Andhra Pradesh government has launched a new AP Jagananna Palle Velugu Scheme 2025. In this scheme, the state govt. will install 4 lakh LED street lights in 2,000 habitations across the state. These 2k selected areas does not have street lights as these are not yet covered under any present project. The goals of environment protection, reduction of dark sports in AP state and ensuring women safety to be achieved through this scheme. AP cabinet committee has also decided to put up a new Complaint Monitoring System.
AP Street Light Installation Scheme as well as new Complaint Management System will ensure security in remote areas. The LED Street Lights CMS will involve village secretaries to address complaints on non-functional street lights. Around 7,000 energy assistants will be deputed to address such complaints. Moreover, the services of 2.7 lakh village volunteers will also be utilized in identifying and reporting on malfunctioning street lights.
The CMS will also have 1 executive at the assembly constituency level, 1 at the revenue division level and 1 at the district level to monitor and supervise repair works of street lights.
AP Jagananna Palle Velugu Scheme 2025
The complete details of the AP Jagananna Palle Velugu Scheme 2025 which is to be launched are given here.
4 Lakh More LED Street Lights Installation in Andhra Pradesh
The AP state govt. has decided to install 4 lakh more LED streetlights in the Andhra Pradesh state. These street lights would be installed in addition to the existing 25 lakh street lights. In AP Jagananna Palle Velugu Scheme 2025, govt. will install 4 lakh street lights in 2,000 rural habitations across various districts that were not covered under any project. Here are the important benefits of installing LED street lights in across 2,000 places in the Andhra Pradesh state under AP Jagananna Palle Velugu Scheme 2025:-
- LED street lights depreciate at a much slower rate than other alternatives.
- These LED lights does not have filaments, so they do not burn out quickly and have incredibly long lives.
- There are no toxic chemicals like mercury in LED street lights.
- Reduced maintenance costs and lesser heat production is a major reason for its installation in remote areas.
- LED lights to be installed would consume little energy while providing appropriate lighting on streets. This would result in ensuring safety of women on roads.
- After installation of these LED street lights under AP Jagananna Palle Velugu Scheme, there would be less areas of dark spots.
- The new LED lights to be installed will have improved color rendering comparative to other street lamps.
There are so many benefits of installing LED street lights as these are environmentally friendly and save money of the government in long run.
Complaint Monitoring System (CMS) for Streetlights
AP govt. has also decided to entrust the responsibility of Complaint Monitoring System (CMS) of the streetlights to village secretariats. It is because 80% of the public representatives expressed dissatisfaction over the repair and maintenance of the lights. The decision was taken at a high-level meeting chaired by Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy on 30 June 2020.
As per the statement, the dept. officials said that 90% of public representatives responded positively to the illumination quality of LED streetlights installed by Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL). But 80% of public representatives were not satisfied with the existing repairs and maintenance. In view of this, the AP state govt. has decided to improve the Complaint Monitoring System of LED streetlights with an objective to bring down complaints.
Subsequently, 7,000 energy assistants (junior linemen) from village secretariats and 2.6 lakh village volunteers will be roped in this CMS initiative. This would be done in coordination with AP State Energy Efficiency Development Corporation (APSEEDCO) and Discoms to improve the grievance redressal system. AP govt. aims to illuminate every village in the state under the LED streetlight programme.