CG Mukhyamantri Bal Sandarbh Yojana 2025 – Free Health Check-up & Medical Facility to Children

CG Mukhyamantri Bal Sandarbh Yojana 2025 is a child healthcare scheme being run by Chhattisgarh Government since 2009 to provide free medical check-up to children, check details here

CG Mukhyamantri Bal Sandarbh Yojana 2025 – Free Health Check-up & Medical Facility to Children

Mukhyamantri Bal Sandarbh Yojana is a healthcare scheme being run by Women and Child Development Department of Chhattisgarh Government. The scheme was started in in the state in 2009. The main objective of Mukhyamantri Bal Sandarbh Yojana is to provide health check-up and medical counseling facility to children suffering from severe malnutrition and other crisis. Under this scheme, two-day Sandarbh Diwas is organized in each development block for the health check-up of beneficiary children. Such check-ups costs up to Rs. 300 in private medical institutions.

According to the latest stats released by the department, the scheme has benefited over 8 Lakh children in past 7 years across the state. A total of 8,35,539 children have availed the health services between financial year 2012-13 to 2018-19.

Mukhyamantri Bal Sandarbh Yojana (मुख्यमंत्री बाल संदर्भ योजना) 2025

मुख्यमंत्री बाल संदर्भ योजना वर्ष 2009 से प्रारंभ की गई है।गंभीर कुपोषित बच्चों को कुपोषण के चक्र से बाहर लाकर कुपोषण की दर में कमी हेतु योजना का संचालन किया जा रहा है।योजना के तहत गंभीर कुपोषित एवं संकटग्रस्त बच्चों को चिकित्सकीय परीक्षण की सुविधा , चिकित्सक द्वारा लिखी गई दवाएं तथा आवश्यकतानुसार बाल रोग विशेषज्ञों की परामर्श की सुविधा उपलब्ध कराई जाती है।

Number of Beneficiary Children in Bal Sandarbh Yojana

मुख्यमंत्री बाल संदर्भ योजना अंतर्गत लाभान्वितों का विवरण निम्नानुसार है:-

क्रलाभान्वित वर्षलाभान्वित किये गये बच्चों की संख्या
1वर्ष 2012-13125755
2वर्ष 2013-1462054
3वर्ष 2014-15126751
4वर्ष 2015-16130425
5वर्ष 2016-17124926
6वर्ष 2017-18138389
7वर्ष 2018-19127239
Year Wise Stats of Beneficiary Children

Under the Mukhyamantri Bal Sandarbh Yojana, the government also provides medicines costing upto Rs. 500 to each beneficiary child as per the requirement and after the consultation by the medical officer.

Source / Reference Link:मुख्यमंत्री-बाल-संदर्भ-योजना

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