Andhra Pradesh government has started Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Scheme 2025 portal login process at Under this YSR Educational Kits Scheme, the state government will provide Vidya Kanuka Kits to government school students. The government has launched this scheme earlier on 8th October 2020 so that the students of govt. schools can easily focus on their studies. In this article, we will tell you about the login process as well as items present in the kits distributed under YSR Vidya Kanuka Yojana.
AP Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Scheme 2023
Under the Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Kit Scheme 2025, the state government provides eductional kit consisting of three pairs of uniforms, textbooks, notebooks, a pair of shoes, two pairs of socks, belts and a school bag to each student of class 1st to 10th in government schools.
On 12 June 2023. CM Y.S Jagan Mohan Reddy distributed free kits to more than 43 lakh students under JVK scheme in Palnadu district. The kits worth Rs. 1,043 crore were distributed by the Chief Minister at Krosuru village. AP government was firstly launched on 8th October 2020 to enable school students to focus on their studies.
While distributing kits for the fourth straight year, CM said “as soon as schools opened, we are implementing Jagananna Vidya Kanuka so that no boy, girl or their parents will go through any trouble for procuring things like books and uniforms”. To enable students easily comprehend the lessons, bilingual textbooks will juxtapose English content and its translated Telugu version on opposite pages for easy navigation, comparison, observation and mental absorption.
According to the CM, the southern state has spent Rs. 648 crore in 2020-21, Rs. 789 crore in (2021 – 22), Rs. 887 crore (2022-23) and Rs. 1,043 crore (2023-24) amounting to Rs. 3,367 crore on Jagananna Vidya Kanuka scheme.
Vidya Kanuka Scheme Portal Login
STEP 1: First of all, visit the official website for jagananna vidya kanuka scheme is
STEP 2: On homepage, click at the “Login” link.
STEP 3: Then Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Scheme Portal Login page will appear as shown below:-
STEP 4: Enter username, password, captcha and click at “Login” button to make Jagananna Vidya Kanuka portal login.
Alternate Link –
Launch of YSR Vidya Kanuka Scheme 1st Phase
AP Government had launched Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Scheme 1st phase on 8th October 2020, where all the school going students will be provided with uniform, books, belt, shoes, and socks.
While distributing kits, CM Reddy said “Schools doors open from today and before the bells ring, I am happy to tell you that our government is giving away the kits to all the children who should receive it”.
An Overview of Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Kit Scheme
Below are some important highlights of the Vidya Kanuka scheme
Name of Scheme | Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Scheme |
State Name | Andhra Pradesh |
1st Phase Launch Date | 08 October 2020 |
Distribution of Kits in 4th Phase | 12 June 2023 |
Number of Beneficiaries | 43 lakh |
Cost of Each kit | Rs. 1,350 |
Educational Kit | 3 pairs of uniform cloth, notebooks / textbooks, 2 pair of socks, school bag, belt, pair of shoes |
Allocation for 4th Phase | Rs. 1,043 crore |
Beneficiaries | 1st to 10th class govt. school students |
Launched by | CM YSR Jagan Mohan Reddy |
The state govt. of Andhra Pradesh is distributing these special kits containing 6 items for students studying in public schools. It is important to note that the cost of uniform stitches are deposited in bank accounts of mothers who send their children to schools.
Details of Kits Distributed under Vidya Kanuka Scheme
The Vidya Kanuka kits will be distributed among the students on the reporting day which will consists of the following.
- Bag: A school bag with size matching his/her class will be provided so that students can easily carry their study material from home to school and vice-versa.
- Text books: Textbooks according to the class of the students will be provided on the same day along with the kit.
- Notebooks: Notebooks according to the class of the students will be provided on the same day along with the kit.
- 1 Pair of shoes: Each student will be given a pair of school uniform shoes of either black or white color.
- 3 Pair of Uniform: Each student of class 1st to 10th will be provided 3 pairs of school uniform as per their fit size.
- 1 Belt: A belt which is essentially a uniform belt would also be given to the students of all classes from 1st to 10th under the Vidya Kanuka scheme.
- 1 Dictionary: A dictionary is given to students to enhance their vocabulory.
- 2 Pairs of socks: 2 pairs of socks which will be all weather socks will be given in the Vidya Kanuka kit.
How to Apply for Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Scheme
There is no need to apply online or offline for Jagananna Vidya Kanuka scheme as the kits will be directly distributed in the government schools. The scheme will be implemented by the school education department of Andhra Pradesh government.
Need for AP Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Kits Scheme
Andhra Pradesh govt. is making all efforts to improve the overall quality of education. In line with Amma Vodi Scheme, Goru Mudda Scheme, Nadu-Nedu, English medium education, AP govt. will provide Vidya Kanuka Kits to each student. The state govt. aims to increase literacy rate and Gross Enrollment Ration (GER) in colleges through these initiatives.
AP govt. has identified 10 basic components including toilets, fans, drinking water, furniture, repair works, compound walls and English labs. Around 45,000 schools, colleges and hostels would be covered under the Mana Badi Nadu Nedu scheme.
To enable teachers to learn English medium teaching, self-learning apps, training and assessment tests are introduced. Each school will have an English lab while Telugu will remain a compulsory subject. The state govt. is also spending an additional amount for the implementation of the Goru Mudda scheme. In this scheme, ration and quality of the food would be verified at 4 levels by different agencies including parents, SHGs, Village and Ward Secretariats and RDOs.
For more information about the scheme, visit the official website of Andhra Pradesh Govt at
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