e Shram Card Registration starts at eshram.gov.in, register online or through CSC and make login at National Database for Unorganized Workers (NDUW) official website.
Central government has launched e-SHRAM portal to maintain a database of workers in the country’s unorganized sector. The workers will be able to register themselves on the e-Shram Portal. Central govt. aims to register 42 crore unorganized workers including construction labourers, migrant workforce, street vendors and domestic workers among others.
In this article, we will tell you about how to make e-Shram Portal registration through online mode or CSC and login.
e-Shram Card Online Registration Form for Unorganized Workers
Below is the complete procedure to make e-Shram Portal registration through online mode:-
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official website at https://eshram.gov.in/

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Register on e-Shram” link or directly click https://register.eshram.gov.in/#/user/self
STEP 3: Then the page to make online e-Shram Portal registration will open as shown below:-

STEP 4: All the unorganized workers can enter their aadhar linked mobile number, captcha and click at “Send OTP” button. Enter the OTP received on mobile number and then the page to make e-Shram portal registration with aadhar number will open as shown below:-

STEP 5: Enter aadhar number, agree to terms and conditions and click at “Submit” button to open the e-Shram registration form at eshram portal.

Information Required for e Shram Portal Online Registration
- Aadhaar number
- Aadhaar linked active mobile number
- Bank account details
- Age should be between 16-59 years (29-09-1961 to 28-09-2005)
e-Shram Card Registration through CSC’s
Below is the complete procedure to make e-Shram Portal registration through offline mode at Common Service Centers (CSC’s):-
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official website at https://eshram.gov.in/

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Register on e-Shram” link or directly click https://register.eshram.gov.in/#/user/self
STEP 3: Then a new page containing the link of unorganized workers “Registration through CSC (Digital Seva)” will appear as shown below:-

STEP 4: Upon clicking the link, the page to make e-Shram Portal registration for unorganised sector workers through Common Service Centers will appear as shown below:-

STEP 5: Then VLE will make Login and fill-up the registration form for unorganized sector workers.
Locate nearby CSC through the link – https://findmycsc.nic.in/csc/
e Shram Portal for Unorganized Sector Workers Database
Union Labour Minister Bhupender Yadav on 26 August 2021 has launched e-Shram Portal at https://www.eshram.gov.in/. This portal will maintain a database of workers in the country’s unorganized sector. Labour minister unveiled the logo of the E-SHRAM portal and mentioned that it will be the national database of “our nation builders, our Shram Yogis” along with taking welfare schemes to doorstep of workers.
Objectives of e Shram Portal
Targeted delivery and last mile delivery, has been a major focus of the schemes of central government of India under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. The National Database of Unorganized workers in the form of E-Shram portal is another key step towards targeted delivery and last mile delivery.
Salient Features of e Shram Card Portal
Here are the salient features and highlights of the e Shram Portal, here is all you need to know about the portal:-
- Central govt. aims to register 42 crore unorganized workers including construction labourers, migrant workforce, street vendors, and domestic workers among others.
- Labour minister Yadav said along with the e Shram portal, a national toll free number 14434 will also be launched. This helpline number will provide help and address queries of the workers who are seeking to get themselves registered.
- Workers can make registration at the e-SHRAM portal through their Aadhar card number and bank account details. Unorganized sector workers are required to fill other important information such as date of birth, mobile number, hometown and social category.
For more details, visit the official website at https://eshram.gov.in/
Earlier UWIN Card Merged with e-Shram Card
Earlier Labour Ministry of Central government was issuing UWIN Card to labourers in Informal Sector. In this UWIN Card initiative, govt. make registration of around 42 crore unorganized sector workers. Accordingly, people working as informal labour were given Unorganized Worker Index Number Cards to enable them to avail the benefits of social security schemes run by EPFO and ESIC. This initiative now gets merged with e-Shram initiative.
UWIN Card Online Registration 2025 Process Changed
UWIN Card online registrations will now be done through e-Shram portal and UWIN portal will be discontinued. Unorganized Workers Identification Number or UWIN Card contains a unique number to be issued as the identity proof to such workers in India. This workers Identification Number is a number provided to the large section of unorganized sector workers by issuing a unique ID and allotting an Aadhaar seeded identification number without issuing any smart cards.
In 2014 the Union Ministry of Labour and Employment had decided to design and develop the unorganized workers’ Identification Number (UWIN) platform under the unorganized workers Social Security Act 2008. It had been mandated for every unorganized sector worker to get themselves registered at the UWIN platform. But now UWIN portal stands closed and any unorganized sector worker who wish to get unique ID will have to get themselves registered at eshram.gov.in portal.
Beneficiaries of Unorganized Workers Identification Number (UWIN) Card
The Indian labour force is divided into formal and informal sector. There are around 47.41 crore labourers in combined formal and informal sectors. Out of which, 82.7% of the labour force lie under the unorganized sector and 17.3% lie under the organized sector as per the NSSO survey 2011-12. Around 42 crore unorganized sector workers will be the beneficiaries of UWIN card.
To provide the social security benefits the Government of India had enacted the unorganized workers Social Security Act in 2008, to create a right-based legal framework for providing the social security framework to the least benefited unorganized sector workers. Under this act the provision of UWIN card is made to provide these workers with all the social security benefits. At present there is no centralized database that shows the number of unorganized workers in India. UWIN will help to build the national unorganized worker’s database. For this purpose, registration for Unorganized Workers begins at eshram.gov.in website.
As per the expectation of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the national database of unorganized workers shall cover 675 districts in 28 states and 8 union territories. This data would be useful for other ministries to provide benefits to the workers under the social security schemes. UWIN cards will bring the unorganized sector workers under social security net. Accordingly labourers will get access to various schemes of Employee Provident Fund Organization (retirement fund body) and Employee State Insurance Corporation (state health insurer).
Objectives of UWIN Card Initiative
Here are the major objectives of the UWIN Card Initiative to provide identification number to unorganized sector workers:-
- Creation of a single unified sanitized database for unorganized workers to act as a platform to enable social security services to be provided to unorganized workers.
- Identification of unorganized workers after they are duly registered, assigning a unique UWIN (unorganized Workers Identification Number) to every registered worker.
- The card will include family details through concept of nuclear family and linked family, and associated linkages to facilitate delivery of family-based benefits through the scheme.
- This Platform will assist in identifying and enabling skill development requirement, employer-worker mapping and outcome-based policy formulation and decision making.
- Expand the social security schemes’ benefits to approximately 15 Crore Families (42 Crore Unorganized Sector Workers).
SECC 2011 Data as Base Database for UWIN Card Initiative
For the UWIN Card, Socio Economic and Caste Census 2011 (SECC) shall be used as a base database. SECC-2011 is a study of socio-economic status of rural and urban households and allows ranking of households based on predefined parameters. SECC data is a compilation of 24 lakhs enumeration blocks where each enumeration block has roughly 125 households. These are the same enumeration blocks that were formed during census. The SECC 2011 data can be checked using the link – https://sarkariyojana.com/all-india-new-bpl-list-download-secc-2011-data/
SECC database captures Individual & Household Information ranging from Demographic details, Income, Employment and Ownership Profiles along with family linkages. The UWIN Database will use fields from the SECC database along with additional information provided by the unorganized worker during the registration and validation phase. Following data fields from SECC will be part of UWIN:-
- State Code
- District Code
- Sub District Code
- Name of the person
- Permanent Address
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Marital Status
- Name of Father
- Name of Mother
- Occupation / Activity
- Main Source of Income
- Disability
An Overview of UWIN Card for Informal Workers
Each UWIN Card has a unique number embedded on it which will get seeded with Aadhaar Number. This is essential in order to provide benefits of social security schemes at single point. Moreover after the registration process is complete, govt. may bring Labour Code on Social Security & welfare. UWIN Cards are efficient and the pilot phase results of this e-shram system are satisfactory.
However, primary issue remains that who will pay contribution to the informal workers under schemes of EPFO and ESIC. Under these schemes, employees and employers both contribute to social security scheme accounts. Accordingly, govt. plans to formulate a separate mechanism to collect funds as employers will not contribute for this scheme.
Central govt. wants to assign social security code to the informal labourers. This new code will resolve the issue of employer contribution. In addition to this, code also facilitate the worker to become a principal employer if worker is an informal or non-employee. This code will eliminate the need of principal employer to subscribe and avail benefits of social security schemes.
Furthermore, code on Social Security & Welfare would merge all 15 existing social security laws. This will include EPF & MP Act, ESI Act, Maternity Benefit Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Employees Compensation Act, Unorganized Social Security Act and several other Welfare Cess or Fund Acts.
For complete details, click the link – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unorganised_Workers%27_Identification_Number
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