट ग्राम पंचायत डूबा प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना ग्रामीण लिस्ट 2021 पीडीएफ हिंदी शब्दों में दिखाइए और मनरेगा जॉब कार्ड लिस्ट तिथि 02/08/2021 पीडीएफ हिंदी शब्दों में दिखाइए


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