Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) 2025 Details

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana 2025 objectives, components at Portal, Har Khet Ko Pani, Per Drop More Crop in PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY)

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) 2025 Details

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana PMKSY

Central government has launched Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) Portal at In this article, we will tell you about all the details of PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana including its objectives, components, implementation, programme architecture, supervision / monitoring. Union govt. of India to focus on Har Khet Ko Pani, Per Drop More Crop (Micro Irrigation) and watershed development initiatives.

What is Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana 2025

PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana aims to achieve the following objectives:-

Merging of Previous Schemes in PMKSY

PMKSY has been conceived amalgamating ongoing schemes which are as follows:-

Implementation of PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana

PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana will be implemented by Ministries of Agriculture, Water Resources and Rural Development.

  1. Ministry of Rural Development is to mainly undertake rain water conservation, construction of farm pond, water harvesting structures, small check dams and contour bunding etc.
  2. MoWR, RD &GR, is to undertake various measures for creation of assured irrigation source, construction of diversion canals, field channels, water diversion/lift irrigation, including development of water distribution systems.
  3. Ministry of Agriculture will promote efficient water conveyance and precision water application devices like drips, sprinklers, pivots, rain-guns in the farm “(Jal Sinchan)”, construction of micro-irrigation structures to supplement source creation activities, extension activities for promotion of scientific moisture conservation and agronomic measures.

PMKSY Programme Architecture

PMKSY programme architecture will be to adopt a decentralized State level planning and projectized execution structure. It would allow states to draw up their own irrigation development plans based on District Irrigation Plan (DIP) and State Irrigation Plan (SIP). It will be operative as convergence platform for all water sector activities including drinking water & sanitation, MGNREGA, application of science & technology etc. through comprehensive plan. State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC) chaired by the Chief Secretary of the State will be vested with the authority to oversee its implementation and sanction projects.

Supervision / Monitoring of PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana

The PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana will be supervised and monitored by an Inter-Ministerial National Steering Committee (NSC) will be constituted under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister with Union Ministers from concerned Ministries. A National Executive Committee (NEC) will be constituted under the Chairmanship of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog to oversee programme implementation, allocation of resources, inter ministerial coordination, monitoring & performance assessment, addressing administrative issues etc.

PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana Extended till 2026

PMKSY scheme has been extended from 2021 to 2026. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana would be implemented with an outlay of Rs. 93,068 crore including Rs. 37,454 crore central assistance to states. PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana is going to benefit to about 22 lakh farmers including 2.5 lakh SC and 2 lakh ST farmers. 90% grant will be given to two National Projects namely Renukaji (Himachal Pradesh) and Lakhwar (Uttarakhand). These 2 projects are critical for water supply to Delhi and also to other participating States like Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, UP, Haryana and Rajasthan and for rejuvenation of river Yamuna. 

The central govt. will create an additional irrigation potential of 13.88 lakh hectare under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP). Apart from focused completion of 60 ongoing projects including their 30.23 lakh hectare command area development works, additional projects can also be taken up.

Under “Har Khet Ko Pani”, surface minor irrigation and repair-renovation-restoration of water bodies component of PMKSY is targeted to provide additional 4.5 lakh hectare irrigation. Further, Ground Water component of HKKP, approved provisionally for 2021-22, targets creation of irrigation potential of 1.52 lakh hectare. The approved Watershed Development component of Department of Land Resources envisages completion of sanctioned projects covering 49.5 lakh hectare rainfed/ degraded lands to bring additional 2.5 lakh hectare under protective irrigation, during 2021-26.

PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana Components

Here we are describing the PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana components in details:-

Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)

AIBP is being implemented by MoWR, RD & GR which focuses on faster completion of ongoing Major and Medium Irrigation including National Projects.

PMKSY – Har Khet Ko Pani

PMKSY (Har Khet Ko Pani) is being implemented by MoWR,RD &GR which focuses on:-

PMKSY – Watershed

PMKSY (Watershed) is being implemented by Department of Land Resources, MoRD.

PMKSY (Watershed) Details can be checked using the link –

PMKSY – Per Drop More Crop

PMKSY (Per Drop More Crop) is being implemented by Dept. of Agriculture & Cooperation, MoA.

Per Drop More Crop – Micro Irrigation details can be checked using the link –

Per Drop More Crop – Other Interventions (Supplementary Water Management Activities) can be checked using the link –

PMKSY Sanctioning / Assessment Projects

PMKSY Documents –

Contact Information


Shri. Sanjay Agarwal, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001

E-mail ID :secy-agri[at]nic[dot]in

Additional Secretary

Dr. Alka Bhargava, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Room No. 129, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001

Phone: 011-23389348 , 23381305

Extn No: 4926

E-mail ID:


Pankaj Tyagi, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Room No. 216, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001

Phone/Fax: 011-23389714

E-mail ID: pankaj.tyagi99[at]gov[dot]in

Extn No: 4829

Deputy Commissioner (RFS)

B.V.N. Rao, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Room No. 385-A, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001

Phone/Fax: 011-23381809

Extn No: 4685

E-mail ID: bvn[dot]rao[at]nic[dot]in

Micro Irrigation Fund with NABARD under PMKSY (Update on 17 May 2018)

***Language of Writing is as of 17 May 2018 from here onward*** Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved on setting up of Micro Irrigation Fund (MIF) with NABARD under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY). PM Narendra Modi presided over this meeting and an initial fund of Rs. 5,000 crore is approved.

CCEA Approval would result in PAN India Coverage. All the states who are regularly lagging behind other states in implementation of Micro Irrigation would be encouraged to utilize MIF funds. In addition to this, several new community driven and innovative projects of States will ensure additional coverage of Micro-Irrigation. All the states can utilize MIF Funds for new innovative projects to bring more land under micro irrigation.

Micro Irrigation Fund (MIF) Setup with NABARD

The new funds for micro irrigation will possess the following features:-

PMKSY-PDMC guidelines will be ammended to meet the cost. Financial Implication on Interest Subvention is around Rs. 750 crore.

Benefits of Setting Up of Micro Irrigation Fund (MIF)

The benefits of setting up of Micro Irrigation Funds are as follows:-

  1. This dedicated fund will supplement Per Drop More Crop Component (PDMC) of PMKSY in an efficient and timely manner.
  2. Additional investment for composite / commodity / community / cluster based micro irrigation projects may bring out additional 10 lakh hectares.

Dedicated fund from NABARD will mobilize resources for top-up subsidy in implementation of PMKSY-PDMC to achieve an annual target of 2 Million ha / year.

Micro Irrigation Fund (MIF) Implementation Strategy

Micro Irrigation Fund (MIF) can be utilized by the states for innovative projects either under Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode to incentivize micro irrigation by an additional (top up) subsidy. This fund will cover additional areas and also this will not serve as a substitute of State’s share in PMKSY-PDMC.

Even various Farmers Producers Organization (FPO) / Cooperatives / State Level Agencies can utilize these funds after guarantee from State government. Farmers Co-operatives can use MIF in other innovative cluster based Community Irrigation Projects.

Govt. will set up an advisory committee to provide policy directions and ensure effective planning, coordination and monitoring. Moreover, govt. will also set up a Steering Committee to examine and approve Projects / Proposals from State govt. (cost & loan amount of States), maintaining coordination and monitoring for time bound implementation.

Objectives of Micro Irrigation Fund (MIF) with NABARD

To achieve this target, govt. must focus on effective utilization of Funds from PMKSY-PDMC and MIF in the following manner:-

India has the potential of 69.5 million hectares land to be brought under micro irrigation but only 10 million hectares (14%) land is covered till date. As per the suggestions of Group of Secretaries 2017, govt. must bring an additional 10 million hectares coverage over next 5 years. For this to happen, there must be an additional coverage of 1 million hectares per annum in addition to the current pace of implementation.

For more details, visit the official website of PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana at

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