Himachal Pradesh government has started laptop distribution under Srinivasa Ramanujan Student Digital Scheme 2025. In HP Free Laptop Scheme, the state govt. will provide free of cost laptops to around 20000 meritorious students. In order to get laptop benefit, a student shall have to fill HP free laptop scheme online application / registration form. Chief minister Jai Ram Thakur launched laptop distribution in Himachal Pradesh on 8th June 2022. In this article, we will tell you about the complete details (available till date) regarding the हिमाचल प्रदेश श्रीनिवास रामानुजन स्टूडेंट डिजिटल योजना 2025 ऑनलाइन आवेदन / पंजीकरण पत्र.
HP Srinivasa Ramanujan Student Digital Scheme 2025
In the recent times, there is a big leap in the education sector as e learning is being promoted. Students are getting classes through digital mode and homeworks are being done on smartphones and laptops. Accordingly to promote digital learning, HP state govt. has launched laptop ditribution under Srinivasa Ramanujan Student Digital Scheme 2025. In this scheme, the state govt. will provide free laptops to about 20,000 meritorious students of the state. CM Jai Ram Thakur has launched laptop distribution drive in Himachal Pradesh at a function held at Paddal Ground in Mandi on 8 June 2022 (Wednesday).
HP Free Laptop Scheme Budget Allocation
Himachal Pradesh govt. is going to spend a whooping amount of Rs. 83 crore on HP free laptop scheme. Several ministers attended the launch event of HP Srinivasa Ramanujan Student Digital Scheme 2025 in their respective districts and distributed laptops to meritorious students.
Launch of Laptop Distribution in Himachal Pradesh
While launching the HP Srinivasa Ramanujan Student Digital scheme, CM addressed teachers, students, parents and other dignitaries. CM Jai Ram Thakur even congratulated the meritorious students for getting laptops on the occasion of launch of free laptop distribution programme in Himachal Pradesh.
Chief Minister mentioned that “An educated citizenry was the biggest asset for any democratic society and students are known for their readiness to fight for all right causes since their thoughts are pure and honest.”
Srinivasa Ramanujan Student Digital Scheme to Motivate Students
Free laptops under HP Srinivasa Ramanujan Student Digital Scheme would motivate students to excel in academics and win a laptop next time. In the past few years, Himachal Pradesh has made unprecedented progress in the field of education and the state has even surpassed Kerala in several parameters in the field of education, which is an honour for everyone.
CM Jai Ram Thakur said that the state government is giving topmost priority to provide quality education to the students with a special focus on the education of girl students. Earlier people took the education of girls casually, but now the times have changed and girls are excelling in studies which has resulted in women’s empowerment.
HP Free Laptop Scheme Apply Online Process
Just like free laptop schemes in other states, Himachal Pradesh govt. will also invite HP free laptop scheme online application form. The Srinivasa Ramanujan Student Digital Scheme online application form may be invited through official website himachalforms.nic.in or at a dedicated new portal. The complete process to make HP Free Laptop Scheme registration is not known yet. As soon as the Srinivasa Ramanujan Student Digital Scheme online registration form fillup process begins, we will update it here.
Benefits of Srinivasa Ramanujan Student Digital scheme
Students are the future of the nation and it is very important to focus on their education. The laptops provided by the state government to the students would go a long way in assisting them in their studies. COVID-19 pandemic has delayed the distribution of these laptops, but now the Himachal Pradesh state government has started laptop distribution under Srinivas Ramanujan Student Digital Scheme.
Change in technology has brought a sea change in the education system as well. Thus, modern equipment like laptops, computers, and mobile have become necessary tools for studies. Subsequently, CM Jai Ram Thakur has launched HP Free Laptop Scheme.
Other Steps by HP Govt to Improve Quality of Education
Some days back, Himachal Pradesh state government has opened a new state university in Mandi. This university will facilitate the students of nearby districts to get higher education close to their homes. The new state university in Mandi would start functioning with full strength very soon. In addition to this, the university and college teachers would be provided UGC scales soon.
While launching the Srinivas Ramanujan Student Digital Scheme, CM Jai Ram Thakur also interacted with the meritorious students of different districts. He told the students to work hard as there is no shortcut to success. Moreover, the state education minister said the e-learning process has witnessed unprecedented development in the state under the leadership of the chief minister.
Source / Reference Link: https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/chandigarh-news/meritorious-students-in-himachal-get-laptops-101654723763119.html
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