Haryana government has started Chirayu Yojana apply online process at chirayuayushmanharyana.in. Through चिरायु हरियाणा प्रधान मंत्री जन आरोग्य योजना, the state govt. aims to provide health insurance coverage upto Rs. 5 lakh to poor people across the state. Chirayu Ayushman Haryana Scheme will benefit around 38 lakh beneficiaries whose annual income is less than Rs. 3 lakh per annum (earlier the income limit was Rs. 1.80 lakh p.a).
Chirayu stands for Comprehensive Health Insurance of Antyodaya Units. Chirayu Haryana Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana portal has been functional at chirayuayushmanharyana.in. In this article we will tell you how to apply online for Chirayu Haryana Scheme. You can even check Chirayu Yojana payment status through the official website.
Ayushman Chirayu Yojana 2025 Apply Online
STEP 1: Firstly, visit the Chirayu Ayushman Haryana official website at https://chirayuayushmanharyana.in/

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at “आवेदन के लिए क्लिक करें” tab to open the PMJAY Chirayu Yojana affirmation page as shown below:-

STEP 3: Read the given instructions, tick the declaration and click “सहमत और जारी रखें” tab to open Chirayu Haryana Yojana PPP verification page:-

STEP 4: Enter your Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) ID and click “सत्यापित हुआ” tab.
STEP 5: Enter OTP received on mobile number registered with PPP ID and click at “प्रस्तुत करें” tab to open the page showing PPP details.
STEP 6: At this page, you can click at “पात्रता देखें” tab to check your eligibility. If you are eligible, then you can proceed to apply online for Chirayu Yojana Haryana.

STEP 7: Eligible candidates will have to fill Chirayu Yojana application form and make payment online to complete the registration process.
Chirayu Card Download – Process
There is no process of Haryana Chirayu Card Download on the official website of Haryana Chirayu Card. However you can download Ayushman Card through the official NHA app. The Chirayu card is sent as physical PVC card to all the beneficiaries by post.
Recently the government has awarded ₹5.57 Cr tender to a company for the coverage of 14 districts. This company will print and deliver PVC Ayushman/Chirayu cards to all the beneficiaries of the scheme.
Chirayu Ayushman Haryana Affirmation
- पीएमजेएवाई चिरायु योजना सूचीबद्ध अस्पतालों में माध्यमिक और तृतीयक उपचार के लिए प्रति परिवार प्रति वर्ष 5 लाख रुपये के स्वास्थ्य आपूर्ति का लाभ प्रदान करती है।
- विस्तृत योजना के तहत, आयुष्मान भारत का लाभ परिवार पहचान पत्र आईडी (पीपीपी आईडी) के अनुसार प्रति वर्ष ₹ 1.80 लाख से ₹ 3.00 लाख तक की सत्यापित वार्षिक पारिवारिक आय वाले लाभार्थियों को प्रदान किया जाएगा।
- लाभार्थी परिवार द्वारा प्रति वर्ष प्रति परिवार 1500 रुपये का मामूली योगदान-सह-पंजीकरण शुल्क का भुगतान किया जाना है।
- लाभार्थी परिवार को नामी योगदान-सह-पंजीकरण शुल्क का भुगतान करना होगा।
- सफल सत्यापन और नामी योगदान के प्रस्तुतीकरण के बाद कार्ड सक्रिय हो जाएंगे जिससे लाभार्थी को आपूर्ति हॉस्पिटलों में उपचार के लिए सक्षम होने में सहायता मिलेगी।
Check Payment Status for Chirayu Haryana Scheme
STEP 1: Firstly, visit the Chirayu Ayushman Haryana official website at https://chirayuayushmanharyana.in/

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at “भुगतान स्तिथि जांचें” tab.
STEP 3: Then page to track Chirayu Yojana Haryana payment status will open.

STEP 4: You can track Haryana Chirayu scheme payment status through “लेन देन आईडी” or “पीपीपी आईडी”.
STEP 5: Finally, page displaying Chirayu Haryana scheme payment data will open.
Chirayu Ayushman Bharat Nominal Contribution
All the eligible families will be asked to make a nominal contribution of Rs. 1500 per family per annum covering 50% of the subscription amount for receiving medical treatment cover of ₹ 5 lakhs in any empaneled hospital. Around 30 lakh families have already been identified under Chirayu Yojana. Now the state govt. has already raised income limit from Rs. 1.80 lakh per annum to Rs. 3 lakh per annum. It would result in addition of 8 lakh more families, thus the total number of beneficiaries of Chirayu Yojana would be around 38 lakh.
Chirayu Scheme will cover 1500 diseases under this health insurance and will ensure that people from weaker sections of society avail treatment without facing financial hardships.
ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]