Uttar Pradesh government has launched Nandini Krishak Samridhi Yojana to provide 25 indigenous improved breeds of cows to the farmers and cattle rearers of the state for opening dairies. The cost of setting up a unit of 25 milch cows was estimated at Rs. 62,50,000. In such a situation, the Yogi government will give a grant of 50% of the total expenditure i.e., a maximum of Rs. 31,25,000 to the beneficiary.
In this article, we will tell you how to apply online for Nandani Krishak Samridhi Yojana and other aspects regarding the scheme.
About Nandini Krishak Samridhi Yojana 2025
Nandani Krishak Samridhi Yojana under the Nand Baba Milk Mission aims to increase the income of the farmers of the state. This scheme makes them self-reliant and increase their inclination towards indigenous breeds of cows. Along with this, the Progressive Animal Husbandry Promotion Scheme and Chief Minister Swadeshi Cow Promotion Scheme will also be started under the Nand Baba Milk Mission.
To accelerate milk production in the state, through Nandani Krishak Samridhi Yojana or Nandani Krishak Bima Yojana, the income of farmers will be increased by providing 25 cows of indigenous breeds like Gir from Gujarat, Sahiwal from Punjab, and Tharpark from Rajasthan.
Micro Loans under Nandani Krishak Samridhi Yojana
Farmers who are permanent residents of Uttar Pradesh will be provided micro-loans and good breeds of cows from the cooperative society under Nandini Krishak Samridhi Yojana. The cattle rearer will be given a good rate of milk. NKSY will also promote indigenous breeds and this scheme will prove to be a milestone in economically strengthening the farmers and cattle rearers through artificial insemination programs and bringing white revolution in the field of milk production.
Benefits of Dairy Farm Subsidy in Uttar Pradesh
- Only local cattle rearers and farmers of the state are eligible to get benefits.
- The beneficiary will be provided 25 indigenous cows of improved breed from other states. For this purpose, small loans and subsidies will be provided by the government.
- Farmers can increase their income by producing more milk from these cows.
- Under Nandini Krishak Samridhi Yojana, milk from cattle farmers will also be purchased at a good price.
- The state government will also conduct health checkups from time to time to solve the health related problems of these cows.
- Regular vaccination will also be done to prevent many diseases like lumpy virus.
- Animal farmers will become strong and self-reliant and the number of indigenous breeds of cows will increase in the state.
- Employment opportunities will increase in the state through Nandani Krishak Samriddhi Yojana.
- This scheme will encourage other people of the state to set up dairy.
- An amount of Rs. 1000 crore has been sanctioned by the state government for the development of animal husbandry farmers.
Objectives of Dairy Farm Subsidy in Uttar Pradesh
- To ensure the economic development of farmers, children, and women
- To encourage farmers to rear good breed animals
- To promote the dairy industry in the state
- Promoting native breeds and creating improved breeds
- To make animal husbandry economically prosperous
- To keep UP as the leader in milk production by increasing milk production in the state.
Eligibility Criteria for Dairy Farm Subsidy in UP
- The applicant must be a native of Uttar Pradesh state
- The Aadhaar card of the person applying should be linked to the bank account
- This benefit will be given only to registered farmers of Uttar Pradesh
- The beneficiary should have at least 3 years of cow rearing experience
- Ear tagging of cattle is mandatory
- To set up the unit, it is necessary to have 0.5 acre of land
- The beneficiary should have 1.5 acres of land for animal fodder
- The land may be his own (ancestral) or he may have taken it on lease for 7 years
- Beneficiaries of previously operated Kamdhenu, Mini Kamdhenu and Micro Kamdhenu schemes will not be able to avail the benefits of Yojana.
Documents Required in Dairy Farm Subsidy in UP
- Aadhar card
- Proof of original residence
- Land details
- Bank account details
- Mobile number
- Passport size photo
Nandini Krishak Samridhi Yojana Apply
If you want to apply for Nandini Krishak Samridhi Yojana or Nandani Krishak Bima Yojana, then applications can be taken both online and offline. Information about online applications has not come yet but offline applications for this scheme have been started. Applications for this scheme were submitted to the office of the Chief Veterinary Officer or Chief Development Officer by September 27.
Beneficiaries were selected on September 30 and documents of selected beneficiaries will be verified by October 20. If the number of applications is more, selection will be done through e-lottery by a committee headed by the Chief Development Officer.
Source / Reference Link: https://krishijagran.com/animal-husbandry/50-subsidy-for-dairy-farmers-announced-by-yogi-government-selection-criterion/