Maha Jobs Portal | Maha Job Portal Registration | Mahajob Portal 2025 | | Maha Jobs Maharashtra Gov in Portal. Maharashtra government has launched a new Maha Jobs Portal at to provide employment opportunities to the locals. Mahajob Portal 2025 Registration / Login process is now available and jobseekers can now apply online at the official website. This job portal will facilitate 80% jobs for the “sons of the soil” or domiciled ones. Now the govt. has started this Maha Job Portal for the recruitment of the skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled employees. Industry units and job seekers both can register on the Mahajobs portal by filling Job seeker registration / application form online.
The state govt. run Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) will run this Maha Jobs Portal. Maharashtra govt. has selected 950 plus trades and 17 different sectors including engineering, logistic, textiles among others for the recruitment of locals. At Maha Jobs Portal 2025, skilled / unskilled local people can apply online by filling Maha Jobs Portal Online Registration / Application Form to get employment in reputed industries.
Maharashtra Mahajob Portal 2025 Online Registration / Login
MIDC had recently conducted a Human Resource Survey in FY 2020 after 65,000 industrial units reopened following the relaxation of COVID-19 lockdown norms in Maharashtra. Out of these 65,000 units, around 3,300 units have responded. These industrial units have indicated the requirement of around 50,000 employees. Of these, 70% are skilled and semi skilled while 30% are unskilled. Those industrial units which are situated in the MIDC industrial estates as well as those outside can register themselves on this Maha Jobs portal for recruitment.
Jobseeker Registration Form & Login at Maha Jobs Portal
Below is the complete process of how to fill job seekers online registration form and make login to apply at the Mahajob portal:-
Total Time: 10 minutes
Visit Official Website
Firstly visit the Maha Jobs Portal official website at
Press Jobseeker Registration tab
At the Maha Jobs Portal homepage, click at the “Jobseeker Registration” tab as shown here.
Open Job Seeker Registration Form
Accordingly on clicking the tab or clicking the direct link, the Jobseeker Online Registration Form at the Mahajobs Maharashtra Portal will appear as shown below:-
Enter Details in the Job Seeker Online Registration Form
In the opened jobseeker registration form at the Maha Jobs Portal, candidates will have to enter their name, e-mail Id (validate through OTP – optional), domicile certificate (mandatory), mobile number (get OTP & validate). Then create strong password, enter captcha and click at the “Submit” button to complete the Jobseeker Registration Process.
Make Jobseeker Login
On completion of the job seekers registration process, candidates can make login using the e-mail ID or mobile number and password at the Maha Jobs Portal homepage.
Create Your Profile & Upload CV / Photo / Other Documents
Accordingly after making login, candidates can create their own profile. They can upload their photograph (jpg, jpeg, png upto 2 mb). Moreover, applicants will have to upload their CV/ resume in the ‘biodata’ section on the right-hand corner (pdf upto 1 mb).
Finalize Profile Creation Process
Then applicants can enter the following details such as personal Information, current address, permanent address, education details (upload education certificate), work experience, skill details (upload skill certificate), languages known and willingness to relocate. Fill in all the details to complete your profile creation process.
How to Search for Jobs / Apply for Job at Mahajobs Portal
- After profile creation process is over, you can search for jobs in ‘Search Job‘ section at the MahaJobs Portal.
- You can apply the following filters to get the optimum results, these are skill category, select skill sector, select skill sub sector, select skill work experience (in years), select education, place of activity located, industry, district, taluka.
- You will get information about companies who are currently hiring in the “Search Job section.
- Then go to the company name and click on the View More tab.
- Apply for job and you will get the Job Tracking ID.
- You can track your applications in the “Applied Jobs section” by using the Job Tracking ID and industry.
List of Sectors at Mahajob Portal
There are 17 sectors which have been shortlisted for providing jobs at the Mahajobs Portal, some of them are given below:-
- Automobile
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Logistic
- Textile
- Garmenting
- Processing
- Pharmaceutical
- Biotechnology
Maharashtra Mahajob Portal will be an interactive platform for skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled employees. Companies can register and anybody who wants a job can register online. People who wants to get either skilled or semi-skilled or unskilled jobs can now fill application form.
Official Launch of Maha Job Portal by Maharashtra CM
CM Uddhav Thackeray had officially launched MahaJobs Portal on 6 July 2020 for unemployed candidates. Earlier, CM and the Industry Ministry has signed 12 MoUs with investment intention of Rs. 16,000 crore. The state govt. of Maharashtra expects that industries in the state will provide 80% jobs to the locals. The Maharashtra government proposes to present the bill in the state legislature on the lines of Andhra Pradesh for reservation of 80% jobs to the locals.
Also Read – Mahaswayam Employment Registration Portal for Job-seekers in Maharashtra
The Maha Jobs Portal is an initiative to fulfill the pre-poll promise given by the Shiv Sena, NCP and Congress for reserving 80% jobs for locals. Accordingly, it was incorporated in the common minimum programme of the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government in the state.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Here are the most frequently asked questions about Maha Jobs portal launched as well as problems faced during online registration or application:-
What is the Maha Jobs Portal
महाजॉब्स हा महाराष्ट्र सरकारच्या उद्योग विभाग, कामगार विभाग आणि कौशल्य विकास-उद्योजकता विभाग यांचा, रोजगार शोधणार्यांना उद्योजकांशी जोडण्यासाठीचा संयुक्त उपक्रम आहे. महाजॉब्स उद्योजकांना कुशल कामगार देऊन त्यांचे काम सुरळीत पार पाडण्यास मदत करते. कोविड-१९ हे केवळ आरोग्य संकट नव्हे तर आर्थिक संकट म्हणून जागतिक पातळीवर ओळखले गेले. विषाणूचा प्रसार रोखण्यासाठी करण्यात आलेल्या उपाययोजनांमुळे आर्थिक मंदी निर्माण झाली आहे. भारताच्या सकल राष्ट्रीय उत्पन्नाच्या १५% वाटा म्हणून देशातील सर्वाधिक उद्योग असणार्या महाराष्ट्राला उद्योगप्रक्रिया सातत्याने सुलभ व उद्योगप्रेमी ठेवण्याची गरज आहे. सध्याच्या संकटाला उत्तर देताना उद्योगाच्या मनुष्यबळाच्या गरजा भागविणे आवश्यक आहे. कुशल मनुष्यबळाची गरज लक्षात घेऊन उद्योगाच्या दृष्टीकोनातून राज्याचे आर्थिक पुनरुज्जीवन करणे हे महाजॉब्सचे लक्ष्य आहे. महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील बेरोजगार तरुणांना विविध कौशल्यांच्या सहाय्याने रोजगार शोधता यावा आणि आणि कामगारांची कमतरता या समस्येवर मात करुन उद्योगांना आपले कार्य सुरळितपणे पार पाडता यावे या उद्देशाने महाजॉब्स पोर्टल तयार केले गेले आहे. नोकरी शोधणा-या कामगारांना आणि उद्योजकांना सर्वोत्कृष्ट सेवा प्रदान करण्याचा आमचा सातत्याने प्रयत्न आहे.
What is the official website to access Maha Job Portal
The official website to access Maharashtra Maha Jobs Portal is
Tell about the launch of this Maha Jobs portal, who launched it and when
It is the newest initiative of the MVA government for the recruitment of the skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled employees. CM Uddhav Thackeray has launched Maha Jobs Maharashtra Portal. The launch date is 6 July 2020.
What are the objectives of Mahajob Portal Maharashtra
नोकरी शोधणारे कामगार आणि उद्योजक यांच्यामधील दुवा. निरनिराळ्या प्रकारच्या कौशल्यसंचात मनुष्यबळाची मागणी व पुरवठा यांच्यातील दरी कमी करणे. उद्योगांना अखंडपणे कार्य करण्यास सक्षम करणे. महाराष्ट्रातील उद्योगांना योग्य स्थानिक कामगार मिळण्यासाठी कुशल मनुष्यबळासाठी कायमस्वरूपी यंत्रणा निर्माण करणे.
Which government agency is responsible for the implementation of this initiative
Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) will run this portal and is responsible for the implementation of this initiative to provide employment opportunities.
Who all can make registration at the Mahajobs Portal
Jobseeker either skilled, unskilled or semi-skilled can apply online at the official Maha Job Portal by filling the jobseekers registration form. Moreover, employers can even register themselves by filling the employer registration form.
In which sectors, applicant will get employment after applying online at portal
Maharashtra govt. has selected 950 plus trades and 17 different sectors including engineering, logistic, textiles, manufacturing, processing, pharmaceutical, biotechnology etc.
I am facing problems while uploading biodata or CV while creating profile as Jobseeker, what to do
You must upload biodata or CV in the PDF format having size upto 1 Mb.
What are the photograph upload requirements while creating profile
Jobseekers can upload recent photograph in jpg, jpeg, png format having size upto 2 Mb.
If there is any problem, whom can i contact
For any assistance regarding MahaJob Portal you may call on our customer care 022-61316405 or you can send an e-mail to