Uttar Pradesh government is going to launch a new UP CM Award Scheme 2023. This award scheme by CM Yogi Adityanath led UP govt. will apply to OBC students studying in class 10th to 12th in U.P Board affiliated schools. In this article, we will tell you about the complete details of Chief Minister’s Award Scheme.
About UP CM Award Scheme 2025
In order to felicitate meritorious students from Other Backward Classes (OBC) category, Uttar Pradesh government is set to introduce the Chief Minister’s Award Scheme. This information regarding UP CM Award Scheme is given as press statement issued by the Press Information Bureau on 7 December 2022. The scheme will apply to OBC students (from Class 10th and 12th) studying in schools affiliated with the U.P. Board. So far, the amount to be given under the scheme has not been specified.
OBC Students List in Uttar Pradesh
The state govt. of Uttar Pradesh has directed educational institutions to submit a list of OBC students. From this list of students, meritorious students would be selected and then will be given awards under UP CM Award Scheme.
Computer Training to OBC Students
UP govt. aims to make OBC students employable or financially self-reliant through computer training. For this purpose, a budget proposal will be prepared so that more class 10th to 12th students benefit from the computer training scheme. There is also a proposal to digitally prepare students from other backward classes for competitive examinations.
The directions regarding the aforementioned schemes were issued by Narendra Kashyap, minister of state for the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and State Commission for Backward Classes. In a review meeting, the minister ordered concerned officials to ensure that information regarding schemes for backward classes are circulated through social media as well.
Meanwhile, the minister also directed the management of city-based Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University to ensure that admissions on reserved seats are done more transparently. Notably, the varsity has reserved 50% of its seats for disabled students. Out of these reserved seats, 50% are kept for visually impaired students.
Kashyap also directed the department to organise an exhibition of products made by the disabled to provide more educational and employability opportunities to people with disabilities. Further, to ensure maximum enrolment of differently-abled students at Dr Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, disabled students will be provided free-of-cost education, hostel accommodation, and food arrangements in the campus. This will be done with aid from the state government.
Besides, special courses including B.Ed. (Hearing Impairment), B.Ed. (Visual Impairment), B.Ed. (Intellectual Disability), B.A.S.L.P (Bachelor of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology) M.Ed. (Visual Impairment), M.Ed. (Intellectual Disability), M.P.O. (Master of Prosthetic and Orthotics) are also being conducted at the university for the benefit of the disabled.
Source / Reference Link: https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/others/up-govt-to-roll-out-cm-award-scheme-to-honour-meritorious-obc-students-101670505411969.html