Tamil Nadu govt. has started Rs. 500 Nutritional Allowance Scheme for TB patients in Tamil Nadu. Subsequently, this is a part of the National Strategic Plan for TB elimination till FY 2030. Accordingly, all patients will get Rs. 500 p.m during treatment irrespective of their income level starting. In this article, we will tell you about the complete details of Revised National Tuberclosis Control Programme in Tamilnadu including that of Tamil Nadu Nutritional Allowance Scheme.
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme in Tamil Nadu
The state govt. of Tamil Nadu is already implementing Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme. RNTCP was started in the year 1997 and implemented in Tamil Nadu since 2002. RNTCP covers population of 790 lakhs and includes 35 District TB centres and 461 TB units.
RNTCP Nutritional Support through DBT under Nikshay Poshan Yojana
Tamil Nadu is the first state to implement nutritional support through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) under Nikshay Poshan Yojana in the country from April 2018. It aims at diagnosing and caring for TB cases both in the public as well as in the private sector. The Drug sensitive is treated using Fixed Drug Combinations through Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) strategy. All patients registered are now being monitored online using the web portal Nikshay. In 2018, 104055 were notified through this portal.
Nikshay Aushadhi for Monitoring / Management of Drug Logistics
Drug logistics are monitored and managed using Nikshay Aushadhi. Notification of cases by private sector is also ensured and so far 22,960 private health facilities are registered in Nikshay. There are about 1984 Designated Microscopy Centres and 2 Intermediate Reference Laboratory across the state. Active case finding (ACF) was conducted in all the districts of Tamil Nadu using two CBNAAT vans.
Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant TB services
The State has also implemented Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant TB services since 2009 which aims at early diagnosis of Drug resistance TB cases and treating them with appropriate regimen. Drug Resistant TB cases are managed at 7 Nodal Drug Resistant TB centre and 24 District Drug Resistant TB centre. Specialised diagnostic labs include 2 C&DST and 2 liquid culture (MGIT).
New TB drugs namely Bedaquiline for Adult TB patients and Delamanid for pediatric TB patients have been introduced in our state for the first time in the country for DR – TB patients. 276 eligible patients being treated with Bedaquiline. All presumptive TB cases are being screened for HIV and all HIV-TB co infected patients are being started providing with TB treatment and referred to ART centres. In 2018, 3047 were HIV-TB combined infected cases. Any child contact between the age of 6 months and 6 years is given Isoniazid Propylactic Therapy to decrease the risk.
Rs 500 Monthly for TB Patients in Tamilnadu
Government has decided to give Rs. 500 monthly for all TB patients taking treatment in both public and private sectors. In 2018, the project “Joint Effort for Elimination of TB” was launched to engage the private service providers to notify the cases. Patient Provider Support Agency (PPSA) “Zero TB Chennai Project – 2023” has been covered in 21 districts. As the incidence of TB cases in Tamil Nadu is showing a steady decrease, “TB free Tamil Nadu- 2025″ strategy in all districts is implemented which is based on the four pillars of national strategic plan namely “Detect-Treat-Prevent-Build (DTPB)”.
What is Tamilnadu Nutritional Allowance Scheme 2025
TN Nutritional Allowance Scheme will focus on proper counselling taking into consideration their means and local food availability. This scheme will help in proper utilization of nutritional support. As per the study report, decreased BMI (body mass index) and malnutrition causes higher morbidity and mortality in TB.
Central govt. is focusing on strengthening of nutritional counselling component. This component will focus on providing an appropriate diet plan to curb TB. Moreover, Central TB division has also released guidance document on nutritional care and support along with special emphasis on Co-morbidities. Nutrition is an essential component for recovery of TB.
Salient Features of TN Nutritional Allowance Scheme for TB Patients
TB is a disease of under-nutrition and leads to loss of appetite. Accordingly, all the Tuberculosis affected patients will get nutrition support of Rs. 500 per month. TN Govt. will directly transfer this amount in the bank accounts of patients through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT). All TB patients will get this amount in 3 installments during there treatment which is approx. 6 months or can be more. Nutrition Support Scheme will benefit around 1.3 lakh TB patients across the state. The important features and highlights of TN Nutrition Support Scheme are as follows:-
- All the TB affected patients will get Rs. 500 for nutritional support as malnutrition is an important cause of this bacterial disease.
- Accordingly, there is no age limit and no income criteria to become eligible for TN Nutritional Allowance Scheme.
- Moreover, all the TB patients will get this amount in 3 installments during their treatment. Patients will get this amount through DBT directly into their bank accounts.
- However, this nutritional allowance is only for those patients who have been notified in the system and whose treatment process is initiated.
- Under this scheme, patients will get their 1st installment at the time of notification of TB. 2nd Installment at the time of completion of 2 months of treatment and 3rd installment at the end of treatment.
- Moreover in case the treatment duration is over 6 months, then patients will get more installments.
- In the initial phase, govt. will implement this pilot project at Government Hospital of Thoracic Medicine, Tambaram. Afterwards, govt. will extend this scheme to the entire state.
Malnutrition is an important cause for acquiring TB and leads to loss of appetite – vicious circle. Accordingly, govt. must also focus on providing correct diet plans to the patients.
TB Patients Nutritional Allowance Scheme – Facts
Some of important facts about the TN Tuberculosis patients are as follows:-
- The state govt. notices around 1.3 lakh cases of TB every year in Tamil Nadu including the old cases.
- Accordingly out of these cases, 70000 cases are handled in the govt. sector while 60000 cases are handled in the private sector.
- In addition to this, there are around 15000 TB cases which are notified from private sector.
- Around 461 TB units are operated in the state and each unit is manned by a medical officer.
- Moreover, Tamil Nadu govt. gives Rs. 1000 as pension to all farmer card holders living with TB or HIV / Aids.
- This TN Nutritional Allowance Scheme will reduce the mortality rate of people affected with TB.

In India, around 28 lakh cases of TB are seen which is one fourth of the total number of cases globally. Out of these, around 17 lakh cases gets notified. Furthermore, around 4,80,000 people dies with TB across the country.
Source / Reference Link: https://www.nhm.tn.gov.in/nhm-programscommunicable-diseases/revised-national-tuberculosis-control-programme-rntcp
good step taken by govt
Encourage and create more awareness about TB up to low class people.