PM Narendra Modi had rolled out Har Ghar Nal Yojana 2025 virtually in the presence of CM Yogi Adityanath on 22 November 2020. This scheme under Jal Jeevan Mission aims to provide adequate water supply to all households and to conserve water sources. The central government has set a target to provide water to each family till FY 2024. In the first phase, this scheme had been started in 2 districts of Uttar Pradesh. Through Har Ghar Nal Ka Jal Yojana, Yogi Adityanath led UP govt. will benefit 41 lakh villagers of Mirzapur and Sonbhadra districts.
Har Ghar Nal Yojana 2025
Water scarcity is a major problem in India and is spreading day by day as most of the families are facing acute shortage of water. So, Modi led NDA govt. is focusing on providing water to each and every household through taps. The 2 selected districts for Har Ghar Nal Yojana has been struggling for safe drinking water for years. Now with this Har Ghar Nal Yojana, govt. wants to resolve this problem.
Har Ghar Nal Ka Jal Yojana in UP
Under the central govt’s Har Ghar Nal Se Jal Scheme, UP govt. will start supply of drinking water through pipes in 1,606 villages of Mirzapur region. The new Har Ghar Nal Ka Jal Yojana will directly benefit 21,87,980 villagers of Mirzapur. The water collected at the dam in Mirzapur will be purified and then supplied by making it portable. The cost of the scheme in Mirzapur is estimated at Rs. 2,343.20 crore.
Around 1,389 villages of Sonbhadra will be connected to the Hary Ghar Nal Yojana. Around 19, 53,458 families of these villages will join the drinking water supply scheme. In Sonbhadra, water from lakes and rivers will be purified and supplied for drinking. The govt. will spend Rs. 3,212.38 crore on this Har Ghar Nal Yojana in Sonbhadra.
A total of 41,41,438 families will benefit from the Har Ghar Nal Ka Jal Yojana in both the districts. The total cost of Rs. 5,555.38 crore has been earmarked for the scheme in 2 districts. As per the official reports, the drinking water supply will be started in the villages within 2 years duration.
Har Ghar Nal Ka Jal Scheme Across Entire Nation
The new Jal Shakti Ministry had been formed which includes Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation and Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation. Under this PM Har Ghar Nal Yojana (Jal Jivan Mission), the central govt. will provide water to each family through pipe lines and taps till financial year 2024.
Niti Aayog Meet Israel Officials – Jal Shakti Ministry
The first task for the Jal Shakti Ministry is to conserve water resources. For this purpose, the central govt. is taking help of the workers of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). Previously to preserve water resources, various Indian and Israeli officials have already met in the past few months.
In Israel, all the households are already getting pure water supply through pipelines and taps. In India, around 45% of water is used for drinking purpose in households and 80% is used in farming.
Rising Demand for Water
As per an estimate of Niti Aayog, the requirement for water supply is going to double till FY 2030 in India. Around 60 crore people of India are facing acute shortage of water. Due to unavailability of pure drinking water, around 2 lakh die every year in India. It is believed that the demand for water will double till FY 2030 and it this demand is not met, then there would be crash of 6% in GDP of India. So to tackle this issue, PM Modi is laying emphasis on conserving water and is launching Har Ghar Nal Yojana.
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vill.Harpur gangaram p.o nilkanthpur p.s mahua vaishali
nal jal scheme 2018 ki jo new scheme hai uska labh hum gramin log kaise le sakte hain water drinking handpump ki humare gao mein bahut jarurat hai
Am A License holder Contractor of PHE Madhya Pradesh
Need Notifications of all new Tender
Khairora post lakhanpur weir Bharatpur raj..
Dear Sir / Madam,
This is for your kind information that large number of households in Gram Kunjavan, Panna (MP) –
including the undersigned – are NOT receiving DRINKING WATER, inspite of heavy rains in our Area this
monsoon. It is worth mentioning here that our supply comes from Nirpat Sagar. And the situation has
worsened, since last 5 years.
In this regard, a complaint No. 11608560 dt 23.06.2020 has been filed at 181. Acting upon my complaint
some representatives of Jal Nigam came to my home and without inspecting anything, he termed our
pipeline as faulty and advised that I cut off the water supply system and instead buy water from the
market. His behaviour was both surprising and shocking to me.
Still, I got my line checked by a plumber, who found it absolutely OK.
It is worth mentioning here that I live with my old mother, who is a senior citizen & sick and we
depend heavily upon Govt provided drinking water & ration, especially during the miserable time of
Covid 19. Further, The water of nearby well is highly unfit for drinking.
Keeping in view of the above, I earnestly request your goodself to kindly INTERVENE and provide us
clean drinking water on regular basis and oblige. This is our basic need.
with warm regards,
Somesh Dey
Ph : 9644106339 (M)
Add : Vivekananda Marg, Kunjavan, Panna.