Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) approved more affordable houses in 59th CSMC Meeting under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban. Under PMAY Urban Housing Scheme, central government led by PM Narendra Modi aims to provide affordable houses to the poor people in urban areas who does not have their own home. Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee sanctions more houses in CSMC Meeting PMAY Urban (PMAY-U). Check MoHUA CSMC minutes along with presentation at
The progress under the PM Awas Mission has been steady. Central govt. have to move towards completion of houses with all the basic physical and social infrastructure. The States/UTs shall focus on completion and delivery of houses to beneficiaries. Union govt. urges the States/UTs to expedite the implementation of Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs) scheme.
CSMC Meeting Minutes under PMAY Urban (PMAY-U)
These houses are proposed to be constructed across the verticals of Beneficiary Led Construction, Affordable Housing in Partnership and In-Situ Slum Redevelopment. The states also put in their proposals for revision of projects due to various issues such as, of land, topographical hazards, inter-city migration, change of preferences of verticals etc. Around 94.79 Lakh houses have been grounded for construction and more than 56.2 Lakh houses have been completed and delivered to beneficiaries. Here is the complete list of CSMC meeting minutes under PMAY Urban (PMAY-U) Housing Scheme:-
CSMC 59th Meeting under PMAY Urban
In the CSMC 59th Meeting under PMAY Urban, MoHUA has approved construction of 2.02 lakh houses in 8 States namely Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. These houses are proposed to be constructed under Beneficiary Led Construction (BLC) and Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP) verticals of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U) Mission.
MoHUA Secretary discussed the issues pertaining to grounding and construction of houses in different states under different verticals of PMAY (U). He reviewed the pace of completion of houses in the States and directed the officials to expedite the grounding and construction process. Construction of PMAY-U houses are in various stages. With the vision of “Housing for All”, MoHUA is committed to provide pucca houses to all eligible beneficiaries. The emphasis has been to accelerate construction, completion and delivery of houses across the country.
The total number of sanctioned houses under PMAY Urban is now 115.4 lakh. Out of this, around 95 lakh have been grounded for construction and around 56.3 lakh have been completed and delivered to the beneficiaries. The total investment under the mission is Rs. 7.56 lakh crore, with central assistance of Rs. 1.89 lakh crore. So far, central assistance amounting to Rs. 1.25 lakh crore has already been released.
CSMC 58th Meeting under PM Awas Yojana Urban
In the CSMC 58th Meeting under PMAY Urban, more than 60,000 houses are approved for construction in 5 states namely Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and Rajasthan. The total number of sanctioned houses under PMAY(U) is now 114.04 lakh. Out of these, around 93.25 lakh have been grounded for construction and around 54.78 lakh have been completed and delivered to the beneficiaries. The total investment under the Mission is Rs. 7.52 lakh crore, with central assistance of Rs. 1.87 lakh crore. The 58th CSMC meeting was held on 15 February 2022.
CSMC 57th Meeting under PMAY U Housing Scheme
The 57th meeting of Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) was held in New Delhi on 23rd December 2021 under the chairmanship of Shri Durga Shanker Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA). Project proposals for 1.07 lakh houses were approved for construction from Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Puducherry and Uttarakhand under various verticals of PMAY(U).
MoHUA Secretary said “Grounding of houses should be the first responsibility of the States/UTs, followed by focus on 100% completion of grounded houses. States/UTs should also declare saturation of demand city by city”. Total number of sanctioned houses under the Mission is now 1.14 crore; of which around 91 lakh have been grounded for construction and more than 53 lakh have been completed and delivered to the beneficiaries. The total investment under the Mission is Rs. 7.52 lakh crore, with Central Assistance of ₹ 1.85 lakh crore. So far, Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 1.14 lakh crore has already been released.
Approval for Construction of Demonstration Housing Projects (DHPs)
At the CSMC 57th meeting, approval for construction of Demonstration Housing Projects (DHPs) at Dimapur in Nagaland and Kot Bhalwal in Jammu was also accorded. Both the projects will be built using new/alternate technologies under Technology Sub-Mission component of PMAY(U). DHPs are model housing projects that showcase field level application of the technology and are also used as a platform to impart on-site orientation, training to practitioners and students in the housing sector. So far, six DHPs have been completed and four are being constructed in different parts of the country.
The upcoming DHP in Dimapur will be used as working women’s hostel while the one in Kot Bhawal will serve as a sports hostel on rental basis with other infrastructure facilities and provisions. The CSMC also approved a proposal for incubation support under ASHA-India for low cost Bamboo Housing Project submitted by IIT Kharagpur.
Compendium on Indigenous Innovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies
On this occasion, a Compendium on Indigenous Innovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies was also released by Secretary, MoHUA. It provides details about 84 technologies showcased during Indian Housing Technology Mela (IHTM) in Lucknow from 5th to 7th October 2021. It will serve as useful resource for dissemination of technologies for field level application, replication across the country. The compendium will help policymakers, public/private construction agencies, other stakeholders to select and adopt materials, technologies in future housing projects.
While releasing the Compendium, Secretary, MoHUA, asked the States/UTs to share it widely with construction agencies, engineers, architects for utilising these technologies for construction for the benefit of the housing sector. Secretary, MoHUA, also reviewed the progress of Light House Projects (LHPs) in Chennai (Tamil Nadu), Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Rajkot (Gujarat), Ranchi (Jharkhand), Agartala (Tripura) and Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). He directed the officials to complete the construction work within the stipulated time period.
CSMC 56th Meeting under PMAY Urban Housing Scheme
The 56th meeting of Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) was held in New Delhi on 23rd November 2021 under the chairmanship of Shri Durga Shanker Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA). A total of 3.61 lakh houses were approved for construction from 17 States/UTs under Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP), Beneficiary-Led Construction (BLC), In-Situ Slum Redevelopment (ISSR) verticals of PMAY-U.
Presiding over the meeting, Secretary, MoHUA, took up the issues pertaining with States/UTs regarding construction of houses under the Mission. He asked the States/UTs to resolve the issues without delay so that construction of houses can be expedited. Construction of PMAY-U houses are in various stages. With this, the total number of sanctioned houses under the Mission is now 1.14 crore; of whichmore than 89 lakh have been grounded for construction and 52.5 lakh have been completed and delivered to the beneficiaries.
The total investmentunder the Mission is ₹ 7.52 lakh crore,with a Central Assistance of ₹1.85 lakh crore. So far, ₹1.13 lakhcrore of funds have already been released. The CSMC also accorded approval for revision of projects from 14 States/UTs translating into 3.74 lakh houses. Further, Secretary, MoHUA, laid renewed emphasis to accelerate housing construction and completion across the country within stipulated time under PMAY-U so that the goal of ‘Housing for All’ by 2022 can be achieved.
e-Finance Module within PMAY-U MIS System
At the CSMC meeting, an e-Finance module was also launched by Secretary, MoHUA. The e-Finance module has been integrated with all modules of the PMAY-U MIS system and designed, developed within PMAY-U MIS System with the objectives to provide unique platform to all stakeholders for disbursement of funds through Direct Benefit Transfer mode & to validate beneficiaries.
While launching the module, Secretary, MoHUA, said, “The e-Finance module has been launched with a specific purpose to remove any sort of misinformation. Now, there will be transparency, and all financial data will be captured on the platform.” He instructed that training programmes for officers/MIS personnel across States/UTs should be organised region wisefor the early implementation of the module.
Secretary, MoHUA, also approved proposals under Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs) – Model 2 – in Telangana and Tamil Nadu. A total of 19,535 units, have been approved for urban migrants/poor, involving Technology Innovation Grant of Rs 39.11 crore. Secretary, MoHUA, directed the States/UTs to ensure proper implementation of ARHCs by utilising vacant JnNURM houses. He also encouraged the stakeholders to come up with more proposals under Model 2 of ARHCs.
ARHCs provide affordable rental accommodation to urban migrants/poor in urban areas close to their workplace. The ARHC scheme is being implemented through two models. Under Model 1, existing Government funded vacant houses are converted into ARHCs through Public Private Partnership or by Public Agencies; Under Model 2, construction, operation and maintenance of ARHCs will be done by Public/Private Entities on their own vacant land.
CSMC 55th Meeting under PMAY-U Housing Scheme
At the 55th meeting of Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban (PMAY-U), proposals for construction of 16,488 houses have been approved. A total of four States/UTs attended the meeting held on 16 August 2021 in New Delhi through video conference. The houses are proposed to be constructed under Beneficiary-Led Construction (BLC) and Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP) verticals of PMAY-U. The demand for sanction has saturated in all States/UTs and work should be done expeditiously towards completing all the projects within stipulated time.
Construction of PMAY-U houses is in various stages. With this, the total number of sanctioned houses under PMAY-U is now 113.06 Lakh; of which 85.65 Lakh have been grounded for construction and more than 51 Lakh have been completed and delivered to the beneficiaries. The total investment under the Mission is ₹ 7.39 Lakh Crore with a Central Assistance of ₹1.82 Lakh Crore. So far, ₹1,06,390 Crore of funds have already been released under the Mission.
CSMC 54th Meeting under PM Awas Yojana Urban
In CSMC 54th Meeting Under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U), the government has approved 708 proposals for the construction of 3.61 lakh houses. This decision is taken in the 54th meeting of Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) under PMAY-U held in Delhi on 8th June 2025. CSMC 54th Meeting was attended by 13 states / UTs. These houses are proposed to be constructed across “Beneficiary Led Construction and Affordable Housing in Partnership verticals”.
The demand for sanction has saturated in all states/UTs. Utilisation of unused funds and ensuring completion of the projects within the stipulated time is our prime focus now. The states/UTs also put in their proposals for revision of projects due to various issues such as of land, topographical hazards, inter-city migration, change of preferences of verticals and loss of lives.
Total number of sanctioned houses under PMAY(U) is now 112.52 lakh and so far, 82.46 lakh have been grounded for construction of which 48.31 lakh have been completed/delivered. Total investment under the mission is Rs 7.35 lakh crore which has central assistance of Rs 1.81 lakh crore of which Rs. 96,067 crore of funds have been released.
MoHUA laid emphasis on Six Light House Projects (LHPs), the foundation stones of which were laid by the Prime Minister in January 2021. The LHPs are being constructed at Agartala, Chennai, Lucknow, Ranchi, Rajkot and Indore. These LHPs should galvanize all concerned departments involved in construction. Use of cutting edge technology should be replicated and scaled up.
CSMC 53rd Meeting under PM Awas Yojana Urban Housing Scheme
Construction of 56,368 houses have been sanctioned under PMAY-U at 53rd Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) meeting across 11 states. With these additions, total of 110,65,691 houses have been sanctioned till date against assessed demand of 112 lakh. These houses are proposed to be constructed under various verticals of PMAY Urban as decided in CSMC 53rd Meeting held on 23 February 2021. Shri DS Mishra, Secretary_MoHUA has urged the States/UTs to ensure 100% completion and delivery of PMAY-U houses to all its eligible beneficiaries within the Mission period. The participating States/UTs were also directed to use the online mechanism (MIS) for proper monitoring.
The progress of Light House Projects (LHPs) and Demonstration Housing Projects (DHPs) was also reviewed by Secretary, MoHUA. The foundation stones of the LHPs were laid by the Prime Minister on January 1, 2021. The houses under LHPs are being constructed at Lucknow, Ranchi, Rajkot, Agartala, Chennai and Indore. To promote these LHP sites as Live Laboratories for transfer of technology to the field, the Ministry has initiated an Online Enrolment Drive for Technograhis to encourage large scale citizen participation and create technical awareness, on-site learning, find ideas for solutions, experimentation and encouraging innovation.
Sh Mishra further spoke about how the Mission is promoting women empowerment by allotting houses in the name of women beneficiaries or joint ownership. He categorically asked the States/UTs to comply by the advisory issued by the Ministry at every level, primarily ensuring that the woman beneficiary’s name is mentioned on the nameplate of their PMAY-U house. The ministry is committed to provide pucca houses to all eligible beneficiaries of Urban India by 2022. Construction of PMAY-U houses are in various stages. As of now, more than 73 Lakh houses have been grounded and nearly 43 Lakh have been completed.
CSMC 52nd Meeting under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban
Central govt. has sanctioned construction of 1,68,606 more affordable houses in CSMC 52nd Meeting held on 20 January 2021. 14 States/UTs participated in this meeting. In the recent MoHUA CSMC 52nd meeting, the central assistance sanctioned is Rs. 2,524 crore while investment of Rs. 7,639 crore has been approved. Central govt. is going to construct these 1.68 lakh new houses in 11 states. All the States/UTs may also learn from the six Light House Projects (LHPs) initiated in six cities, namely, Agartala (Tripura), Ranchi (Jharkhand), Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Rajkot (Gujarat) and Chennai (Tamil Nadu). The technology can be replicated and scaled across the country for mass housing.
CSMC 52nd Meeting was the second CSMC meeting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is committed to provide pucca houses to all eligible beneficiaries of Urban India by 2022 when the Nation will celebrate 75th Independence. With the vision of ‘Housing for All’, the emphasis has been to accelerate construction, completion and delivery of houses across the country within stipulated time under PMAY(U).
CSMC 50th Meeting PMAY Urban – More Than 1 Crore Houses in PM Awas Yojana
Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee has sanctioned 6,40,000+ houses under PMAY U in CSMC 50th meeting held on 27 December 2019. The cumulative number of pucca houses sanctioned by the MoHUA now reaches over 1 crore under PM Awas Yojana Urban.
CSMC 49th Meeting – 3.31 Lakh More Houses under PMAY U
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has approved 3.31 lakh (3,31,075) more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban. Central govt. is going to construct these 3.31 lakh new houses in 6 states namely Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Uttarakhand. The cumulative number of pucca houses sanctioned by the central govt. now reaches over 96.50 lakh under PMAY Urban Housing Scheme. The number of houses approved (state-wise) under PMAY Urban in the 49th CSMC meeting held on 27 November 2019 are as follows:-
State Name | Number of Houses Approved in CSMC 49th Meeting | Total Number of Houses Sanctioned | Light Houses Projects |
Andhra Pradesh | 2,58,648 | 16,34,748 | 1,144 |
Karnataka | 30,777 | 6,24,404 | 1,008 |
Madhya Pradesh | 15,245 | 7,69,860 | 1,024 |
Gujarat | 13,805 | 6,23,626 | 1,152 |
Maharashtra | 4,691 | 11,54,764 | 1,000 |
Uttarakhand | 1,541 | 39,540 | 1,040 |
In CSMC 49th meeting, a total number of 606 proposals have been approved in 6 states across BLC / AHP verticals. The total project cost is Rs. 15,125 crore with central assistance of Rs. 5,092 crore. This includes 6 Light Houses Projects (LHPs) for construction of 6368 houses to be built across 6 States.
CSMC 48th Meeting – 2.32 lakh More Houses in PM Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U)
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has approved 2.32 lakh (2,31,532) more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban. In PMAY Urban Housing Scheme, central government led by PM Narendra Modi aims to provide affordable houses to the poor people in urban areas who does not have their own home. The number of houses approved (state-wise) under PMAY Urban in the 48th CSMC meeting held on 31 October 2019 are as follows:-
State Name | Number of Houses Approved in CSMC 48th Meeting | No. of Houses Approved for State |
Andhra Pradesh | 1,24,624 | 13,74,740 |
Assam | 16,002 | 96,954 |
Bihar | 15,049 | 3,02,601 |
Madhya Pradesh | 18,362 | 7,50,972 |
Nagaland | 3238 | 31,998 |
Puducherry | 1811 | 13,371 |
Uttar Pradesh | 52,446 | 14,50,729 |
More than 55 lakh houses have been grounded for construction and construction of more than 28 lakh houses has been completed & handed over to PMAY-U beneficiaries. After subsuming projects of Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) Scheme, the total number of houses sanctioned for urban poor under PM Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U) is now more than 93 lakh.
The total investment approved so far is now Rs. 5.56 lakh crore (5,55,754) while total central assistance is Rs. 1,45,949 crore. Central govt. is going to construct these new houses in 7 states/UTs namely Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Nagaland, Puducherry and Uttar Pradesh.
CSMC 47th Meeting – 1.3 lakh More Houses in PM Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U)
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has approved 1.23 lakh (1,23,101) more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban. Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee has sanctioned more houses under PMAY U in CSMC 47th meeting held on 25 September 2019. The number of houses approved (state-wise) under PMAY Urban in the 47th CSMC meeting held on 25 September 2019 are as follows:-
State | Number of Projects | EWS Houses | width=”20%”>Overall Investment (Rs. in Cr) | Central Assistance (Rs. in Cr) |
Chhattisgarh | 80 | 10,079 | 312.62 | 151.19 |
Gujarat | 114 | 20,903 | 1,316.04 | 273.43 |
Jharkhand | 18 | 8,674 | 323.64 | 128.61 |
Karnataka | 62 | 5,021 | 186.49 | 75.32 |
Madhya Pradesh | 19 | 8,314 | 319.97 | 124.71 |
Punjab | 90 | 10,332 | 318.02 | 154.98 |
Rajasthan | 34 | 2,822 | 55.50 | 42.33 |
Tamil Nadu | 158 | 26,709 | 939 | 400.64 |
Uttarakhand | 33 | 2,501 | 93.5 | 37.52 |
West Bengal | 22 | 27,746 | 1,123.16 | 416.19 |
Total | 630 | 1,23,101 | 4,987.93 | 1,804.90 |
In CSMC 47th meeting, a total number of 630 projects have been approved in 10 states across BLC / AHP / ISSR verticals. The total project cost is Rs. 4,988 crore with central assistance of Rs. 1,805 crore. The cumulative number of pucca houses sanctioned by the central govt. now reaches over 90 lakh under PMAY Urban Housing Scheme.
The total investment approved so far is now Rs. 5.54 lakh crore (5,54,379) while total central assistance is Rs. 1,42,528 crore. Central govt. is going to construct these new houses in 10 states namely Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand & West Bengal.
CSMC 46th Meeting – 3 lakh More Houses in Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) approves around 3 lakh (2,98,783) more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban. Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee has sanctioned more houses under PMAY U in CSMC 46th meeting held on 29 August 2019. The number of houses approved (state-wise) under PMAY Urban in the 46th CSMC meeting held on 29 August 2019 are as follows:-
State | Number of Projects | EWS Houses | width=”20%”>Overall Investment (Rs. in Cr) | Central Assistance (Rs. in Cr) |
Arunachal Pradesh | 17 | 944 | 55.91 | 14.16 |
Bihar | 22 | 18,036 | 993.50 | 270.54 |
Chhattisgarh | 61 | 6,960 | 241.70 | 104.40 |
Himachal Pradesh | 30 | 1,179 | 51.74 | 17.69 |
Jammu & Kashmir | 78 | 12,699 | 685.21 | 190.49 |
Madhya Pradesh | 59 | 27,827 | 1,070.95 | 417.41 |
Maharashtra | 62 | 1,22,829 | 8,300.15 | 1,842.44 |
Punjab | 126 | 10,234 | 315 | 153.51 |
Tamil Nadu | 261 | 52,305 | 1,741.26 | 784.58 |
Uttar Pradesh | 149 | 45,770 | 1,680.57 | 686.55 |
Total | 865 | 2,98,783 | 15,108.99 | 4,481.75 |
In CSMC 46th meeting, a total number of 865 projects have been approved in 10 states across BLC / AHP / ISSR verticals. The total project cost is Rs. 15,108.99 crore with central assistance of Rs. 4,481.75 crore. The cumulative number of pucca houses sanctioned by the central govt. now reaches around 88 lakh under PMAY Urban Housing Scheme.
The total investment approved so far is now Rs. 5,19,999 crore while total central assistance under PMAY U is Rs. 1,37,056 crore. The total number of houses approved under PMAY U is 88,16,084. Central govt. is going to construct these new houses in 10 states namely Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh.
CSMC 45th Meeting – 1.4 Lakh More Houses in Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) sanctioned 1.40 lakh (1,40,134) more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban. Central sanctioning & monitoring committee has taken this decision in CSMC 45th meeting held on 25 July 2019. The important features and highlights of decisions taken in 45th CSMC meeting held on 25 July 2019 are as follows:-
State | No. of Houses Sanctioned under PMAY Urban (U) |
West Bengal | 26,585 |
Uttar Pradesh | 54,277 |
Gujarat | 26,183 |
Maharashtra | 8,499 |
Assam | 9,328 |
Chhattisgarh | 6,507 |
Rajasthan | 4,947 |
Haryana | 3,808 |
Total (8 states) | 1,40,134 |
In CSMC 45th meeting, a total number of 492 projects in 8 states have been approved. The total project cost approved is Rs. 6,642 crore with central assistance of Rs. 2,102 crore. The total number of pucca houses sanctioned by the Union govt. reaches over 85 lakh under PMAY Urban Housing Scheme.
Central govt. is going to construct these new houses in 8 states namely West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Haryana.
CSMC 44th Meeting – 2.5 Lakh More Houses in Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) approves 2.50 lakh (2,51,093) more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban. Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee has sanctioned more houses under PMAY U in CSMC 44th meeting held on 28 June 2019. The number of houses approved (state-wise) under PMAY Urban in the 44th CSMC meeting held on 28 June 2019 are as follows:-
State | Number of Projects | EWS Houses | Project Cost (Rs. in Cr) | Central Assistance (Rs. in Cr) |
Assam | 33 | 12,171 | 338.82 | 182.57 |
Bihar | 12 | 13,165 | 752.68 | 197.48 |
Chhattisgarh | 50 | 6,231 | 193.89 | 93.47 |
Gujarat | 75 | 13,724 | 893.34 | 205.86 |
Jharkhand | 38 | 19,333 | 700.05 | 290.00 |
Maharashtra | 51 | 25,241 | 1,919.77 | 378.62 |
Meghalaya | 15 | 2,422 | 93.46 | 36.33 |
Nagaland | 15 | 2,983 | 118.15 | 44.75 |
Tamil Nadu | 85 | 18,054 | 1,015.78 | 270.81 |
Uttar Pradesh | 373 | 1,37,769 | 5,347.26 | 2,066.54 |
Total | 747 | 2,51,093 | 11,373.20 | 3,766.40 |
In CSMC 44th meeting, a total number of 747 projects have been approved in 10 states across BLC / AHP / ISSR verticals. The total project cost is Rs. 11,373.20 crore with central assistance of Rs. 3,766.40 crore. The cumulative number of pucca houses sanctioned by the central govt. now reaches nearly 84 lakh under PMAY Urban Housing Scheme. The total number of projects approved so far under PMAY U is now 17,253.
Central govt. is going to construct these new houses in 10 states namely Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tamilnadu, Uttar Pradesh.
CSMC 43rd Meeting – 5.6 Lakh More Houses in Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has approved 5.60 lakh (5,60,695) more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban Component. Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee has taken this decision in CSMC 43rd meeting held on 25 February 2019. The number of houses approved (state-wise) under PMAY Urban in the 43rd CSMC meeting held on 25 February 2019 are as follows:-
State Name | Houses Sanctioned under PMAY Urban (U) |
Uttar Pradesh | 1,79,215 |
Andhra Pradesh | 1,10,618 |
Maharashtra | 1,01,220 |
Karnataka | 48,729 |
Madhya Pradesh | 26,587 |
Gujarat | 25,861 |
Manipur | 13,715 |
Tamil Nadu | 12,174 |
Bihar | 10,084 |
Odisha | 7,472 |
Chattisgarh | 7,067 |
Kerala | 4,194 |
Haryana | 4,019 |
Rajasthan | 3,601 |
Jharkhand | 2,165 |
Assam | 1,419 |
Meghalaya | 1,397 |
Puducherry | 1,158 |
Total (17 states & 1 UT) | 5,60,695 |
In CSMC 43rd meeting, a total number of 1,243 projects have been approved in 18 states/UT across BLC / AHP / ISSR verticals. The total project cost is Rs. 33,873 crore with central assistance of Rs. 8,404 crore. The cumulative number of pucca houses sanctioned by the central govt. now reaches over 79.04 lakh under PMAY Urban Housing Scheme. The total number of projects approved so far under PMAY U is now 16,506.
Central govt. is going to construct these new houses in 17 states namely Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Manipur, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Odisha, Chattisgarh, Kerala, Haryana, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Assam, Meghalaya along with 1 UT Puducherry.
CSMC 42nd Meeting – 4.78 Lakh More Houses in Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has sanctioned 4.78 lakh (4,78,670) more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban. Central sanctioning & monitoring committee has taken this decision in CSMC 42nd meeting held on 30 January 2019. The important features and highlights of decisions taken in 42nd CSMC meeting held on 30 January 2019 are as follows:-
State Name | Houses Sanctioned under PMAY Urban (U) |
Andhra Pradesh | 1,05,956 |
West Bengal | 1,02,895 |
Uttar Pradesh | 91,689 |
Tamil Nadu | 68,110 |
Madhya Pradesh | 35,377 |
Kerala | 25,059 |
Maharashtra | 17,817 |
Odisha | 12,290 |
Bihar | 10,269 |
Uttarakhand | 9,208 |
Total (10 states) | 4,78,670 |
In CSMC 42nd meeting, a total number of 940 projects in 10 states have been approved. The total project cost is Rs. 22,492 crore with central assistance of Rs. 7,180 crore. The total number of pucca houses sanctioned by the Union govt. reaches over 72.66 lakh under PMAY Urban Housing Scheme.
Central govt. is going to construct these new houses in 10 states namely Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha, Bihar and Uttarkhand.
CSMC 41st Meeting – 3.10 Lakh More Houses in Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) sanctions 3.10 lakh more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U). Central sanctioning & monitoring committee has taken this decision in CSMC 41st meeting held on 27 December 2018. The important features and highlights of decisions taken in 41st CSMC meeting held on 27 December 2018 are as follows:-
Name of State | Number of Houses under PMAY Urban (U) |
Uttar Pradesh | 1,08,135 |
Karnataka | 1,05,502 |
Andhra Pradesh | 57,433 |
Odisha | 21,894 |
Gujarat | 17,633 |
In CSMC 41st meeting, a total number of 864 projects in 5 states under BLC, AHP & ISSR verticals have been approved. The project cost of Rs. 14,662 crore and central assistance of Rs. 4,658 crore has been approved. The approvals under the Beneficiary led construction (BLC) vertical is 1,91,556 while it is 1,18,941 under Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP)vertical.
The total number of pucca houses sanctioned by the govt. now reaches over 68.5 Lakh under PMAY urban housing scheme. Central govt. will construct these new houses in 5 states namely Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra pradesh, Odisha & Gujarat.
CSMC 40th Meeting – 2.05 Lakh More Houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) sanctions 2.05 lakh more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U). Central sanctioning & monitoring committee has taken this decision in CSMC 40th meeting held on 29 November 2018. The important features and highlights of decisions taken in 40th CSMC meeting are as follows:-
Name of State | Number of Houses under PMAY Urban (U) | Central Assistance | Total central assistance under PMAY U | Investment Approved in CSMC 40th meeting | Cumulative Investment Approved for the state so far | Projects under BLC vertical | Cumulative number of projects under PMAY U |
Jammu & Kashmir | 15,334 | Rs. 230.01 crore | Rs. 572.12 crore | Rs. 817.43 crore | Rs. 1840.95 crore | 94 (15,334 houses) | 209 (34,439 houses) |
Tamil Nadu | 15,529 | Rs. 232.94 crore | Rs. 8128.15 crore | Rs. 678.94 crore | Rs. 23,648.39 crore | 55 (15,529 houses) | 2,166 (5,33,641 houses) |
Maharashtra | 1,16,042 | Rs. 1740.63 crore | Rs. 10,755.29 crore | Rs. 3053.19 crore | Rs. 42,787.17 crore | 61 (1,16,042 houses) | 461 (7,50,966 houses) |
Karnataka | 31,657 | Rs. 474.86 crore | Rs. 6,487.56 crore | Rs. 1296.90 crore | Rs. 21,658.89 crore | 158 (31,657 houses) | 1,256 (4,08,822 houses) |
Bihar | 26,880 | Rs. 403.20 crore | Rs. 3,609.52 crore | Rs. 1544.39 crore | Rs. 11,518.92 crore | 24 (26,880 houses) | 341 (2,31,692 houses) |
In CSMC 40th meeting, a total number of 392 projects with a project cost of Rs 7,391 crore and central assistance of Rs 3,086 crore has been approved. The approvals under the Beneficiary led construction (BLC) vertical is 85,227 while it is 1,20,215 under Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP)vertical.
The total number of pucca houses sanctioned by the govt. now reaches over 65,04,037 lakh till date under PMAY urban housing scheme. Central govt. will construct these new houses in 5 states namely Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Karnataka & Bihar.
CSMC 39th Meeting – 2.15 Lakh More Houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) sanctions 2.15 lakh more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U). Central sanctioning & monitoring committee has taken this decision in CSMC 39th meeting held on 30 October 2018. The important features and highlights of decisions taken in 39th CSMC meeting are as follows:-
Name of State | Number of Houses under PMAY Urban (U) |
Uttar Pradesh | 50,271 |
Andhra Pradesh | 41,707 |
Maharashtra | 20,499 |
West Bengal | 1,00,704 |
Nagaland | 1425 |
Dadra & Nagar Haveli | 477 |
In CSMC 39th meeting, a total of 334 projects with a project cost of Rs 8,559 crore and central assistance of Rs 3,226 crore has been approved. The approvals under the Beneficiary led construction (BLC) vertical is 2,00,303 and under Affordable housing in partnership (AHP) vertical is 14,780.
The total number of pucca houses sanctioned by the govt. now reaches nearly 62.53 lakh till date under PMAY urban housing scheme. Modi led NDA govt. is going to construct these new houses in 5 states namely Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Nagaland & 1 Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli.
CSMC 38th Meeting – 6.28 Lakh More Houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has sanctioned 6.28 lakh more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U). Central sanctioning & monitoring committee has taken this decision in CSMC 38th meeting held on 27 September 2018. The important features and highlights of decisions taken in 38th CSMC meeting are as follows:-
Name of State | Number of Houses under PMAY Urban (U) |
Uttar Pradesh | 2,34,879 |
Andhra Pradesh | 1,40,559 |
Madhya Pradesh | 74,631 |
Bihar | 50,017 |
Chhattisgarh | 30,371 |
Gujarat | 29,185 |
Tamil Nadu | 20,794 |
Maharashtra | 22,265 |
Odisha | 13,421 |
Tripura | 9,778 |
Manipur | 2,588 |
The total number of pucca houses sanctioned by the govt. after subsuming projects of Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) now reaches around 60 lakh under PMAY urban housing scheme. Modi govt. will construct these new houses in 11 states of Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Tamilnadu, Odisha, Tripura and Manipur.
CSMC 37th Meeting – 1.12 Lakh More Houses Sanctioned under PMAY Urban
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has sanctioned 1.12 lakh more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY U). Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee has taken this decision in CSMC 37th Meeting held on 24 August 2018. The important features and highlights of decisions taken in 37th CSMC meeting are as follows:-
State | Number of Houses under PMAY Urban (U) |
Andhra Pradesh | 37,719 |
Haryana | 19,858 |
Madhya Pradesh | 18,375 |
Maharashtra | 12,238 |
Chhattisgarh | 10,632 |
Karnataka | 8,761 |
Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) | 4,442 |
Arunachal Pradesh | 188 |
The total number of pucca houses sanctioned by the govt. after subsuming projects of Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) now reaches around 54.95 lakh under PMAY Urban Housing scheme. Modi Govt. will construct these new houses in 8 states of Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, J&K and Arunachal Pradesh.
CSMC 36th Meeting – 2.67 Lakh More Houses under PM Awas Yojana Urban
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has now sanctioned 2.67 lakh more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U). Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee has taken this decision in CSMC 36th Meeting held on 24 July 2018. The highlights of decision of 36th meeting of Central Sanctioning And Monitoring Committee (CSMC) are as follows:-
State | Number of Houses under PMAY Urban (U) |
Madhya Pradesh | 59,421 |
Gujarat | 55,296 |
Maharashtra | 52,935 |
Uttar Pradesh | 36,370 |
West Bengal | 26,604 |
Bihar | 15,924 |
Rajasthan | 8,600 |
Chhattisgarh | 7,961 |
Punjab | 2,442 |
Uttarakhand | 1,993 |
Modi Govt. will construct these new houses in 10 states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Rajasthan, Punjab, Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand. Central govt. has sanctioned 2,67,546 more affordable houses this time in 36th CSMC meeting held on 24 July 2018. After subsuming projects of Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) Scheme, the total tally of houses moves up to 53,74,306 houses.
CSMC 35th Meeting – 3.19 Lakh More Houses under PMAY-U
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs sanctions 3.19 lakh more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban). Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee (CSMC) has concluded 35th Meeting on 25 June 2018. The highlights of decision of 35th meeting of Central Sanctioning And Monitoring Committee (CSMC) are as follows:-
State | Component of PMAY Urban (U) | Number of Projects | EWS Houses (Nos) | Project Cost | Central Assistance |
Chhattisgarh | AHP | 12 | 6,749 | 313.35 crore | 101.24 crore |
BLC | 81 | 7,140 | 219.46 crore | 107.10 crore | |
93 | 13,889 | 532.81 crore | 208.34 crore | ||
Daman & Diu | BLC | 2 | 203 | 6.68 crore | 3.05 crore |
2 | 203 | 6.68 crore | 3.05 crore | ||
Maharashtra | ISSR | 3 | 2,00,310 | 4,006.20 crore | 2,003.10 crore |
AHP | 13 | 36,904 | 1,044.54 crore | 553.56 crore | |
BLC | 26 | 11,146 | 677.67 crore | 167.19 crore | |
42 | 2,48,360 | 5,728.41 crore | 2,723.85 crore | ||
Puducherry | BLC | 4 | 1,580 | 66.36 crore | 23.70 crore |
4 | 1,580 | 66.36 crore | 23.70 crore | ||
Rajasthan | AHP | 2 | 808 | 67.10 crore | 12.12 crore |
BLC | 41 | 20,375 | 888.35 crore | 305.63 crore | |
BLC | 32 | 10,121 | 287.85 crore | 151.82 crore | |
75 | 31,304 | 1,243.30 crore | 469.56 crore | ||
Tamil Nadu | AHP | 19 | 4,985 | 554.97 crore | 74.78 crore |
BLC | 73 | 18,579 | 559.95 crore | 278.69 crore | |
92 | 23,564 | 1,114.92 crore | 353.46 crore | ||
Total ISSR | 3 | 2,00,310 | 4,006.20 crore | 2,003.10 crore | |
Total AHP | 46 | 49,446 | 1979.97 crore | 741.69 crore | |
Total BLC | 259 | 69,144 | 2,706.32 crore | 1,037.16 crore | |
Grand Total | 308 | 3,18,900 | 8,692.48 crore | 3,781.95 crore |
Now govt. will invest Rs. 8,692 crore with central assistance of Rs. 3,782 crore. The total tally of pucca houses now reaches around 51.06 lakh under PMAY Urban Housing scheme. Govt. will construct these new houses across 308 projects in 6 States / UTs of Chhattisgarh, Daman and Diu, Maharashtra, Puducherry, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu.
CSMC 34th Meeting – 1.5 Lakh More Houses under PMAY Urban
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has sanctioned 1.5 lakh more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban). Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) has concluded its 34th Meeting and decides that govt. will invest Rs. 7,277 crore including central assistance of Rs. 2,209 crore. The highlights of decision of 34th meeting of CSMC are as follows:-
Name of State | Number of Affordable Houses | Number of Cities & Towns | Total Investment | Central Assistance |
Andhra Pradesh | 56,512 houses | 22 | Rs. 3,184 crore | Rs. 848 crore |
Uttar Pradesh | 23,060 houses | 110 | Rs. 870 crore | Rs. 346 crore |
Madhya Pradesh | 17,920 houses | 32 | Rs. 730 crore | Rs. 269 crore |
Jharkhand | 14,526 houses | 26 | Rs. 1,075 crore | Rs. 209 crore |
Maharashtra | 13,506 houses | 15 | Rs. 643 crore | Rs. 201 crore |
Chattisgarh | 7,615 houses | 61 | Rs. 234 crore | Rs. 114 crore |
Rajasthan | 6,576 houses | 30 | Rs. 285 crore | Rs. 99 crore |
Odisha | 4,849 houses | 20 | Rs. 146 crore | Rs. 73 crore |
Punjab | 1,909 houses | 48 | Rs. 71 crore | Rs. 28 crore |
Assam | 1,520 houses | 6 | Rs. 39 crore | Rs. 23 crore |
Total | 1,47,993 houses | 370 | Rs. 7,277 crore | Rs. 2209 crore |
Accordingly, the total tally of pucca houses now reaches around 47.52 lakh under this PMAY Urban Housing scheme. As per the decision, govt. will construct these new houses in 370 towns & cities of Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Odisha, Punjab & Assam.
CSMC 32 Meeting – 3.21 lakh more affordable houses under PMAY U
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has approved the construction of 3.21 lakh more affordable houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban). Central govt. has sanctioned total number of 3,21,567 houses in the 32nd meeting of Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC). The highlights of decision of 32nd meeting of CSMC are as follows:-
Name of State | Number of Affordable Houses | Number of Cities & Towns | Total Investment | Central Assistance |
West Bengal | 70,671 houses | 55 | Rs. 7,261 crore | Rs. 1,060 crore |
Chhattisgarh | 59,929 houses | 86 | Rs. 2,431 crore | Rs. 899 crore |
Rajasthan | 54,821 houses | 48 | Rs. 2,519 crore | Rs. 822 crore |
Uttar Pradesh | 39,683 houses | 121 | Rs. 1,059 crore | Rs. 595 crore |
Gujarat | 35,851 houses | 19 | Rs. 2,204 crore | Rs. 467 crore |
Mizoram | 15,798 houses | 16 | Rs. 316 crore | Rs. 237 crore |
Karnataka | 11,941 houses | 58 | Rs. 605 crore | Rs. 179 crore |
Maharashtra | 10,639 houses | 15 | Rs. 863 crore | Rs. 156 crore |
Madhya Pradesh | 5,426 houses | 11 | Rs. 289 crore | Rs. 81 crore |
Bihar | 8,514 houses | 10 | Rs. 388 crore | Rs. 122 crore |
Kerala | 5,073 houses | 32 | Rs. 203 crore | Rs. 76 crore |
Himachal Pradesh | 3,345 houses | 41 | Rs. 55 crore | Rs. 50 crore |
Punjab | 176 houses | 1 | Rs. 9 crore | Rs. 2.7 crore |
Goa | 60 houses | 10 | Rs. 2.43 crore | |
Total | 3,21,567 houses | 523 | Rs. 18,203 crore | Rs. 4,752 crore |
CSMC in its 32nd Meeting decides that govt. would invest Rs. 18,203 crore which includes central assistance of Rs. 4,752 crore. Accordingly, the total tally of pucca houses now reaches around 43.87 lakh under this PMAY Urban Housing scheme. As per the decision, govt. will construct these new houses in 523 cities of Haryana, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Mizoram, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab & Goa.
CSMC 31st Meeting – 1.28 lakh more affordable houses under PMAY U
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has given approval to construct 1.28 lakh More Affordable Houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban). The important points of the decision taken in the 31st meeting of Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee are stated below in the table:-
State Name | No. of Affordable Houses | No. of Cities & Towns | Investment | Central Assistance |
Haryana | 62,451 houses | 33 | Rs. 6,844 crore | Rs. 937 crore |
Chhattisgarh | 28,029 houses | 54 | Rs. 1,151 crore | Rs. 420 crore |
Uttar Pradesh | 36,056 houses | 95 | Rs. 1,287 crore | Rs. 541 crore |
Puducherry | 1,973 houses | 2 | Rs. 83 crore | Rs. 30 crore |
Total | 1,28,509 houses | 84 | Rs. 9,365 crore | Rs. 1,928 crore |
Accordingly, CSMC in its 31st Meeting decides that govt. will make an investment of Rs. 9,365 crore including central assistance of Rs. 1,928 crore. Central govt. has sanctioned total number of 1,28,509 houses in the 31st meeting of Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee. Accordingly, the total tally of pucca houses under this PMAY Urban Housing scheme has reached around 40.57 lakh. As per the decision, govt. will construct new houses in 184 cities of Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Puducherry (UT).
CSMC 30th Meeting – 1.86 Lakh More Houses Sanctioned under PMAY Urban
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has approved the construction of 1.86 lakh more affordable houses under PMAY Urban. Accordingly, govt. will make an investment of Rs. 11,169 crore which will include central assistance of Rs. 2,797 crore. The complete details of the decision taken in the 30th meeting of Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee are as follows:-
State | Number of Affordable Houses | No. of Cities & Towns | Investment | Central Assistance |
Haryana | 53,290 houses | 38 | Rs. 4,322 crore | Rs. 799 crore |
Tamil Nadu | 40,623 houses | 65 | Rs. 2,314 crore | Rs. 609 crore |
Karnataka | 32,656 houses | 95 | Rs. 1,461 crore | Rs. 490 crore |
Gujarat | 15,584 houses | 45 | Rs. 946 crore | Rs. 234 crore |
Maharashtra | 12,123 houses | 13 | Rs. 868 crore | Rs. 182 crore |
Kerala | 9,461 houses | 52 | Rs. 284 crore | Rs. 142 crore |
Uttarakhand | 6,226 houses | 57 | Rs. 258 crore | Rs. 93 crore |
Orissa | 5,133 houses | 26 | Rs. 156 crore | Rs. 77 crore |
Total | 1,86,777 houses | Rs. 11,169 crore | Rs. 2,797 crore |
The total number / tally of pucca houses under this Urban Housing scheme has reached around 39.25 lakh. According to the decision, govt. will build new houses in Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala, Uttarakhand and Orissa. After the final approval of CSMC, the total number of houses under PMAY (U) will reach up to 37.83 lakh. Furthermore after subsuming projects of Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) Scheme, the total tally moves up to 39.25 lakh houses.
CSMC 29th Meeting – 5.45 lakh more affordable houses under PMAY U
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has approved the construction of 5,45,090 Affordable Houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U). Central government approves an investment of Rs. 31,003 crore including central assistance of Rs. 8,107 crore. Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) took this decision in the 29th meeting held on 27 December 2017. The complete details of the govt. order to sanction more affordable houses are as follows:-
State | Number of Affordable Houses | No. of Cities & Towns | Investment | Central Assistance |
Andhra Pradesh | 1,42,447 houses | 31 | Rs. 9,919 crore | Rs. 2,137 crore |
Uttar Pradesh | 1,20,645 houses | 282 | Rs. 5,076 crore | Rs. 1,810 crore |
Karnataka | 1,18,646 houses | 65 | Rs. 6,870 crore | Rs. 1,780 crore |
Madhya Pradesh | 1,00,341 houses | 165 | Rs. 4,232 crore | Rs. 1,505 crore |
Jharkhand | 30,486 houses | 31 | Rs. 3,837 crore | Rs. 388 crore |
Chhattisgarh | 29,703 houses | 124 | Rs. 911 crore | Rs. 446 crore |
Arunachal Pradesh | 2,822 houses | 6 | Rs. 157 crore | Rs. 42 crore |
Total | 5,45,090 houses | Rs. 31,003 crore | Rs. 8,107 crore |
As per the decision, govt. will build new houses in Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Arunachal Pradesh. Moreover after the final approval from CSMC, the total number of houses under PMAY-HFA (U) will become 36,00,819. Furthermore, the total number of houses funded under PMAY (U) will increase to 37,42,667 houses after incorporation of houses under Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY Scheme).
Apply Online for New Houses Sanctioned in MoHUA CSMC Meeting
All the poor and deprived people belonging to various sections of the society can now apply online by filling Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Online Application Form. After subsuming projects of Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) Scheme, the total number of houses sanctioned for urban poor under PM Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U) is now more than 1.1 crore.
Visit the official website to get full details on Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban Housing Scheme.