ehealth Kerala portal registration and login process begins at link. At e health Kerala Portal, citizens can access various services like one citizen one health record, online appointment booking at government hospitals, telemedicine consultation among others. In this article, we will tell you about the process of how to make ehealth portal registration & login, access online services and complete details.
What is ehealth Kerala Portal
eHealth is the pioneer project funded by Government of India and Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Kerala, designed to provide citizens of Kerala with a convenient centralized healthcare system. As the system is AADHAAR based, citizens will have unique identification and unified health care record.
Vision and Mission of e Health Kerala Website
The main objectives i.e vision and mission of e Health Kerala website is to:-
- make a society that can afford healthcare cost
- make a society that is healthy, active and vibrant to fight against lifestyle and modern diseases
- provide a pollution free environment
- make a state actively involving, interfering & regulating the unethical practices
- take care of the old and weak
- establish a proper healthcare system for the people of the state
What e-Health Kerala Website Offers to Citizens
- One Citizen One Health Record – Unique Health Record for Citizens by virtue of Aadhaar Based Unique Health Identity Card. He/She can use the card for lifelong at Government Hospitals for getting treatment.
- Online Appointment Booking at Government Hospitals – Citizen can book online appointments to any of the government hospitals in with ease through Citizen Portal, Akshaya Services Portal & through M-eHealth mobile app available at Google Playstore.
- Telemedicine Consultation – eHealth offers the citizens to consult the expert doctors virtually through Telemedicine facility provided through M-eHealth mobile app. For the time being review consultations are started as pilot and will be extended to general public for booking advance appointments.
ehealth Kerala Portal Registration 2025
In order to access facilities like one citizen one health record, online appointment booking at government hospitals, telemedicine consultation etc, you need to make ehealth portal registration and login. If you are new to eHealth, you need to Register using Aadhaar inorder to create permanent Unique Health Identity(UHID) number.
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official ehealth kerala website at
STEP 2: At the homepage, go to “Online Services” section and then click at “Register” link.

STEP 3: Direct Link for Kerala ehealth Portal Registration:
STEP 4: Then the page for ehealth kerala portal registration 2025 through online mode will open as shown below:-.

STEP 5: Enter your aadhar number and click “Proceed” button to make ehealth kerala portal online registration.
ehealth Portal Kerala Login
If you already have undergone the registration process and have an UHID with you, please sign in.
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official ehealth kerala website at
STEP 2: At the homepage, go to “Online Services” section and then click at “Login” link.

STEP 3: Direct Link for ehealth Portal Kerala Login:
STEP 4: Then the page for ehealth kerala portal login will open as shown below:-

STEP 5: Enter your UHID, password, captcha and then click at “Login” button to make ehealth kerala portal login.
Search Hospital at e Health Kerala Portal
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official ehealth kerala website at
STEP 2: At the homepage, go to “Online Services” section and then click at “Health Facilities” link.

STEP 3: Direct Link for searching hospitals:
STEP 4: Then the page for hospital search at ehealth kerala portal will open as shown below:-

STEP 5: You can select district, hospital to search hospitals at Kerala ehealth portal.
Benefits of e-health Kerala Portal
The health services perform the chief function of delivery of primary health care in a wholesome manner. Here are some of the benefits of e health Kerala portal.
- One citizen one health record
- Seamless OP clinics
- High quality healthcare at your doorstep
- Online appointments in any hospital
- Integrated picture archive and communication system
Contact Information
eHealth Project Management Unit, Directorate of Health Services, Government of Kerala
Phone Number – 0471-2983033
E-mail ID – [email protected]