Chhattisgarh Government has launched a new Startup Chhattisgarh Scheme 2025. Under the Startup Chhattisgarh scheme, the state government would be offering several incentives for the startup entrepreneurs. This scheme has been launched on the lines of the Narendra Modi’s Startup India mission to promote entrepreneurship development in Chhattisgarh. In this article, we will tell you about the benefits, how to apply online process and complete details of the scheme.
Apply Online for Startup Chhattisgarh Scheme 2025
To promote the startup culture in the state, the government would be extending its full support to develop the enabling ecosystem for startups. The state government, for the same purpose has also launched a website to accept the startup ideas. Now we will describe the complete process of how to apply online for Startup Chhattisgarh Scheme.
CG Start-Up Registration
Here is the complete process to make CG Start-Up Registration at the official portal.
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official website at
STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Startup Registration” tab present in the main menu or directly click
STEP 3: The form to make Startup Registration in CG will appear as shown below:-

STEP 4: All the applicants will have to enter the details in the Chhattisgarh Startup Registration Form and submit it.
The interested candidates can submit their idea of any kind whether it is just an idea, prototype, validated in market or an existing business with revenue on this website.
Verification of Startups in Chhattisgarh
Visit the same official website at At the homepage, click at the “Verification” tab or directly click
The page for Startup Chhattisgarh Verification will appear as displayed below:-

Single Window Login – Ease of Doing Business
Here is the direct link to make single window login to promote ease of doing business
The page to make login at a single window for ease of doing business will appear as shown below:-

Boot Camps for Startup CG Registration
The state government would organize boot camps across all 27 districts in the state. The boot camp would be a campaign to identify the potential start-up idea which can be incubated and turned into successful business. The startups selected for incubation will be provided support by the state government in all aspects of nurturing the idea. The government would provide support in developing the business plan, building a prototype, market testing of the product, service and funding.
Under this initiative, Government also aims at nurturing startup companies which are much closer to the local environment. Preference will be given to startup in priority sectors, healthcare, animal husbandry and value addition of core sector products. Under the Startup Chhattisgarh Scheme, startup in priority sectors such as healthcare, animal husbandry and value addition of core sector products will be given preferences in selection. Link to apply online for DPIIT Number –
Query Resolution
Nodal Department | Nodal Officer | Contact Details |
Department of Commerce & Industries, Government of Chhattisgarh | Director Industries, Government of Chhattisgarh | Phone: 0771-2583855e-mail: / |
Dedicated Team to Support Develop Start-up Ecosystem in Chhattisgarh
The team is formed to ensure proper monitoring, documentation and reporting of the progress of the Startup initiatives being undertaken by Government of Chhattisgarh
Sr. No. | Members | Role |
1 | Director, Industries , Government of Chhattisgarh | Director |
2 | MD , CSIDC | Member |
3 | CEO, CHiPS | Member |
4 | CEO, 36INC | Member |
5 | Deputy General Manager, State Bank of India, Zonal Office, Byron Bazar, Raipur | Member |
6 | Joint Director, Directorate of Industries, Chhattisgarh | Member Secretary |
Help Line: 1800 233 3943
E-mail :
Directorate of Industries: 0771-2583651
Startup Chhattisgarh Policy –
For more details about the startup Chhattisgarh, please log on to the below website
Incorporated in 2000, we are known to be the best of the best, in E.D.P. Training, Motivation, Incubation, Nurturing, Innovative Project Plans, Detailed Project Reports, Project Execution, Turkey Services, Export, Branding, Financing & everything needed, for any Startups. We are official consultants to Govt. Of West Bengal. Member of CII Confederation of Indian Industries.
We are called as Rishis of Krishi. We have Incubated more than 1, 50, 000 Agripreneurs, in 7 states of West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, Sikkim, Assam, Andaman & Orissa. Now we have thought of developing a few Innovative Organic Model Villages, involving local Farmers, Self Help Groups, Unemployed Youths. Forming a few Farmer Producer Companies . First in India. Which will create huge employment & Organic produces. It will be a Revolution, in your Startup Chattisgarh Mission. We swear. If only you & your good Government is sportingly ready, to see this proposal, as an opportunity. Waiting eagerly for your Entrepreneurial response. Regards.
you are good sir i , m support it sir
मै राइस मिल खोलना चाहता हु इसके लिए मुझे स्टार्टअप योजना के तहत लोन चाइये था, जिससे मै किशानो से सीधा सम्पर्क करके उनसे मै उचित मूल्य में धान खरीद सकू, जिससे किशानो को अपने धान को बेचने के लिए किसी भी प्रकार के दलालों से कोई परेशानी नहीं होगी और उनको अपने धान का उचित मूल्य भी मील सके गा.
Mujhe sarkari skim wala job chahiye kisse sampark karu koi help nahi karta na kam deta hai mai berojgar aur garib hou mujhe noukri chahiye
सर जी हमने एक एन जी ओ शुरू किया है जो शिक्षा सम्बंधित है
हमारे उद्देश्य–
१ विद्यार्थियों हेतु प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा का आयोजन कर उत्कृष्ट स्थान प्राप्त करने वाले विद्यार्थियो को छात्रवृत्ति प्रदान कर उन्हें प्रोत्साहित करना
2 स्कूल स्कूल जाकर बच्चो को प्रोजेक्टर के माध्यम से अपराध सम्बंधित, नशाखोरी सम्बंधित एवं लैंगिक जानकारी देना जिससे सकारात्मक नव पीढ़ी का निर्माण हो सके
3 गांव एवं शहरो में जाकर शिक्षा का प्रचार प्रसार करना एवं पढ़ाई छोड़ने वाले बच्चो को फिर से शिक्षा हेतु प्रोत्साहित करना
4 गांव गांव जाकर शिविर के माध्यम से पालको को बच्चो की शारीरिक एवम मानसिक विकास सम्बंधित जानकारी देना
5 युवाओं को स्वरोजगार हेतु प्रेरित करना जिससे उनकी आर्थिक दशा सुधर सके।
सर प्लीज हमारी इस आइडिया पर ध्यान दें एवं हमारी मदद करे ताकि नई सोंच वाली पीड़िक निर्माण हो सके।।
मै होलसेल मेडिकल स्टोर खोलना चाहता हू मेरे पास खुद का लाइसेंस है मुझे 100 लाख का लोन चाहियि तो क्या क्या करना pdega. Pls. आप बता सकते हो क्या .
मुझे सरकारी योजना के तहत कोल्ङ सटोरेज खोलना चाहता है आवश्यक माग्र दशन चाहिए।
मैं स्टार्टअप योजना के लाभ लेते हुए हल्दी मशाला गृह उधोग खोलना चाहता हु योजना का लाभ कैसे लिया जा सकता है जानकारी दे।
मैं पानी पाऊच का मिनी फैक्ट्रि खोलना चाहता हूँ
एसलिए स्टार्टअप योजना के तहत मैं 20 लाख लोन लेना चाहता हु
my self sanjeet pure and i have completed my post graduation(M.PHARMA.). i want to start a medical shop in a city. with the help of government scheme or loan with subsidy by government. i want to store and sell medicines with full range of various medicine companies also include surgical products. so please give an idea for successfully i have done it.
Online business is growing day by day. You can do online business anywhere. But I think that no matter how big or small the company, you should have a plan to manage your company. Those are solutions to possible risks. And if you are intending to set up a limited company, I think it is absolutely necessary. An LLC is the right choice for those who want to build a limited liability company. Business owners are looking to: Protect their personal assets. There are tax options that benefit their profits