Tamil Nadu government has launched a new Thiranari Thervu Thittam Scheme 2025. In this scheme, the Tamilnadu state govt. will provide guidance and stipend to students studying in class 10th. In this article we will tell you about the complete details of the new Thiranari Thervu Thittam Yojana.
About Tamil Nadu Thiranari Thervu Thittam
On 5 April 2023, CM M.K. Stalin launched Thiranari Thervu Thittam Scheme (Aptitude scheme) during the inauguration of Indian Institute of Technology’s (IIT–Madras) outreach programme to motivate government school students to take up a career in electronic sciences.
While launching the scheme, CM said “We announce the new scheme called ‘Thiranari Thervu Thittam’. As many as 1,000 students (500 boys and 500 girls) studying in class X will be chosen for this scheme. Guidance will be provided to the students by connecting them to higher education institutions”.
Chief Minister added “And, a stipend of Rs 1,000 will be provided every month until they finish Class 12. Students selected under this scheme will also get Rs. 12,000 as stipend annually during their under-graduation and post-graduation”.
Overview of TN Thiranari Thervu Thittam Scheme
Name of Scheme | Thiranari Thervu Thittam Scheme |
State | Tamil Nadu |
Beneficiary | Boys and Girls studying in Class 10th |
Number of Beneficiaries | 1000 Students (500 boys and 500 girls) |
Objective | Stipend of Rs. 1,000 per month until students finish Class 12th. Also Rs. 12,000 as stipend annually during their under-graduation (UG) and post-graduation (PG) |
Date of Announcement | 5 April 2023 |
Who Announced It | CM M.K. Stalin |
How to Apply Online for Thiranari Thervu Thittam Scheme?
The clear guidelines for the online application for this scheme are not available. However, Students can visit the official website of Tamilnadu School Education department at https://tnschools.gov.in or call the helpline.
I’m also attending the exam in 2018 and pass the exam but I receive only one thousand rupees cheqe only. In 5000 rupees amount I only received 1000. I asked my high school principal why the amount wasn’t received, she said you not eligible maa because you joined your secondary schooling on government aided school so the amount was stopped.so please I kindly request that provide the scholarship properly and one more thing is I’m not receive my secondary school completion scholarship 6000 also.