Atal Bhujal Yojana 2025: Central Government has launched Atal Bhoojal Yojana for water conservation. This scheme will improve the existing condition of several water bodies of the country. The Atal Bhujal Yojana will help in raising the level of ground water to meet the needs of the agricultural sector. Central govt. has earmarked Rs. 6,000 crore to successfully implement this large project. Atal Bhujal Yojana will be implemented over a period of 5 years in identified areas in Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.
What is Atal Bhujal Yojana 2025
Atal Bhujal Yojana (ATAL JAL) is a Central Sector Scheme for facilitating sustainable ground water management with an outlay of Rs. 6000 crore. Out of this, Rs. 3,000 crore will be as loan from the World Bank and Rs. 3,000 crore as matching contribution from the Government of India (GoI).
Objectives of Atal Bhoojal Yojana
The scheme lays emphasis on community participation and demand side interventions for sustainable ground water management in identified water stressed areas in seven States of the country. The scheme also envisages improved source sustainability for Jal Jeevan Mission, positive contribution to the Government’s goal of ‘doubling farmers income’ and inculcating behavioral changes in the community to facilitate optimal water use.
Funds under Atal Bhujal Yojana
Funds under the scheme shall be provided to the states as grants-in-aid. The World Bank financing will be done under a new lending instrument, that is, Program for Results (PforR), wherein funds under the scheme will be disbursed from the World Bank to the GoI for disbursement to participating States based on achievement of pre-agreed results.
Atal Bhujal Yojana will raise the underwater level to provide pure and clean water for agriculture use to the farmers. Govt. will ensure revival of water bodies to properly supply groundwater and Ganga River Water for agricultural needs. All the people of rural and urban areas can take benefits of Atal Bhoojal Yojana.
Implementation of Atal Bhujal Yojana
Atal Bhujal Scheme is being taken up in 8353 water stressed Gram Panchayats of Haryana, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The details of area identified for implementation of the scheme are as below.
State | Districts | Blocks | GPs |
Gujarat | 6 | 24 | 1,816 |
Haryana | 13 | 36 | 1,895 |
Karnataka | 14 | 41 | 1,199 |
Madhya Pradesh | 5 | 9 | 678 |
Maharashtra | 13 | 35 | 1,339 |
Rajasthan | 17 | 22 | 876 |
Uttar Pradesh | 10 | 26 | 550 |
Total | 78 | 193 | 8353 |
Components of Atal Bhujal Yojana
The Scheme has two components under Atal Bhujal Yojana which are as follows:-
- Institutional Strengthening & Capacity Building component (Rs. 1,400 crore) for strengthening institutional arrangements for ground water governance by facilitating strong data base, scientific approach and community participation in ground water sector in the participating States to enable them sustainably manage their resources.
- Incentive Component (Rs. 4,600 crore) for incentivizing the States for achievement of pre-defined results with emphasis on community participation, demand management and convergence among various on-going schemes of the Central and State Governments and consequent improvement in ground water regime.
Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) for Incentive Amount
Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) have been identified on the basis of which the incentive amount will be disbursed. The five DLIs considered are:-
- Public disclosure of groundwater data/ information and reports (10% of incentive fund),
- Preparation of Community-led Water Security Plans (15% of incentive fund)
- Public financing of interventions through convergence of on-going schemes (20% of incentive fund)
- Adoption of practices for efficient water use (40% of incentive fund)
- Improvement in the rate of decline of groundwater levels (15% of incentive fund).
The incentive funds will be fungible and better performing States / areas will be eligible for additional funds.
Salient Features of Atal Bhujal Yojana
The important features and highlights of this scheme are as follows:-
Necessity – The level of ground water is reduced to its lowest level in the recent years because of extensive tapping across the country. Govt. has planned this scheme to conserve the water bodies which is an area of concern for the authorities.
Benefits – This scheme will help in reviving the water bodies. Moreover, the levels of ground water will also get improved especially in rural areas.
Beneficiaries – Govt. will implement this Atal Bhujal Yojana in identified areas in Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. All the people can then use underground water or water from Ganga river. Atal Bhoojal Scheme will provide more benefits to the people of rural areas as compared to the people in the urban areas.
Provisional Budget – Central govt. has allotted a budget of Rs. 6000 crore for this scheme and is now approved by the cabinet. Out of the total budget earmarked, Rs. 3000 Crore will be spent by the central government while rest Rs. 3000 Crore will be funded by the World Bank.
Central govt. has introduced this scheme to improve the ground water level of several water bodies across the country. This scheme will resolve the problems of getting ample water to satisfy the need of water for agricultural purposes.
You can also download Atal Bhujal Yojana PDF from or directly through the link –
अटल भूजल योजना 2025 in Hindi
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जी की 95वीं जयंती के अवसर पर अटल भूजल योजना (Atal Bhoojal Yojana ABY) की शुरुआत कर दी है। इस सरकारी योजना के अलावा पीएम मोदी ने अटल टनल (Central Govt. Water Conservation Scheme) का भी उद्घाटन किया। दिल्ली के विज्ञान भवन में हुए कार्यक्रम को संबोधित करते हुए पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी ने कहा कि आज भारत के दो रत्न अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी और मदन मोहन मालवीय जी का जन्म दिवस है हमे उनसे प्रेरणा लेनी चाहिए और उनकी शिक्षाओं को अपने आचरण में लाना चाहिए। इस साथ ही अटल भूजल के माध्यम से पानी बचाने के मंत्र भी दिए और बताया कि कैसे किसान, युवा, स्टार्टअप करने वाले लोग पानी बचाने के लिए अपना योगदान दे सकते हैं।
पीएम मोदी ने बताया की भारत देश के आजाद होने के बाद 70 सालों में सिर्फ 3 करोड़ घरों में ही पीने का शुद्ध पानी पहुंचा है, जिसको हमें अगले पांच सालों में तेज रफ्तार से आगे लेकर जाना है और यह कार्य बिना देश के नागरिकों के समर्थन के मुमकिन नहीं है। अभी हाल ही में स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर लाल किले से भाषण देते हुए पीएम जल जीवन मिशन (Atal Bhoojal Yojana – Water Conservation Scheme by Narendra Modi) की भी शुरुआत प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा की गई है। अपने भाषण के दौरान उन्होने चुटकी लेते हुए यह भी कहा की आज दिल्ली में पीने के पानी को लेकर काफी हंगामा हो रहा है जिसके लिए सरकार को हर संभव प्रयास करने चाहिए।
मज़ाक करते हुए उन्होने यह भी कहा की कल को हेडलाइन बनेगी ‘तीन लाख करोड़ पानी में’। पीएम ने कहा कि हर राज्य पानी के संरक्षण के लिए आगे आए और केंद्र सरकार पहले ही इस योजना पर काम शुरू कर चुकी है और सैटेलाइट से नज़र भी रखी जा रही है की कहाँ-कहाँ पानी के ताल, तालाब सूख रहे हैं।
अटल भूजल योजना | जल संरक्षण अभियान
अटल भूजल योजना (PM Modi Atal Bhoojal Abhiyaan – PMABY) को 12 दिसंबर को ही वर्ल्ड बैंक की ओर से मंजूरी मिल गयी थी। इस 6,000 करोड़ रुपये की लागत वाली परियोजना में 50 फीसदी हिस्सेदारी भारत सरकार की होगी, जबकि आधा हिस्सा वर्ल्ड बैंक की ओर से खर्च किया जाएगा। इस स्कीम के माध्यम से जल संकट से प्रभावित वाले राज्य जैसे की उत्तर प्रदेश, गुजरात, हरियाणा, कर्नाटक, मध्य प्रदेश, राजस्थान और महाराष्ट्र में लागू किया जाएगा। इन राज्यों का चयन भूजल की कमी, प्रदूषण और अन्य मानकों को ध्यान में रखते हुए किया गया है।
सरकार के दावों के अनुसार यह योजना (PMABY) किसानों की आय दोगुनी करने में मदद करेगी। इस योजना से 8,350+ गांवों को लाभ मिलेगा। सरकार के मुताबिक पानी की समस्या से निपटने के लिए अटल भूजल योजना पर पांच साल में 6,000 करोड़ रुपये का खर्च होगा।
- ग्राम पंचायत स्तर पर जल सुरक्षा के लिए काम किया जाएगा। भूजल के संरक्षण के लिए शैक्षणिक और संवाद कार्यक्रमों को संचालित किया जाएगा
- इस स्कीम में आम लोगों को भी शामिल किया जाएगा। वाटर यूजर एसोसिएशन, मॉनिटरिंग और भूजल की निकासी के डेटा संकलन की मदद से इस स्कीम को आगे बढ़ाया जाएगा।
अभी के लिए योजना को चयनित राज्यों में शुरू करने के निर्देश दे दिये गए हैं बाकि देखना है की जमीनी स्तर पर इसके कितने प्रभाव देखने को मिलते हैं।
PM Modi Atal Jal Yojana to Manage Ground Water Resources
Central government has launched PM Modi Atal Jal Yojana to manage groundwater resources. This Atal Bhujal Scheme would help in conserving water with an outlay of Rs. 6,000 crore. The need to start Atal Bhoojal Yojna is felt after 22% of assessed blocks in the country faces acute shortage of water. This scheme will ensure critical management of resources of water through multiple activities.
Atal Bhujal Yojana will be implemented in 8,350+ water stressed villages across 7 states. The name of states covered under Atal Jal Yojana are Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. This scheme would be implemented over a period of 5 years i.e from 2020-21 to 2024-25.
PM Atal Bhujal Scheme envisages active participation of communities in various activities to take care of demand side (through efficient use of water resources) management of water resources instead of only managing supply side (making available) of resources.
PM Atal Jal Yojana Activities
The activities under Atal Bhujal Yojana will include formation of water user associations, monitoring and disseminating groundwater data. Even the PM Modi Atal Jal Yojana will involve water budgeting, preparation and implementation of gram panchayat-wise water security plans. Moreover, central govt. will start awareness programmes related to sustainable groundwater management.
The implementation of Atal Jal Yojana is expected to benefit nearly 8,350+ gram panchayats in 78 districts of these 7 states. The Atal Bhujal Scheme will promote panchayat led groundwater management and behavioural change with primary focus on demand side management. Out of the total allotment of Rs. 6,000 crore, 50% of amount shall be in the form of World Bank loan and be repaid by the central government.
The remaining 50% assistance shall be through central assistance from regular budgetary support. The entire World Bank’s loan component and central assistance shall be passed on to the states as grants. The latest assessment of groundwater situation by Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) shows 1,499 (nearly 22%) out of 6,881 assessed units (blocks / mandals / taluks) came under over-exploited and critical categories taken together.
This means that the annual extraction of groundwater in those assessed units are more than annual replenishment (recharge). Currently, ground water contributes to 65% of total irrigated area of India and 85% of rural drinking water supply. The limited groundwater resources in the country are under threat due to increasing demands of growing population, urbanization and industrialisation.
As agricultural sector consumes substantial amount of water for irrigation, focus would be on water use efficiency. The govt. will now adopt improved cropping pattern and shift towards less water consuming crops in stressed regions) in this sector. Atal Jal Yojana aims to realize the vision of doubling farmers income, promote equitable use of groundwater resources and induce behavioural change at community level.
For more details, visit the official website at