Farmer Registration & Login: Nagaland State Agriculture Portal has been launched at It is an important initiative of Nagaland Agriculture Department in the state to benefit farming community. Now all the farmers can make Farmer Registration & Login to enjoy benefits of various schemes and services meant for them. In this article, we will even tell about schemes under agriculture department in Nagaland. Farmer Registration & Login
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official Nagaland State Agriculture Portal at
STEP 2: At the homepage, go to the “Login” tab present in the main menu and click at “Farmer” link.

STEP 3: Direct Link –
STEP 4: Then the page to make Nagaland State Agriculture Portal Login will open as shown below:-

STEP 5: All the registered farmers can make login while those who are new to the Nagafarmer Nagaland portal will have to click as “Register as Farmer” link.
STEP 6: Then the Nagaland Farmer Online Registration Form will open as shown below:-

STEP 7: Here farmers can enter mobile number, generate OTP, verify it and proceed to complete the Nagaland Farmer Registration process through online mode.
STEP 8: After the farmers gets registered at Nagafarmer Nagaland Gov In portal, they can easily make Nagaland State Agriculture Portal Farmer Login.
Agency Registration with Nagaland Agriculture Department
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official Nagaland State Agriculture Portal at
STEP 2: At the homepage, go to the “Login” tab present in the main menu and click at “Farmer” link.

STEP 3: Direct Link –
STEP 4: Then the page to make Nagaland State Agriculture Portal Login will open as shown below:-

STEP 5: All the registered agencies can make login while those who are new to the Nagafarmer Nagaland portal will have to click as “Register as Agency” link.
STEP 6: Then the Nagaland Agency Online Registration Form will open as shown below:-

STEP 7: Here agencies can enter mobile number, generate OTP, verify it and proceed to complete the Nagaland Agency Registration process through online mode.
After the agency gets registered at Nagafarmer Nagaland Gov In portal, they can easily make Nagaland State Agriculture Portal Agency Login.
Institutions at Nagaland State Agriculture Portal
- Agri Expo
- Integrated Extension Training Institute (IETC)
- Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK)
- State Agricultural Research Station (SARS)
List of Schemes under Agriculture Department in Nagaland
- Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) Scheme
- Agriculture Census Scheme
- Strengthening and Modernization of Pest Management Approach in India (SMPP)
- Women in Agriculture Scheme
- Farm Mechanization under SMAM and RKVY
- Seed Production Programme
- Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)
- Rainfed Area Development (RAD) under NMSA
- North East Region Agri Expo
- National Mission on Oilseed and Oil Palm (NMOOP)
- National Food Security Mission
- National e-Governance Plan Agriculture (NeGP-A) in Nagaland
- Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region
- Jhum-Fallow Management
- Integrated Pest Management (RKVY)
- Integrated Nutrient Management
- Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Scheme
- Education and Training Scheme
About Nagaland Agricultural Department
State department of Agriculture was established as a full fledged department in the year 1963 headed by Director with the declaration of Nagaland as the 16th state under the Indian Union. The department has attended and celebrated its 50 years on 4th Dec 2013 in Kohima, Nagaland. The genesis of the State department of Agriculture being old as the statehood has its root back in 1910 to early 1920, where the British Raj Agriculture as part of developmental activities and administration started with few nucleus staff called as Agriculture Demonstrator and “Kheti Babus”.
During 1952-62 two District officers functioned under the direct control of Secretary Development in the nascent Secretariat as DAO Kohima and DAO Tuensang. The progeny of the Department of Agriculture are the Department of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary (Erswhile Deptt of VS&AH), CO-operation, Fishery, Soil and Water Conservation, Irrigation & Flood Control, Horticulture and Land Resources (Erswhile Waste Land Deptt.).
Nagaland Agricultural department target to achieve food security by the FY 2025. Natural resources based sustainable Agriculture is decreasing due to decline in eco-system and man-made activities. Therefore, efficiency is mediated for improvement in production and productivity to achieve food security.
Strategies of Nagaland Agriculture Department
Here are some of the strategies adopted by Nagaland Agriculture Department for promotion of agricultural activities in the state.
- Improve Farm Water Management
- Capacity building as upscaling of skill
- Strengthening of extension services for effective transfer and adoption of appropriate technologies
- Practice of Double, inter, relay and mixed cropping
- Emphasize Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- Promotion of Organic farming in selected area
- Commercialization of selected agricultural Crops
- Stabilization & intensification of Jhuming practices
- Strengthening of Research and Development of Rainfed Agriculture
- Promotion of post harvest management technology for agricultural Marketing
- Mechanization of Agriculture
- Promote Women in Agriculture
- Adopt ICT in Agriculture
- Timely distribution of quality seeds
- Adoption of seed village and seed infrastructure development
- Promote Indigenous practices in context with climate change
- Promote Integrated Nutrient Management (INM)
- Adoption of SRI, line transplanting and direct seeding
- Identification and promotion of local cultivars (TLS
- Advocate soil amelioration
Contact Information
Address – Directorate of Agriculture, AG Colony, Kohima, Nagaland – 797001
Phone: 0370-2243116
Email: [email protected]