PDF Name | Amrit Sarovar Scheme 2025 Guidelines PDF |
Last Updated | September 25, 2023 |
No. of Pages | 12 |
PDF Size | 0.84 MB |
Language | English |
Category | Government Schemes, Forms, Policies & Guidelines PDF |
Topic / Tag | Govt Scheme Guidelines |
Source(s) / Credits | Sarkari Yojana |

Amrit Sarovar Scheme 2025 Guidelines available to download in PDF format at water.ncog.gov.in/AmritSarovar/. Mission Amrit Sarovar was launched on National Panchayati Raj Day on 24th April 2022 as a part of celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav with an objective to conserve water for future.
Objective of Mission Amrit Sarovar is “construction/development of at least 75 Amrit Sarovar (ponds) in every district of the country”. Each Amrit Sarovar will have pondage area of minimum of 1 acre (0.4 hectare) with water holding capacity of about 10,000 cubic meter. All rural districts will develop having at least 75 Amrit Sarovars totalling about 50,000 Amrit Sarovars in the country
Amrit Sarovar Scheme 2025
The Amrit Sarovar Mission is aimed at developing and rejuvenating 75 water bodies in each district of the country. All the States including States of Assam and Rajasthan are covered under Amrit Sarovar Scheme. As on 29th July 2022, 80,034 sites ahve been identified and work has commenced on 35,364 sites. The work has been completed on 4,753 sites. The details are available on water.ncog.gov.in/AmritSarovar/.
Mission Amrit Sarovar works through the States and Districts, through refocusing of various schemes such as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, XV Finance Commission Grants, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) sub schemes such as Watershed Development Component, Har Khet Ko Pani besides States’ own schemes. Mission Amrit Sarovar will also encourage mobilisation of citizen and non-govt resources for supplementing these efforts.