Jammu & Kashmir Government has launched Muhafiz (Guardian) Scheme for the unorganized sector workers. This J&K Muhafiz Scheme will provide social-economic security to labourers. Under this scheme, govt. will cover approx. 3 lakh workers who are registered with “J&K Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (JKBOCWWB)”. These workers will get an accidental, life and disability insurance coverage.
What is Jammu and Kashmir Muhafiz Scheme 2025
- Registered Construction Worker in Case of His / Her Natural Death – Rs. 2,00,000 to the nominee / dependents of the registered worker in case of his / her natural death.
- Registered BOC, Workers in case of an Accidental Death – Rs. 4,00,000 to the nominee / dependents of the registered BOC Workers in case of an accidental death.
- Workers in case of his Partial Permanent Disablement – Rs. 1,00,000 to the registered BOC Workers in case of his partial permanent disablement.
- Workers in case of Partial Disablement – Rs. 2,00,000 to the registered BOC Workers in case of permanent disablement.
- Workers for Class 9th to 12th through National Scholarship – Rs. 1200 per annum per child (upto 2 children) as education assistance for the children of the registered BOC Workers for class 9th to 12th through National Scholarship.
- Micro Credit ATM Cum Smart Identity Card – Micro Credit Facility of Rs. 10,000 along with specially designed Micro Credit ATM Cum Smart Identity Card.
J&K govt. had launched Muhafiz Scheme on 8 January 2018. Accordingly, the workers in the unorganized sector will have to make registration through online or other modes. This scheme will benefit the labourers especially belonging to the rural areas.
J&K Muhafiz Scheme Application Form PDF Download Online
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official website at https://jkbocw.gov.in/
STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Forms” link or directly click https://jkbocw.gov.in/DynamicPages/Downloads.aspx
STEP 3: Click at the respective links to download J&K Muhafiz Scheme Application Form PDF through online mode.
STEP 4: Click at the “Disability Assistance Claim Form under Muhafiz Scheme (PMJJBY / PMSBY) from 01.01.2018” link to open the scheme Disability Assistance Claim Form as shown below:-

STEP 5: Click at the “Natural/ Accidental Death Claim Form under MUHAFIZ Scheme (PMJJBY/ PMSBY) from 01.01.2018” link to open the scheme Natural / Accidental Death Claim Form as shown below:-

Employment Certificate Form – https://jkbocw.gov.in/MediaGallery/Employment%20Ceritificate%20Form.pdf
Registration Form – https://jkbocw.gov.in/MediaGallery/New%20Registration%20form%204%20.pdf
Salient Features of Jammu & Kashmir Muhafiz (Guardian) Scheme
The important features and highlights of this scheme are as follows:-
- Under Guardian Scheme, the workers who are registered with JKBOCWWB will get socio-economic security and an insurance coverage.
- Initially, the credit facility limit will remain Rs. 10,000 along with a counter guarantee.
- For this reason, JKBOCWWB will deposit Rs. 30 crore in the J&K Bank.
- Moreover, govt. will also provide educational scholarships for the children of labourers.
- This scheme will benefit around 3 lakh workers of unorganized sector especially from rural areas.
- Furthermore, JKBOCWWB has also provided financial assistance of Rs. 275 crore for education, marriage, chronic diseases etc. in the previous 3 years to such workers.
Govt. has started this J&K Muhafiz Scheme because unorganized sector consists of the wage paid labourers. They have seasonal nature of employment and also their enterprises have scattered locations. Unorganized sector workers have low income, unstable jobs, lack of protection from various legislations or trade unions. So J&K govt. has launched Muhafiz scheme.
For more details, visit the link – https://jkbocw.gov.in/StaticPages/SchemeInformation.aspx
humko ye facility’s pane ke liye keya karna parega ? please give me information carent thank u sir/madam
my address Vill_ lagun gachh po_ asharubasti, ps_ chopra uttar dinaj pur 733207 mobile no_ 9851820081 8918661201
sir i am from kupwara j&k contact on 9906450708
Agar kisi be building and other construction workers ko inn schemes ki jankari chahia to iss number pai sampat karay
National Front of Indian trade unions
Recognized by Government of India
Order No L-52025/20/2003-IMP(DHN)
mujhe micro credit cum smart identity card k liye kya karna hai