Odisha government has announced Mukhyamantri Sikshya Puraskar Yojana for schools transformed under the 5T initiative and other schools on 16 November 2022. In CM Education Award Scheme, the awards will be given to 50,000 students, 1,500 principals, school management committees, sarpanches and alumni. Making the students prepared to face the challenge of time is the main objective of 5T transformation of schools.
Odisha Mukhyamantri Sikshya Puraskar Yojana 2025
CM Naveen Patnaik has announced annual awards to the tune of Rs. 100 crore per year for the following:-
- Students – 1) Meritorious students 2) Student Leaders who excel in extra and co-curricular activities 3) Scholarship for meritorious but economically weak students.
- Principal – The Headmasters and Head Mistresses too will be awarded at different levels.
- Teachers – As far as teachers are concerned, around 100 secondary school teachers of seven shortlisted subjects will be awarded at block, gram panchayat and district level.
- Alumni Associations
- Schools
- School management committee
- Gram Panchayats (Sarpanches)
- District Administration
These awards will be given to achieve excellence in education and also to alumni associations for their contribution under the 5T programme. Under Mukhyamantri Sikshya Puraskar Yojana, awards will be given at block, district and state level.
Categories of CM Education Award Scheme in Odisha
The primary objective of the CM Education Award Scheme is to motivate all the stakeholders of the education system in Odisha. The department will issue a detailed guideline and will start capacity building workshops soon. Broadly, there will be two categories under which the awards will be given under Mukhyamantri Sikshya Puraskar Yojana:-
- Individual award – The individual awards will be given to teachers, head masters / head mistress, students in Mukhyamantri Sikshya Puraskar Yojana.
- Institutional award – The institutional awards will be given to schools, other educational institutions, school management committee, Alumni associations, gram pachayats (sarpanches), district administration.
Digi Locker for CHSE/BSE Council
CM Patnaik also launched Digi Locker for the Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) and Board of Secondary Education (BSE). Certificates, mark sheets and other documents of students can be kept safe in this virtual locker and will also be available with ease. There will be no possibility of theft or loss. Chief Minister mentioned the importance of time in the life of students and advised them to acquire knowledge. Children must create a separate identity for themselves by excelling in fields such as sports, dance and music.
He said that time is important for students. Stating that by doing the right thing at the right moment, children can stay ahead, the Chief Minister said that now is the time for children to acquire knowledge. He advised children for creating identities for themselves by excelling in all fields, including sports, dance and music.Secondly, stating that “Change is inevitable”, the Chief Minister said, one has to move forward with time and accept change.
Mr. Patnaik also said that Change is inevitable and one has to move forward with time and accept change. CM advised children to develop a scientific temper and realize their responsibility towards their state and country. Children must respect those who have contributed to their lives, such as teachers, family, village and school.
Source / Reference Link: https://odishatv.in/education/news-odisha-introduces-cm-education-award-50000-meritorious-school-students-to-benefit-every-year-190403