– I-STEM Portal Registration | Equipment List | ISTEM App Download

I-STEM Portal registration form 2025 for researchers (users) / institutions (resources) at, check equipment list online & download app, complete details here – I-STEM Portal Registration | Equipment List | ISTEM App Download

I-STEM Portal Registration List App

Indian Science, Technology and Engineering Facilities Map Portal functional at The I-STEM Portal has been launched and dedicated to nation by PM Narendra Modi on 3 January 2020. The ISTEM One Nation One Research Portal comprises of Research & Development facilities on Map. People can even make I-STEM Portal registration online, check equipment list, download ISTEM App from google play store (android users) and app store (apple i-phone users). More than 20,000 equipment which are located at around 850 institutions across India have been listed on I-STEM portal.

I-STEM portal is specifically designed to serve as a gateway for users / researchers to locate specific type of facility they need for their R&D work in India. will also enable users to identify the facility is either located closest to them or is available at the soonest. This will help researchers to get access to such facilities. The participating agencies are OPSA | DST | MeitY | UGC | MHRD.

The IP protected I-STEM portal is built and managed by Nanoscience Center of Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. The portal was launched at inaugural day of 107th edition of Indian Science Congress at University of Agricultural Sciences (USAB) in Bengaluru.

I-STEM Portal ( Registration Online

ISTEM portal will link researchers and resources. Researchers can locate type of needed facility for their R&D work through maps. Once researcher locates the desired facility through I-STEM portal, they can make online reservation to use it by paying for it through secure payment gateway. Enables sharing of R&D facilities in a transparent manner. Hold database of all R & D facilities established in institutions around the country. The complete process for scientific community to register at I-STEM portal is given below:-

STEP 1: Firstly visit the official I-STEM portal at

STEP 2: At the homepage, click at the “Sign-In / Register” link or directly click

STEP 3: Here researcher / user register as well as institution / resources registration links are present as shown below:-

ISTEM Portal Online Registration Page

STEP 4: Here click at the “Researcher / User Registration” link to open the ISTEM registration form for researchers:-

ISTEM Portal Online Registration Form Researchers

STEP 5: In case the candidates click at the “Institution / Resources Registration” link, then the ISTEM registration form for institutions will appear as shown below:-

ISTEM Portal Online Registration Form Institutions

ISTEM Mobile App Download

People can now download I-STEM mobile application from google play store (android users) as well as from app store (apple i-phone) users through the links below:-

ISTEM App Download Android Google Play Store

It has always been the basic tenet of the Central Government of India, in generously funding R&D efforts at academic institutions over the years. All the facilities established through such support be made available to those needing them and qualified to make use of them for their own research work.

Equipment List at I-STEM Portal

All the applicants can check the complete list of equipment present at the I-STEM portal through the link –

The complete list of equipments at ISTEM portal will appear as shown below:-

I-STEM Portal Equipment List

Here candidates can check name of equipment manually in the list to avail facility. Moreover, people can still search for equipment needed in the Search box provided at the top.

ISTEM One Nation One Research Portal

I-STEM portal is conceptualised by the Office of Principal Scientific Adviser to GOI as a national programme. All academic institutions, national research labs, and aided affiliated institutions with R&D facilities (in science, technology, engineering, medicine, and agriculture) which are funded by the government will be required to list them on the I-STEM portal. In addition to this, ISTEM portal will also serve to provide a live inventory of R&D facilities in the academia, national labs, and industry, whether created with public and private investment.

Not just public and private academic institutions, but industry will also be able to share their R&D lab equipment as well as scientific products / equipment accessories. Furthermore, industry will also be able to access needed facilities through I-STEM for their R&D. I-STEM One Nation One Research Portal would enable start-ups to leverage public and private investment to pursue their innovative ideas and come up with successful products and services.


For more details, visit the official website at

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