Tamil Nadu Illam Thedi Kalvi Online Registration / Application Form at illamthedikalvi.tnschools.gov.in

Tamil Nadu School Education Dept. invites TN Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme registration / application form 2025, apply online at illamthedikalvi.tnschools.gov.in website, direct link here
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School Education Department, Govt. of Tamil Nadu has launched a new scheme namely TN Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme 2025. Education at doorsteps in English Scheme in Tamilnadu aims to reduce the learning gap for children from classes 1 to 8. Volunteers can participate by filling in Tamil Nadu Illam Thedi Kalvi Online Registration / Application Form at illamthedikalvi.tnschools.gov.in website. In this article, we will tell you how to fill scheme registration form, eligibility and other details.

What is Tamil Nadu Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme 2025

As part of Tamilnadu Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme, volunteers will take classes near the houses of students after school hours from 5 pm to 7 pm everyday. Volunteer student ratio would be 1:20 and over one lakh volunteers are expected to join Tamil Nadu Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme. All those people who have studied up to Class 12th can teach students of Classes 1st to 5th and degree-holders can teach middle school students. Parents are forthcoming and register themselves as volunteers, apart from members of local NGOs. Around six hours of classes will be held through the week for every cohort of students.

Under the initiative, volunteers will engage with students one hour every evening in spaces that will be identified and opened in the community. While registration is open to volunteers from across the State, the initiative will first begin in 12 districts. Students of government as well as private schools can attend these classes, which will be activity-based and will give them an opportunity to enjoy and learn. These classes will be structured around their syllabus. Govt. appeals to volunteers to come forward and register themselves.

Volunteers Eligibility for Tamilnadu Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme

இல்லம் தேடிக் கல்வி ஒரு தன்னார்வ தொண்டு. கொரோனா பெருந்தொற்றுப் பரவல் சார்ந்த பொது முடக்க காலங்களில் அரசு பள்ளிகளில் ஒன்று முதல் எட்டாம் வகுப்பு வரை பயிலும் மாணவர்களின் கற்றல் இடைவெளி மற்றும் இழப்புகளை சரி செய்ய இல்லம் தேடிக் கல்வித் திட்டம் செயல்படுத்தப்பட உள்ளது. பள்ளி முடிந்த பின்பு மாலை நேரங்களில் ‘இல்லம் தேடிக் கல்வி’ மையங்களில் கற்பித்தல் சேவையை மேற்கொள்ள உள்ள தன்னார்வலர்கள் பதிவு செய்ய ஏதுவாக, படிவம் இவ்விணைய தளத்தில் வழங்கப்பட்டு உள்ளது.

  1. வாரத்திற்கு குறைந்தது ஆறு மணி நேரம் குழந்தைகளுடன் செலவிட தயாராக இருக்க வேண்டும் (அல்லது) பகுதி நேரமாகவும் தன்னார்வலராக இருக்கலாம்.
  2. கண்டிப்பாக குழந்தைகளுடன் உரையாட தமிழ் தெரிந்திருக்க வேண்டும்
  3. தமிழ், ஆங்கிலம், மற்றும் கணிதம் கற்றுத்தர வேண்டும். (பயிற்சிகளும் உபகரணங்களும் வழங்கப்படும்)
  4. யார் நிர்பந்தமும் இன்றி தன்முனைப்பாக பங்கேற்க வேண்டும்
  5. குறைந்தபட்சம் 17 வயது நிரம்பி இருத்தல் அவசியம்

Implementation of TN Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme

Tamilnadu Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme will be initially implemented in 12 districts and later would be extended to other districts:-

  1. Cuddalore
  2. Dindigul
  3. Erode
  4. Kancheepuram
  5. Kanniyakumari
  6. Krishnagiri
  7. Madurai
  8. Nagapattinam
  9. the Nilgiris
  10. Thanjavur
  11. Tiruchy
  12. Villupuram

How to Apply Online for TN Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme

All the willing volunteers who wants to participate for TN Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme can apply online at the link – https://illamthedikalvi.tnschools.gov.in/Welcome. All the volunteers who wants to teach students of classes 1 to 5 should have completed their class 12th education and those who wants to teach students of classes 6 to 8 should be a graduate. Awareness programmes to stress on the importance of the Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme are also in the books.

Illam Thedi Kalvi TN Schools Volunteer Registration Form

In order to participate in TN Schools Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme scheme, interested ones can fill volunteer registration form by following the process given below:-

STEP 1: Firstly, visit the official website at https://illamthedikalvi.tnschools.gov.in/Welcome

STEP 2: At homepage, scroll down the cursor and hit at “Click Here to Start the Volunteer Registration Form” link.

Illamthedikalvi Tnschools Gov In Portal
Illamthedikalvi Tnschools Gov In Portal

STEP 3: Upon clicking this link, Tamil Nadu Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme Volunteer Registration Form will open as shown below:-

Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme Volunteer Registration Form
Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme Volunteer Registration Form

STEP 4: Enter basic information first like full name, gender, mobile number, date of birth, whatsapp number, e-mail ID, aadhar card number. Enter residential address details like district name, local body, village or ward, your address, pin code, where do you wish to volunteer. Next enter educational and professional details like education qualification, professional status.

STEP 5: Finally, agree to conditions and click at “Submit” button to submit the completely filled in Tamilnadu Illam Thedi Kalvi Scheme volunteer registration form. 

Contact Information

E-mail ID: illamthedikalvi@gmail.com

18 thoughts on “Tamil Nadu Illam Thedi Kalvi Online Registration / Application Form at illamthedikalvi.tnschools.gov.in”

  1. My name is G.umavathi
    Illam thedi kalvi super plan
    Students is very useful
    Excellent plan
    Ennakum useful and Saturday and Sunday college leave work pannalaam

  2. I am Jayashree Murthy. I live i Coimbatore Tamil Nadu. I speak Five languages. They are Kannada, English, Tamil, Hindi and Marathi. I am 73 years old. I am training students in Theatre for free at a Govt. school in Coimbatore. The training gives confidence and personality development. I would like to volunteer for the project.
    Thank you


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