Bihar government has launched a new Bal Sahayata Yojana 2025 for children orphaned due to COVID-19. In this scheme, the state govt. will provide monthly financial aid of Rs. 1500 to Coronavirus orphans. All such child whether boy or girl who lost either of their parents due to COVID-19 would be given assistance of Rs. 1500 per month.
The new Bal Sahayata Yojna or Children Assistance Scheme has been launched under Janata Dal (United) (JDU) government led by CM Nitish Kumar. In this article, we will tell you about the complete details of the Bal Sahayata Yojana.
Bihar Bal Sahayata Yojana 2025 – Details
Mukhyamantri Bal Sahayata Yojana 2025 has been started by Bihar state govt. to provide monthly aid, free education to COVID-19 orphaned children. Now you would be able to know about the announcement made by Chief Minister regarding Mukhyamantri Bal Sahayta Yojna.
CM mentioned “वैसे बच्चे-बच्चियों जिनके माता पिता दोनो की मृत्यु हो गई, जिनमें कम से कम एक की मृत्यु कोरोना से हुई हो, उनको ‘बाल सहायता योजना’ अंतर्गत राज्य सरकार द्वारा 18 वर्ष होने तक 1500 रू0 प्रतिमाह दिया जाएगा।.” He even added that “जिन अनाथ बच्चे-बच्चियों के अभिभावक नहीं हैं, उनकी देखरेख बालगृह में की जाएगी। ऐसे अनाथ बच्चियों का कस्तूरबा गांधी बालिका आवासीय विद्यालय में प्राथमिकता पर नामांकण कराया जाएगा”.
Salient Features of Bihar Bal Sahayata Yojana
Here are the important features and highlights of Bihar Bal Sahayata Yojana 2025:-
- All those children whose both parents or any one of the parent has died due to COVID-19 would be given Rs. 1,500 per month.
- This amount would be given to the COVID-19 orphans till they attain the age of 18 years.
- Orphans without guardians i.e neither parents / caretakers will be taken to children’s home.
- COVID orphaned girls will be enrolled in Kasturba Gandhi residential schools on priority basis.
The central government as well states like Haryana, UP and the NCT of Delhi have also announced similar measures for children who lost a parent to Covid-19. Haryana and Uttar Pradesh announced Bal Seva Yojana for taking care of Coronavirus Orphaned children.
Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic
Bihar has shown signs of a let-up in the raging wave of COVID-19. Till 30 May 2021, the state saw a significant decline in the number of people getting infected by the coronavirus and those succumbing to the disease.
According to the state health department, 48 fresh fatalities caused the death toll to reach 5,052 while 1,491 people tested positive since the previous day, raising the tally to 7.04 lakhs. Bihar has seen more than 600 COVID-19 deaths in the past one week. On many days, the number of dead was close to 100, and sometimes it even breached the three-digit mark.
More than 1.03 crore people in the Bihar, which has a total population of about 13 crores, have been vaccinated.
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Very nice