Madhya Pradesh government has launched food vehicles under Deendayal Rasoi Yojana on 7 October 2023. This scheme aims to provide full meal to labourers and the needy at Rs. 5 near their work locations.
The food vehicles under Deendayal Rasoi Yojana were flagged off by Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan himself. It is important to note that assembly elections are due in Madhya Pradesh in November 2023.
About Deendayal Rasoi Yojana 2025
CM Chouhan on occassion said “Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay used to consider the poor as God and according to his mantras, many schemes are being operated in Madhya Pradesh to serve such people. Poor people can now buy food at concessional rates. Migrant workers and other needy citizens can get a full meal near their workplace through this scheme”.
Deendayal Rasoi Yojana is a major step to ensure nutritious food is given to needy people and no one sleeps hungry. The Chief Minister Chouhan said that a major chunk of the daily earnings of labourers who come to cities for work is spent on food, but now, they will get fresh food at just Rs 5 at their place of work which will save them money and time.
Grant Per Person under Deendayal Rasoi Scheme
The state government has made arrangements to provide a grant of Rs. 10 per person under the Deendayal Rasoi scheme. The subsidised food scheme was launched on February 7, 2017, at 56 centres including those located at the district headquarters and six prominent religious places.
According to the official sources, 166 such centres are being operated while 25 mobile food vans have been launched. Check Deendayal Rasoi Yojana Official website –
Timings for Proving Rs. 5 Meal at Deen Dayal Rasoi
The food vehicles under Deendayal Rasoi Yojana, each costing around Rs. 25 lakh, have the facility for keeping the food hot. The thalis at the rate of Rs. 5 per plate will be provided from 10 AM to 3 PM every day.
Three such food vehicles will operate in Bhopal, four in Indore, two each in Gwalior and Jabalpur, and one each in 12 municipal corporations and two industrial towns – Pithampur and Mandideep.
Gradually, such mobile food centres will be launched in 68 civic bodies each having more than 20,000 population, officials said.
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