Gujarat Chief Minister Scholarship Scheme 2025: Gujarat government has announced a new Chief Minister Scholarship Scheme (CMSS) 2025. The beneficiaries of new CMSS Scheme will also be eligible for the existing Mukhyamantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana (MYSY). The scheme applies to students with an annual family income of up to Rs 4.50 lakh. In this article, we will tell you about the complete details of Gujarat CM Scholarship Scheme.
Gujarat Chief Minister Scholarship Scheme 2025
The state govt. on 4 February 2022 announced Gujarat Chief Minister Scholarship Scheme (CMSS). It is a financial assistance programme for students pursuing higher education. The beneficiaries will also be eligible for the existing Mukhyamantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana (MYSY). “This means that the (new) scheme will be a supplementary scheme of MYSY”.
Eligibility Criteria for CM Scholarship Scheme in Gujarat
- All those students getting admission for diploma courses after class 10 as well as those being inducted into degree courses (D to D) after diploma are eligible for CMSS.
- The Gujarat Chief Minister Scholarship Scheme applies to students with an annual family income of upto Rs. 4.50 lakh.
Assistance Amount under CM Scholarship Scheme
- Eligible students who get admission in diploma course after class 10 will get the assistance at 50 per cent of the fixed annual tuition fee or Rs 50,000, whichever is lower.
- Eligible undergraduate students after a diploma will get 50 per cent of the tuition fee for engineering and professional courses or Rs 1 lakh, whichever is lower.
CMSS Supplementary Scheme of MYSY
Currently, students who have secured 80 percentile marks in classes 10 or 12 qualify for MYSY. The state government pays 50% of the fee, up to a maximum of Rs. 2 lakh per year, for undergraduate students of medicine in self-financed and government medical colleges, while students of dental sciences, homoeopathy, nursing and physiotherapy get 50% fee waiver or assistance of Rs. 2 lakh, whichever is lower.
Also, students of diploma and those in engineering, science, arts, commerce and education courses in self-financed colleges will get a 50% fee waiver or annual assistance of Rs. 10,000, whichever is lower, in addition to the annual assistance of Rs. 25,000 or 50% fee waiver.
Background of Gujarat Mukhyamantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana
MYSY scheme in Gujarat came into existence in the year 2015 during the Anandiben Patel government with a corpus of Rs. 1,000 crore. The state govt. has disbursed over Rs. 1,100 crore so far under Mukhyamantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana. The scheme was launched in response to the Patidar agitation for reservation in college education and government jobs.
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