राजीव गांधी ग्रामीण भूमिहीन कृषि मजदूर न्याय योजना 2025 किश्त की जानकारी, ऑनलाइन आवेदन | Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhumihin Krishi Majdur Nyay Yojana Apply: Chhattisgarh government on 17 October 2022 has released next installment under CG Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhumihin Krishi Majdur Nyay Yojana 2025 for landless agricultural labourers. This Rajiv Gandhi Bhumihin Nyay Yojana was earlier launched on 3 February 2022.
Under this new Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Bhumiheen Krishi Mazdoor Nyay Yojana, govt. will provide financial assistance of Rs. 6,000 per year to landless families who carries out farming activities. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel had announced राजीव गाँधी ग्रामीण भूमिहीन कृषि मजदूर न्याय योजना earlier on 28 July 2021. In this article, we will tell you about the complete details of Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Bhoomiheen Krishi Majdoor Nyay Yojna including objectives, benefits, eligibility, list of documents required, apply process among others.
CG Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhumihin Krishi Majdur Nyay Yojana Next Installment
मुख्यमंत्री ने अपनी तीन महत्वाकांक्षी योजनाएं राजीव गांधी किसान न्याय योजना, गोधन न्याय योजना और राजीव गांधी ग्रामीण भूमिहीन कृषि मजदूर न्याय योजना के हितग्राहियों के खाते में आनलाइन राशि भेजी । राजीव गांधी किसान न्याय योजना की वर्ष 2021-22 की तीसरी किस्त के रूप में प्रदेश के 23 लाख 99 हजार 615 किसानों को 1745 करोड़ रुपये, राजीव गांधी ग्रामीण भूमिहीन कृषि मजदूर न्याय योजना के तहत वित्तीय वर्ष 2022-23 की राशि के रूप में चार लाख 66 हजार 880 हितग्राहियों को 115 करोड़ 80 लाख 32 हजार रुपये और गोधन न्याय योजना के हितग्राहियों को पांच करोड़ 59 लाख रुपये भुगतान हुआ है।

Under the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Bhoomihin Krishi Majdoor Nyay Yojana’, registered labourers in rural areas who do not possess agricultural land will be given financial assistance of Rs 6,000 per year in three installments. The installment of Rs. 2,000 was disbursed to beneficiaries by CM Bhupesh Baghel on 17 October 2022. Nearly 4.66 lakh landless families of labourers, barbers, blacksmiths, priests, forest produce collectors and shepherds, among others, will benefit from the first-of-its-kind scheme in the country.
Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Bhoomiheen Kisan Mazdoor Yojana installment is given to all landless labourers who are engaged in traditional occupations. Chief minister Bhupesh Baghel had announced the launching of this scheme last year. Under the scheme, landless labourers and labourers, who are into traditional occupations are to be paid an amount of Rs. 6000 per annum. More than 4,66,000 landless labourers have registered for the scheme.
The scheme Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhumiheen Krishi Mazduur Yojana was announced in the year 2021 with a mission to provide grants to agricultural labourers, landless labourers and those engaged in traditional works. The deserving labourers were to be provided with an amount of six thousand, directly through bank transfer and now it has been started.
Announcement of Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Bhoomiheen Kisan Mazdoor Yojana
CM Bhupesh Baghel had announced CG Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhumihin Krishi Majdur Nyay Yojana while replying to the debate on demand proposals for the first supplementary budget of the financial year 2021-22. Chhattisgarh govt. now implements Rajiv Gandhi Bhumihin Nyay Yojana to provide financial assistance to families of landless agricultural workers.
The assistance of Rs. 6000 per annum is provided from financial year 2021-22 itself. To avail scheme benefits, landless agricultural farmers will have to prove their identity. At the state level, Director Bhu-Abhilekh and at district level, district collector will implement the CG Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhumihin Krishi Majdur Nyay Yojana. The assistance amount has been transferred directly into the bank accounts of head of families of landless agricultural labourers. To avail the scheme benefits, one must make registration at the official website.
Amount under राजीव गाँधी ग्रामीण भूमिहीन कृषि मजदूर न्याय योजना
CG Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhumihin Krishi Majdur Nyay Yojana next installment is transferred on 17 October 2022. In this scheme, families which does not possess agriculture land and are dependent on agri labour or MGNREGA work (for livelihood) in rural areas are to be given assistance of Rs. 6,000 per year. Other sections of rural population such as barbers, dhobis (washermen), blacksmiths, priests are also covered under the राजीव गाँधी ग्रामीण भूमिहीन कृषि मजदूर न्याय योजना.
On death of head of family, the landless agricultural labourer family will have to fillup a new application form. From the FY 2022, 6000 assistance would be given as grant in 3 installments to head of families. The assistance amount would be transferred into the bank accounts of the CG Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhumihin Krishi Majdur Nyay Yojana beneficiaries through Direct Benefit Transfer mode.
CG Rajiv Gandhi Bhumihin Nyay Yojana Apply Online
The landless farming labourers families in rural areas of Chhattisgarh started getting assistance under Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhumihin Krishi Majdur Nyay Yojana. Through this scheme, the CG state govt. will provide Sambal to landless houses by providing an amount of Rs. 6000 per annum. The official portal link is https://rggbkmny.cg.nic.in/
If you have still not received RGGBKMNY installment, then surely your name is not present in list of selected beneficiaries for RGKMNY. So, you must apply again to get benefits of the scheme.
CG Rajiv Gandhi Bhumihin Krishi Majdur Nyay Yojana Application Form PDF
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official website at https://rggbkmny.cg.nic.in/

STEP 2: At homepage, click at “आवेदन का प्रारूप” link or directly click Download Rajiv Gandhi Bhumihin Nyay Yojana Form PDF
STEP 3: Then the CG Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhumihin Krishi Majdur Nyay Yojana Application Form PDF will open as below:-

STEP 4: To submit an application, applicant must visit the nearest gram panchayat office.
STEP 5: Sample Apply Form Process (आवेदन का नमूना) – https://rggbkmny.cg.nic.in/downloads/sample_application.pdf, Make Login using the link – https://rggbkmny.cg.nic.in/login.aspx
All those families who does not possess agricultural land in their name would only be eligible. Only the landless households of Chhattisgarh state would be eligible. Agricultural Land acquired on Patta and forest land would also be considered as agricultural land.

Who are Major Beneficiaries
- Families which does not possess agriculture land
- Families dependent on agri labour or MGNREGA work for livelihood in rural areas
- Barbers
- Dhobis (washermen)
- Blacksmiths
- Priests
Overview of Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhoomihin Krishi Majdoor Nyay Yojana
Name of Scheme | Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhoomihin Krishi Majdoor Nyay Yojana |
in Hindi | राजीव गाँधी ग्रामीण भूमिहीन कृषि मजदूर न्याय योजना |
State | Chhattisgarh |
Announced by | Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel |
Objective | To provide Rs. 6000 per year to landless families |
Announcement Date | 28 July 2021 |
Launch Date | 3 February 2022, Latest Installment Transfer Date – 17 October 2022 |
Who Launched It | Congress Leader Sh. Rahul Gandhi |
Who are Beneficiaries | Families which does not possess agriculture land and are dependent on agri labour or MGNREGA work (for livelihood) in rural areas, rural population such as barbers, dhobis (washermen), blacksmiths, priests also included |
Source / Reference Link: https://rggbkmny.cg.nic.in/
Hmare pash jmin nahi he
Hmare pash jaminnhi he
Hmare pash jamin nahi he
Sir ji hamar so akko kan kheti nai he
Hamar so echo Kan Bhumi Nahin Hai